Not sure about the half billion installed base, but I do think that console gaming is stronger than ever, people who look at packaged game sales are only seeing one side of the story. If you look at Sony's most successful console ever and the peak year of it (FY2002) they made ¥980bn in revenue and ¥112bn in operating profit in the games division. For the first two quarters this year the games division has already done ¥780bn in revenue and ¥72bn in operating profit, and this doesn't include the biggest sales quarter, Q3. Compared to the PS2 at the same stage in its lifecycle PS4 is bringing in double the revenue and 60% more operating income. I don't think there is any doubt left that console gaming is stronger than ever, not after these results. I think the reason people don't believe it is because they only ever get to see half of the picture, and that half is in decline (packaged retail sales).