The Last Remnant
Spring 2008 - Next Generation Consoles - 1 Player RPG
One thousand years ago humanity came into contact with Remnants. These magical fragments of a bygone era were once used to promote peace across the world. Soon, as the rift grew between those who ruled and those who obeyed, the remnants ceased being instruments of balance, and instead became paths to immeasurable power. Where once there had been peace, only bloodshed remained.
- Released simultaneously in U.S. and Japan
-Two prominent characters each created to appeal to a specific territory. Rush Sykes will appeal to JP gamers, and "The Conqueror" for Western Audiences. Game won't force you to choose which character you play.
- Remnants vary in size and can take the form of machines, beasts, and weapons.
- 4 races revealed: Mitra (humans), Yama (Large fish-like beings), Qsiti (small humanoid lizards), Sovanni (four armed cat like creatures)
- Battle System will not be passive and will include QTEs in certain instances. Fights still take place in a turn based frame work.
- This is the first UE3 game SE will be releasing. Graphics look great so no worries there.