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Suntiago schrieb:@ Darji
Zu dir und deiner Propaganda (häßliches Wort) sage ich nichts mehr ..
Captain Smoker schrieb:Leute, ich verstehe einfach nicht wie ihr euch schon mindestens ein Jahr lang so sehr die Köpfe einschlagen könnt, darüber,
ob jetzt die PS3-Spiele mehr Pixel haben als die 360 - Spiele und umgekehrt![]()
Darji schrieb:Nix scharm da man das ebenso wie Halo 3 oder The Getaway frei bewegen konnte. Es ist Realtime und in Lairs fall sogar Ingame. Und solltest du Factor 5 kennen, wüßtest du das es die Grafikgötter sind.
Darji schrieb:Nix scharm da man das ebenso wie Halo 3 oder The Getaway frei bewegen konnte. Es ist Realtime und in Lairs fall sogar Ingame. Und solltest du Factor 5 kennen, wüßtest du das es die Grafikgötter sind.
der wahr gutKnolli schrieb:Captain Smoker schrieb:Leute, ich verstehe einfach nicht wie ihr euch schon mindestens ein Jahr lang so sehr die Köpfe einschlagen könnt, darüber,
ob jetzt die PS3-Spiele mehr Pixel haben als die 360 - Spiele und umgekehrt![]()
...und sich im Endeffekt dann doch nen Wii zu kaufen![]()
Darji schrieb:Nur weil da kein MS Logo draufklebt glaubst du doch nur, das es nicht ingame ist. Es wurde mit freibewegbarer Kamera gezeigt wie dein achso tolles Halo das ebenfalls erst Mitte oder Ende 07 erscheint^^
My main mission in checking out Sony's launch titles was to check out how the games looked. Graphics is a kind of obsession of mine. I'm looking for that console with perfect animation. The PlayStation 3 isn't perfect in this regard. But it's pretty darn good looking.
If you'll recall, Microsoft had high hopes that Sony's first-generation games would look cruddy. Sony had given so little time to developers to work with the development kits that, the theory went, developers would not have enough time to make games. One developer I spoke with said that developing for the PS 3 is harder than for the Xbox 360. He said that everything came in late and many companies had harsh deadlines. Electronic Arts had nine months to do Fight Night Round 3 for the PS 3. The companies that are repurposing Xbox 360 games are having an easier time getting done for launch.
But the evidence we saw this week shows that the PS 3 games are looking good, even for first-generation games. Julian Eggebrecht, head of former Nintendo developer Factor 5, says that Sony really came through with the development kits. Kaz Hirai noted there are 10,000 dev kits seeded among developers now. By and large, the games I saw looked BETTER than Xbox 360 games. Not all were great. Not all were demonstrably better. Not all are worth the price difference of the consoles. But the developers seem to be doing well. Now we'll see how many of these 21 titles in the "launch window" actually show up for launch. I can't yet definitively answer the question about whether Sony's games are going to look so much better than Microsoft's that they are worth the extra cost
Resistance: Fall of Man: I've already said this title is the must-have on the PS 3. It looks better than any shooter on a console so far. I'll have to get a good look at Gears of War to see which one really looks better. Gears of War offers the best chance for the 360 to match what a PS 3 title can do in terms of graphics. But Ted Price pointed out to me that Resistance is authored in 720P resolution, the same resolution as many Xbox 360 games. It is not authored in 1080P, although it can be "scaled" to that resolution. Price said that this title needed to take advantage of all the RAM in the box, and 1080P would have eaten that up. So Gears of War really does have a chance at matching Resistance and how it looks.
Klar besonders COD 3 das sogar auf Xbox seiten bestätigt, das es auf der PS3 besser aussieht^^Poste lieber Ingame Material der Spiele die nun erscheinen für die PS3 am Launchtag.... achja waren ja fast alle Multi und sehen auf der Xbox360 besser aus laut vielen Quellen...
Darji schrieb:Oh man wie oft noch. Das TGS Video war nur dazu da, um Gameplay zu zeigen nicht mehr.
Klar besonders COD 3 das sogar auf Xbox seiten bestätigt, das es auf der PS3 besser aussieht^^Poste lieber Ingame Material der Spiele die nun erscheinen für die PS3 am Launchtag.... achja waren ja fast alle Multi und sehen auf der Xbox360 besser aus laut vielen Quellen...
Darji schrieb:Dazu mal dieses Preview^^
My main mission in checking out Sony's launch titles was to check out how the games looked. Graphics is a kind of obsession of mine. I'm looking for that console with perfect animation. The PlayStation 3 isn't perfect in this regard. But it's pretty darn good looking.
If you'll recall, Microsoft had high hopes that Sony's first-generation games would look cruddy. Sony had given so little time to developers to work with the development kits that, the theory went, developers would not have enough time to make games. One developer I spoke with said that developing for the PS 3 is harder than for the Xbox 360. He said that everything came in late and many companies had harsh deadlines. Electronic Arts had nine months to do Fight Night Round 3 for the PS 3. The companies that are repurposing Xbox 360 games are having an easier time getting done for launch.
But the evidence we saw this week shows that the PS 3 games are looking good, even for first-generation games. Julian Eggebrecht, head of former Nintendo developer Factor 5, says that Sony really came through with the development kits. Kaz Hirai noted there are 10,000 dev kits seeded among developers now. By and large, the games I saw looked BETTER than Xbox 360 games. Not all were great. Not all were demonstrably better. Not all are worth the price difference of the consoles. But the developers seem to be doing well. Now we'll see how many of these 21 titles in the "launch window" actually show up for launch. I can't yet definitively answer the question about whether Sony's games are going to look so much better than Microsoft's that they are worth the extra cost
Resistance: Fall of Man: I've already said this title is the must-have on the PS 3. It looks better than any shooter on a console so far. I'll have to get a good look at Gears of War to see which one really looks better. Gears of War offers the best chance for the 360 to match what a PS 3 title can do in terms of graphics. But Ted Price pointed out to me that Resistance is authored in 720P resolution, the same resolution as many Xbox 360 games. It is not authored in 1080P, although it can be "scaled" to that resolution. Price said that this title needed to take advantage of all the RAM in the box, and 1080P would have eaten that up. So Gears of War really does have a chance at matching Resistance and how it looks.
Soviel dazu und dem Gerücht das PS3 Entwickler lange Zeit hatten^^
Suntiago schrieb:das sieht mal wieder ganz anders aus wie deine "Ingame" Videos... soviel dazu und wieweit andere Titel grafisch abbauen oder sich grafisch verbessern die 2007-2008 erscheinen möchte ich jetzt nicht diskutieren , also komm mal mit vernünftigen vergleichen immerhin ist ein Gears of War realität , es kommt am 17. November ein BD ist auch realität und kommt am 08.12 und ein Lost odyssey ist auch spielbare Realität...
Suntiago schrieb:Also MGS, Warhawk , Motorstorm , Lair , Tekken usw alle haben grafisch abgenommen , das soll nicht heissen das ein Motorstorm schlecht aussieht , nein MS sieht sogar richtig gut aus aber jetzt so ein wow Effekt kommt da nicht rüber.. leider hat Sony zuviel versprochen..
Der Mann wird von Sony bestimmt bezahlt so einen Müll zu verbreitenMell@ce schrieb:Darji schrieb:Dazu mal dieses Preview^^
My main mission in checking out Sony's launch titles was to check out how the games looked. Graphics is a kind of obsession of mine. I'm looking for that console with perfect animation. The PlayStation 3 isn't perfect in this regard. But it's pretty darn good looking.
If you'll recall, Microsoft had high hopes that Sony's first-generation games would look cruddy. Sony had given so little time to developers to work with the development kits that, the theory went, developers would not have enough time to make games. One developer I spoke with said that developing for the PS 3 is harder than for the Xbox 360. He said that everything came in late and many companies had harsh deadlines. Electronic Arts had nine months to do Fight Night Round 3 for the PS 3. The companies that are repurposing Xbox 360 games are having an easier time getting done for launch.
But the evidence we saw this week shows that the PS 3 games are looking good, even for first-generation games. Julian Eggebrecht, head of former Nintendo developer Factor 5, says that Sony really came through with the development kits. Kaz Hirai noted there are 10,000 dev kits seeded among developers now. By and large, the games I saw looked BETTER than Xbox 360 games. Not all were great. Not all were demonstrably better. Not all are worth the price difference of the consoles. But the developers seem to be doing well. Now we'll see how many of these 21 titles in the "launch window" actually show up for launch. I can't yet definitively answer the question about whether Sony's games are going to look so much better than Microsoft's that they are worth the extra cost
Resistance: Fall of Man: I've already said this title is the must-have on the PS 3. It looks better than any shooter on a console so far. I'll have to get a good look at Gears of War to see which one really looks better. Gears of War offers the best chance for the 360 to match what a PS 3 title can do in terms of graphics. But Ted Price pointed out to me that Resistance is authored in 720P resolution, the same resolution as many Xbox 360 games. It is not authored in 1080P, although it can be "scaled" to that resolution. Price said that this title needed to take advantage of all the RAM in the box, and 1080P would have eaten that up. So Gears of War really does have a chance at matching Resistance and how it looks.
Soviel dazu und dem Gerücht das PS3 Entwickler lange Zeit hatten^^
Was willst Du uns damit jetzt sagen?
Das GOW besser aussieht als Resistance und es dort noch einmal bestätigt wird. Wussten wir doch schon lange
Zum Rest.
Ziemlich viel Bullshit.
Zum tausendsten Mal. Die Entwickler hatten schon viel früher PS3-DEV-Kits die vom Prinzip die fertige Hardware beinhalteten. Mit der Verschiebung hatten sie auch länger Zeit als jeder 360ger Entwickler für seine Spiele.
Ich versteh echt nicht wieso da soviel Mist drin steht.
EA hatte also nur 9Monate Zeit für die Entwicklung von FN3 bei der PS3?
LOL, was ist denn hier los.
FN3 wurde schon auf der E3 200[5] gezeigt und zwar nur für die PS3. Des weiteren hat EA auch schon seit Ende 2004 Betakits. Weiterhin haben sie mal locker ein Jahr länger Zeit als für die 360 Version. Ich frage mich echt, was der gute Mann da sich aus den Fingern saugt.