Darji schrieb:Man muss eurer Trollen ja ein bischen bremsen. Und dazu muss man sich dem niveau anpassen. Und womit geht das besser als den einzigen guten Titel Gears of War etwas zu bashen.^^
So the push was to get Gears of War to the Christmas market. Several rounds of "Resubmit for Certification" would not be an option. So, what happened? Well, the usual:
- Characters can die and remain levitating in mid-air
- Textures won't load always, leaving walls looking like N64 walls
- An random bug can make a door black, preventing you from proceeding to the next room and having to suicide
- Getting stuck inside objects can force to quit a game
but this one is the best so far. Some enemy died so that there was some sort of a collision detection error and the limb got stuck inside my backpack. I've been going forward for a while already and it just wobbles there. It doesn't affect my physics, luckily.
Guys, plan to release Halo 3 in April. Then you can have enough cert rounds to make Christmas.
Na damit hast du es GoW aber so richtig gegeben