PS4 Bloodborne

rotem stoff?

falls doch "aura", dann zumindest ziemlich runtergeschraubt von dark souls 2
sieht stark nach red phantom aus

Bloodborne’s online features fully detailed

Sony Computer Entertainment Japan has updated the official Bloodborne japanese website with details on the game’s network features.


Up to three players can group up together online, with the objective being to defeat the boss in the area (guest players receive a word upon success).

A game is started when the host player uses the “Hunter Calling Bell” item to call other hunters. Likewise, the guest players use the “Resonant Bell” item to join another person’s game. Once connected, the host and guests play together in the host’s game instance.

A session will end if either the hosts or the guests die, or if a “Separating Shot” is used to retreat back to one’s own game. Matchmaking is done automatically, but passwords can be set to ensure the right players group together as needed. Passwords can be up to eight characters and are only used for co-op play.


Player-versus-Player, or PvP, matches are one-on-one bouts that take place in pre-determined areas. The player being invaded is the host, while the aggressor is the guest.

A match is started when the guest uses the “Ominous Resonant Bell” item to invade a user’s game. The host has either started a co-op session or used an Ominous Resonant Bell as well to trigger the appearance of a Bell Chiming Woman. The guest proceeds to invade the host’s game instance, where the two duke it out.

The rules are simple. The host can be invaded when they’re in areas with the Bell Chiming Women, who normally appear either as part of c-op play or when an Ominous Resonant Bell is used (though there are occasionally areas where she’s just present in general from the start), an guest can return back to their own game once they’ve defeated the host (or have been defeated by the host). Killing the host will grant them a reward.

A session will also end if the host enters a boss room, or if a Separating Shot is used to return the guest player to his own game.

Asynchronous Multiplayer

Blooborne also has asynchronous online element. Players can leave hints and messages for other players in other game worlds. Graves are erected where players have fallen in the game world, and touching them replays how they died. And players can see phantom images of other players running around in the same areas for a limited amount of time. So it’s essentially Demon’s Souls and Dark Souls in this area.

Chalice Dungeon

Chalice Dungeons are split into two types: normal and randomly generated. Both can be played offline and online, but random ones require connecting to the internet once in order to connect to a server and download data. Players’ Chalice Dungeons can be publicly accessible and shared online.


An update will go live on release day, which will include online optimizations, enhanced game performance and usability, and a few other things.

PlayStation Plus

Sony clarifies that PlayStation Plus is required for co-op and player-versus-player, but not required for downloading updates and getting the necessary data to generate a Chalice Dungeon.

Schaut echt fett aus. Endlich kommt die PS4 aus dem Quark und haut die großen Spiele raus.
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