2.Konsolen Verkaufszahlen aus USA/Kanada

Nicht offen für weitere Antworten.
Ey alda, das geht so hammer ab ey! EA und so, die machen the fucking shit klar, alda. Brauchst nimmer warten, da geht voll der Krampf ab ey, MS bombt Sony so was von tot ey, die Unterschiede krass ohne Ende! Scheiße Sony voll verkackt MS ownt die US-Market! Fuck ohne Ende! Sony Hosen an? Alda, laß stecken, MS hat die Hosen an ey, können das Dings jederzeit auf 50 fucking Dollar runterdrücken, scheiße, kann kein fucking Junky ablehnen so n geilen Shit ey!
Du solltest deine tägliche Bushido Dosis absetzen. Ich bin zwar kein Arzt, aber die Sympome erkennt ein Blinder ;-)
Die US Softwareverkäufe von VGCharts für die letze Woche sind da:

1 Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock Activision 1 798,671 798,671 XBox360
2 Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock Activision 1 271,053 271,053 Wii
3 Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock Activision 1 254,596 254,596 PS2
4 Wii Sports Nintendo 50 146,934 5,873,149 Wii
5 Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock Activision 1 113,040 113,040 PS3
6 Halo 3 Microsoft 6 88,586 4,135,051 XBox360
7 TimeShift Vivendi 1 78,195 78,195 XBox360
8 Wii Play Nintendo 38 77,184 2,710,566 Wii
9 Naruto: Rise of a Ninja Ubisoft 1 71,233 71,233 XBox360
10 Manhunt 2 Take 2 1 57,894 57,894 PS2
11 Manhunt 2 Take 2 1 51,371 51,371 Wii
12 The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass Nintendo 5 50,471 518,375 DS
13 The Simpsons Game EA 1 47,685 47,685 XBox360
14 Ace Combat 6 Namco 2 45,089 156,145 XBox360
15 Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction Sony 2 44,548 141,603 PS3
16 Virtua Fighter 5 Sega 1 38,122 38,122 XBox360
17 Dementium: The Ward Gamecock 1 36,112 36,112 DS
18 Star Wars Battlefront: Renegade Squadron LucasArts 4 35,720 161,479 PSP
19 Motorstorm Sony 35 35,423 675,988 PS3
20 Half-Life 2: The Orange Box EA 4 33,211 423,587 XBox360
21 More Brain Training Nintendo 11 28,043 469,500 DS
22 Stranglehold Midway 1 27,099 27,099 PS3
23 Pokemon Diamond / Pearl Nintendo 28 27,035 3,832,586 DS
24 Battalion Wars 2 Nintendo 1 26,133 26,133 Wii
25 Naruto: Clash of the Ninja Revolution D3 Publisher 2 23,662 56,756 Wii
26 Clive Barkers Jericho Codemasters 2 23,507 77,298 XBox360
27 The Simpsons Game EA 1 22,119 22,119 PS2
28 Madden NFL 08 EA 12 21,743 998,030 PSP
29 Mario Party 8 Nintendo 23 21,569 1,328,405 Wii
30 NBA 2K8 Take 2 5 21,451 217,847 XBox360
31 FIFA 08 EA 4 20,865 166,068 PS2
32 Eye of Judgement Sony 2 18,273 33,350 PS3
33 The Simpsons Game EA 1 18,199 18,199 PS2
34 Castlevania Dracula X Chronicles Konami 2 16,580 61,634 PSP
35 Nintendogs Nintendo 115 15,522 5,661,202 DS
36 Zack & Wiki: Quest for Barbaros Treasure Capcom 2 14,963 44,018 Wii
37 Daxter Sony 86 14,896 545,356 PSP
38 Madden NFL 08 EA 12 14,490 1,211,093 XBox360
39 The Simpsons Game EA 1 14,310 14,310 PS3
40 MySims EA 7 13,123 189,286 DS
41 EA Playground EA 2 12,618 30,266 Wii
42 Megaman ZX Advent Capcom 2 12,601 33,091 DS
43 Beautiful Katamari Namco 3 12,329 65,007 XBox360
44 Naruto: Path of the Ninja D3 Publisher 2 12,263 33,720 DS
45 Skate EA 8 12,113 276,160 XBxo360
46 Flash Focus: Vision Training in Minutes a Day Nintendo 3 11,629 42,970 DS
47 Guitar Hero II Activision 31 11,589 1,310,157 XBxo360
48 MySims EA 7 11,586 156,273 Wii
49 Carnival Games Take 2 10 11,480 205,242 Wii
50 New Super Mario Bros Nintendo 77 11,471 3,211,374 DS

XBox360 Ownage again :scan:

Software Totals:

Console Weekly
XBox360 1,601,115
Wii 915,226
PS2 624,008
DS 572,458
PS3 417,667
PSP 277,494
GC 15,189
XBox 11,967
GBA 1,994
Total 4,437,118
Mal was zwischendurch. :)


BioShock [360]: 640.843
BioSock [PC]: 114.068
*bis Ende September

Medal of Honor: Airborne [360]: 135.556
Medal of Honor: Airborne [PC]: 35.400
*bis Ende September

Skate [360]: 175.000
Skate [PS3]: 29.167
*bis Ende September

NBA 2k8 [360]: 87.477
NBA 2k8 [PS3]: 26.222
*bis Ende September

Dinasty Warriors: Gundam [360]: 17.366
Dinasty Warriors: Gundam [PS3]: 9.677
*bis Ende September

Madden NFL 08 [360]: 1.069.576
Madden NFL 08 [PS2]: 689.642
Madden NFL 08 [PS3]: 398.012
Madden NFL 08 [Wii]: ~ 158.193
*bis Ende September

My Sims [NDS]: 100.430
My Sims [Wii]: 92.385
*bis Ende September

The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess [Wii]: ~ 1.635.298
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess [GCN]: ~ 844.798
*bis Ende September
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Das Spiel rockt die Charts. :-D

Immer noch sehr gut dabei. :goodwork:

@R&C und EOJ:
Irgendwie enttäuschende Zahlen...

R&C: Nach zwei Wochen nur 140k für das (wertungstechnisch) bislang beste PS3 Spiel?

EOJ: Ok, keiner wird hier große Zahlen erwartet haben, aber nur 33k nach zwei Wochen?

My Sims muss ja in Europa abgegangen sein, soll doch schon eine Millionen mal verkauft worden sein (Wii & DS)

Und du hast bei Dinasty Warriors: Gundam zwei mal PS3 drin ;)
Where do VG Chartz North American Numbers Come From?

1. VG Chartz gets no data from retailers.

Wrong. How does anybody think we would ever be approaching the level of accuracy and putting out the quantity of data we do each week if we didn't get data from retailers. The "leap of faith" many struggle with is why would retailers provide us with data? Which retailers? How much data? Why can't we say? What are we hiding?

Well unfortunately if we were to release detailed information at this stage on exactly where we get our data from then everyone would jump on the bandwagon and competitors would likely get their cheque books out and try to block anyone from providing us with any more data. Suffice to say (and this is where I do have to simply ask people for trust) that we do get data from a number of small retailers. Anyone with a background in statistical analysis will know that you don't need a large sample size to get good results, merely a good sample. For the small amount of data we collect, we get good results because we get a good mixture of data from different retailers - each of which represent various portions of the market - typically split into specialist gaming stores, electronics stores, general retailers, toy stores and online retailers. We have representitive data from all of those "areas" of the market and scale data up to represent the marketshare that each "area" represents of the total. This happens across both America and Canada.

Why would retailers provide us with data? Data exchange, many retailers are keen to know where they fit into the market - this is NPDs business model, they don't "pay" retailers for data they exchange data from one retailer for breakdowns of the entire market. This is far more valuable to a retailer than any monetary payoff and is exactly the reason why Walmart don't work with any independent tracking services (or do they?). This is also the same method that Neilson are hoping to use if they ever enter the market.

We can't go after the larger nationwide retailers (as yet), but we certainly have some interesting partnerships with smaller regional and independent stores, startups and so on. I hope people understand why at this stage they have to remain under wraps - expect official announcements in coming months though. We are also implementing premium advertising schemes for new partners - a community of over 10,000 avid games and 4 million impressions per month is a big draw for small retailers. Especially since you can now target advertising to gamers based upon games they already own...

This is where site expansion (in terms of number of visitors) will only make us stronger.

2. VG Chartz data is "based on" NPD data - they are stealing and benefiting from the work of others.

VG Chartz releases weekly sales figures on the Tuesday following the Saturday of the close of the previous week. In 3 days we collect an enormous amount of data from different sources, analyse it, extrapolte it, make comparisons and checks and put the data up online. This is a huge effort from a very small team of amateur (in that they have other jobs) but very able (in that they are highly educated and experienced) people who are doing it for very little payoff. We have been doing this for 18 months now, at the same time as going back and adding older data - some of our partners have been supplying us with their historical data as well, and have been refining our methods week on week.

Do we adjust our data? Not as such. Do we adjust our methods then? Yes - which will of course alter some data. On what basis? If we believe that a particular data set differs significantly from other sources of data (data released into the public domain by tracking firms, manufacturers, analysts) then we do re-check our data and make adjustments to the methods / scaling factors used. This happens on a fairly infrequent basis - less often than we adjust due to internal data changes - and is something that every tracking firm and analyst does. I personally have no issues with "benchmarking" our data from time to time against other sources of data - as long as it has been made public. Note, however, that any decisions by NPD to stop releasing public information will not affect our figures or service at all in my opinion - I am more confident every week in our own data and relationships with publishers that our data will only go from strength to strength. It is certainly no loss to vgchartz!

3. VG Chartz data is inaccurate and worthless.

Well this obviously depends on personal opinion. But for me, a site that gives sales figures to such a depth and accuracy as we do here, at no cost to any user is anything but worthless - especially with all the powerful analysis and charting tools available.

If we get figures to within, say, 15% accuracy in a given week (understand that statistically weekly inaccuracies are likely to cancel out over time, not accumulate) then I am happy. We pegged Mario Galaxy in Japan based of one retailer at 285k, it came in at around 255k according to Famitsu / MC - that's close enough for me. It tells me how well the title performed. It didn't do 900,000 like NSMB, it didn't do 100,000 and bomb completely. It sold a similar amount to Mario Sunshine and was quite disappointing - although should hold well over the holidays. I can make all these conclusions whether it sold 255 or 285k. Same as when we put the latest Tony Hawk figures out. Very poor first week. How do we know that if we're not getting "real" data? If we'd have predicted based on last years trend we'd have it a lot higher. I'm sure we'll be 10-15% different to NPD but so what? You know the game performed poorly. We had Bioshock sales way above expectation - good guess was it? We had Metroid Prime below Bioshock - again spot on. Too much is made of 10-15% being inaccurate - it is enough to give a good idea of how a game performs, and that is what we are all about.

If we put Mass Effect figures at 75,000 when it comes out people will be in uproar. They expect 300k+. If figures are confirmed a few days later at ~100,000 are people going to accuse us of being "inaccurate" because we were 33% off? Surely to have even put our figure at less than 100k is an achievement and shows that we have far more insight into sales than anybody else. Expecially when NPD might only, for example, have it at 85,000 themselves. I think a bit of perspective is required here on what is accurate and what is not - especially where software is concerned. To consistenly get within 10-20% is damn good. Again, I ask for trust here, but from spending over 10 years looking at videogame sales data then to be getting this kind of accuracy week on week is far beyond where the professional tracking firms themselves were only 10 years ago (you'd be lucky to get 30-40% accuracy).

I hope this clears a few things up. Anybody with half a brain can see how exciting what we are doing here is and the enormous potential.

Any questions then please ask. If anybody is in a position to potentially help us out further then please get in contact.

Bei GH muss man aber zwischen Bundles und Solo Version unterscheiden. Glaub net das der Unterschied zwischen 360/Wii Fassung so hoch ist - die Wii/360 Versionen scheinen ja eh ausverkauft zu sein.
Nicht offen für weitere Antworten.
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