Hi there,
Thanks for the answer.I'm very glad that you're really interested in my macbook.I'll pay all the shipping fees, insurance and taxes from UPS so you won't have to pay anything more but the macbook's price.Now let me explain you how we can do the deal sure for both of us: first I'll send you the item and give you the tracking number and a copy of the receipt from UPS to verify the macbook and the details to see that is in UPS's custody for real before sending any money.After that you'll have to send me the money (by MoneyGram) to confirm the payment in order to get the macbook moving to your address.UPS will hold the package with the new macbook until I receive the payment info from you and after that they will start delivering it to you.
If you are agree with the terms please contact me with your full name, phone number, address, city, zip code and country and I'll ship the item to you.UPS has a return policy wich I'll be signing a contract for and your money will be secured, so please have trust.You'll have the chance to inspect the package and decide upon it if you keep it or if you want the money back and if you will reject the shipment the UPS agent will fully refund you before he leaves.But this isn't a possibililty because the macbook is a brand new one and you'll 100% keep it.
So what do you say?Still interested?
Waiting your reply...Thanks in advance