13. PS3 vs 360 vs Wii War-Thread

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Hier eine kleiner Erinnerung an Sony´s Taten:

PS3 Timeline by Third Party

Feb. 27th, 2006 - Sony misses it's Spring launch date
May 8th, 2006 - Sony holds it's E3 conference announcing the pricing of the PS3 at $600/$500
May 8th, 2006 - New PS3 controller will have six degrees of motion, but no rumble feature. Sony's Phil Harrison states that rumble was last gen and no longer needed.
May 31st, 2006 - Sony's Phil Harrison denies copying the Wiimote and states that the PS3 will replace the PC
Sept 6th, 2006 - PS3 is delayed in Europe until March 2007
Sept 6th, 2006 - PS3 launch shipment is cut from 2 million to 400,000 in the US (100,000 to Japan)
Sept 8th, 2006 - Sony's President admits that the company's hardware is in a current state of decline
Sept 26th, 2006 - PS3 first-party titles announced to be the same price as third party titles, at $59.99
Sept 26th, 2006 - Square Enix will not exclusively support Sony's PS3 as much as they did with the PS2.
Sept 29th, 2006 - Sony's President Ken Kutaragi states that his company does not care about the Xbox 360 and Wii competition.
October 12th, 2006 - Sony Exec calls the 360 and Wii "too expensive"
October 19th, 2006 - The infamous spec sheet comparison and how Sony claims the Xbox 360 requires HD-DVD to play games
October 20th, 2006 - Announced that Sony may have to replace your PS3 controller for you after it no longer holds charge
October 24th, 2006 - Sony sinks Lik-Sang
October 26th, 2006 - Sony's Q2 profits decrease by 94%
October 28th, 2006 - Sony president Ken Kutaragi said he expects the PS3 to be capable of running games at a stunning 120fps
October 30th, 2006 - PS3 will push Sony $1.71 billion into the red
October 31st, 2006 - Japan launch of the PS3 is cut to 80,000 units
Nov 8th, 2006 - Sony ships without update. You must update your PS3 out of the box in order to use PlayStation Network
Nov 9th, 2006 - NBA Live 2007 is cancelled on the PS3
Nov 9th, 2006 - Oblivion is pushed back from launch title to Jan 2007
Nov 10th, 2006 - Sony's Phil Harrison states that he can no longer confirm a March 2007 launch for Europe
Nov 11th, 2006 - PS3 launches in Japan and rewards few
Nov 11th, 2006 - Sony unprepared for Japan launch
Nov 14th, 2006 - Sony will miss 400,000 unit target for the US. Approx 150k to 200k will be shipped for launch
Nov 14th, 2006 - PS3 has backwards compatibility problems
Nov 16th, 2006 - PS3 downscales 720p games instead of upscaling to 1080i
Nov 16th, 2006 - Sony's Jack Tretton comments on the PS3 BC problems and states that the Wii has 0 backwards compatibility
Nov 20, 2006 - NYT not impressed with PS3
Nov 21, 2006 - PS3, PSP Rainbow Six held till '07
Nov 23, 2006 - Saving Sony, one console at a time
Nov 26, 2006 - More PS3 exclusives head to 360
Nov 26, 2006 - Bloomberg: Sony missed PS3 ship targets
Nov 30, 2006 - Sony shuffles senior execs
Nov 30, 2006 - Analyst: "I cannot imagine a PlayStation 4"
Dec 4, 2006 - Sony Australia: Wii "More Fun" than PS3
Dec 8, 2006 - Court rules for Immersion; Sony to pay up
Dec 11, 2006 - Industry watchers weigh in on "record-low tie ratios" for Wii and PS3 and other results from the month of the new systems' debut.
Dec 19, 2006 - Time says PS3 was a bust
Dec 21, 2006 - Virtua Fighter 5 dukes it out on Xbox 360
Dec 21, 2006 - Sony filed a patent for wiimote style hand-held controler

Die besten Ereignisse habe ich markiert
BillILOVEYOU schrieb:
Sony: Pornos ??? Nicht mit uns!!!!!!!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

No Porn On Sony HD-DVD Blu-ray?

Has Sony gone mad? Prominent adult movie producer Digital Playground (site) says it is forced to use HD DVD instead of Blu-ray, because Sony does not allow XXX-rated movies to be released on Blu-ray.

It does not matter how you stand to porn. It is here and it is a massive business. It is also an industry that is an early adopter for new media technology. VHS might not have won with out the adult film industry adopting it.

German Heise has interviewed Joone the founder of Digital Playgrounds at the AVN 2007 show in Las Vegas. Joone says actually said last year he is committed to Blu-ray. Now they announced four HD DVD titles in the United States. In the interview Joone says he was forced to use HD DVD, because no Blu-ray disc manufacturer would make his discs, because Sony was against it and they would loose their license.

If this holds true, Blu-ray is at a major disadvantage and could fail.

Somit kauft der Besitzer des einäugigen Glatzenaals wohl HD-DVD! :lol:
Mahlzeit schrieb:
BillILOVEYOU schrieb:
Sony: Pornos ??? Nicht mit uns!!!!!!!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

No Porn On Sony HD-DVD Blu-ray?

Has Sony gone mad? Prominent adult movie producer Digital Playground (site) says it is forced to use HD DVD instead of Blu-ray, because Sony does not allow XXX-rated movies to be released on Blu-ray.

It does not matter how you stand to porn. It is here and it is a massive business. It is also an industry that is an early adopter for new media technology. VHS might not have won with out the adult film industry adopting it.

German Heise has interviewed Joone the founder of Digital Playgrounds at the AVN 2007 show in Las Vegas. Joone says actually said last year he is committed to Blu-ray. Now they announced four HD DVD titles in the United States. In the interview Joone says he was forced to use HD DVD, because no Blu-ray disc manufacturer would make his discs, because Sony was against it and they would loose their license.

If this holds true, Blu-ray is at a major disadvantage and could fail.

Somit kauft der Besitzer des einäugigen Glatzenaals wohl HD-DVD! :lol:

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :rofl:

Lang nicht mehr so gekringelt vor lachen :hammer:
Gut; wenn auf BD keine Pornos kommen hol ich HD-TV ; imo waren gute Pornos bis jetzt der einzige Grund warum ich mir nen Blue-Ray player geholt hätte ..............nja..........Sony ist wohl echt grössenwahnsinnig ; kann nix besseres geben als nen nice Porno in HDTV..........
Pornoindustrie: Wir lieben die Sexbox 360!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D

CES 2007: HD DVD versus Blu-ray - The porn industry says HD DVD

Aaron McKenna

Las Vegas (NV) - Knowing their audience quite well, the adult entertainment industry holds their annual get together in Las Vegas to coincide with the CES. There is also a very pertinent crossover between the adult and tech industries - porn has a tendency to drive, and be driven, by technology. Which means HD DVD when it comes to high-def.

Quite famously in the war between Betamax and VHS the latter won especially because the adult industry preferred it. If you've been around long enough, you probably remember that the very early home video rental stores were primarily responsible for driving Betamax out of the market. And those stores carried almost exclusively pornographic content.

Although the market environments from then do not really compare to today's home video market, parallels are drawn between the Betamax-VHS battle to the ongoing and escalating fight between Blu-ray and HD DVD. One of the key questions at this year's CES actually is "Which high-def format will win the current format war - Blu-ray or HD DVD?" Surprisingly, it seems that there is no such question in the minds of the adult industry luminaries.

Putting myself through the arduous trek through the floor of the adult expo I did a quick straw poll on, the virtues of HD DVD versus Blu-ray, and the answer from a dozen companies, big and small, including Pink Visual and Bangbros editor-in-chief, is going into a single direction: HD DVD is the preferred format. Period.

One of the big problems they have with Blu-ray is its expense, followed by its market share. "Blu-ray has superior quality, yes," said a spokesperson for porn studio Bangbros, "but HD DVD is easier to produce, cheaper to produce and there are more HD DVD players in homes than there are Blu-ray players, for example in the Xbox 360."

Pink Visual heavily complained about the fact that Blu-ray discs cannot be replicated and a range of other studios, who did not want to be mentioned by name indicated that the cost of going with Blu-ray cancels the technology as a possible HD solution for this industry. "Only bigger studios can afford Blu-ray, and even then it's not economical," we were told.

It would seem that either Blu-ray has to do some catching up very quickly. But we got the strange feeling that HD DVD has won the format war already, at least in the porn industry
Darji schrieb:
Aha und? Fernseher halten keien 20 Jahre mehr wie es früher einmal war. 5 bis max 10 Jahre das wars dann auch schon.
Aha. Meine Röhre feiert bald ihr Dreizehnjähriges. Und die hält auch noch ne Weile.

Und solange das Fernsehen zu 100% aus SDTV besteht und die LCD- und Plasma-Fernseher nicht endlich ein vernünftiges Bild im Vergleich zur Röhre zeigen (Stichwort: Schwarzes und dunkles Bild), wird auch der nächste Fernseher ne Röhre.
flo88 schrieb:
Mahlzeit schrieb:
flo88 schrieb:

Die PS3 hat sich in Japan im Dezember deutlich besser als die Xbox360 verkauft, du musst deinen Wetteinsatz mit mir noch einlösen :)

Die Wette war mit Shou, dass ist doch ein ganz anderer! 8-)

Für wie dumm hälst du mich? 8-)

So, komm BillIlOVEYOU, löse deinen Einsatz ein!

auch eine möglichkeit, seine wettschuld nicht einzulösen :rofl3:
was muss er denn machen? ich wäre ja für einen PS3 banner als signatur. ich hätte was in der hinterhand, bei bedarf könnt ihr mir ja bescheid sagen.
flo88 schrieb:
Mahlzeit schrieb:
flo88 schrieb:

Die PS3 hat sich in Japan im Dezember deutlich besser als die Xbox360 verkauft, du musst deinen Wetteinsatz mit mir noch einlösen :)

Die Wette war mit Shou, dass ist doch ein ganz anderer! 8-)

Für wie dumm hälst du mich? 8-)

So, komm BillIlOVEYOU, löse deinen Einsatz ein!

Wie mein Kollege schon richtig erkannt hat war die Wette ein Abkommen
zwischen SHOU u. flo88 und nicht BillILOVEYOU u. flo88.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
BillILOVEYOU schrieb:
flo88 schrieb:
Mahlzeit schrieb:
flo88 schrieb:

Die PS3 hat sich in Japan im Dezember deutlich besser als die Xbox360 verkauft, du musst deinen Wetteinsatz mit mir noch einlösen :)

Die Wette war mit Shou, dass ist doch ein ganz anderer! 8-)

Für wie dumm hälst du mich? 8-)

So, komm BillIlOVEYOU, löse deinen Einsatz ein!

Wie mein Kollege schon richtig erkannt hat war die Wette ein Abkommen
zwischen SHOU u. flo88 und nicht BillILOVEYOU u. flo88.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


Bill.... Wettschulden einlösen.. :evil: :evil:
Und wieder kam das Winnerteam zu meiner Rettung. 8-)

Gabe Newell vielen DanK!!!!

Ablenkung ist genau das was ich jetzt brauchte. Seine vernichtende Aussage über den 3DO 2 wird jetzt erstmal das Thema hier im Forum sein und keiner wird sich um irgendwelche Wettschulden kümmern.

Tja das Winnertea´m ist immer für einen da :D :D :D :D :D
BillILOVEYOU schrieb:
Wie mein Kollege schon richtig erkannt hat war die Wette ein Abkommen
zwischen SHOU u. flo88 und nicht BillILOVEYOU u. flo88.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Lool, Wettschulden sind Ehrenschulden...

Ist ja nur für einen Monat, S2S gibt dir die Sig, ok?

Dafür kannst du das "owned by flo88" rauslassen :
Nicht offen für weitere Antworten.
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