The results of our study show that the influence of pixel density depends on the performed task. Perceived media quality differs for all three tasks. The results suggest that pixel density is particularly important for text related tasks. Only for the text task, participants rated all four presented pixel densities significantly different. In addition, perceived mental effort while performing the text related task differs significantly between the different pixel densities. This indicate sthat a higher pixel density and thereby a clearer font makes reading easier. In contrast, not all densities in the image task were rated significantly different. We found no differences between 359 PPI and 180 PPI, 180 PPI and 120 PPI, and between 120 PPI and 90 PPI. This indicates that the perceived differences of the visual quality for images did not vary as much as for text. Perceived video quality differs between pixel densities of 180 PPI, 120 PPI, and 90 PPI. However,perceived quality of the highest pixel density is only different compared to the lowest quality. This indicates that for video watching a higher quality might not be necessary.