Zelda the Twilight Princess - News, Gerüchte, Ideen 2

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The site hyrule.net reports to us that the magazine Nintendo Power contains an interesting interview with Makoto Miyanaga de Nintendo which forms part of the team of development of The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess on GameCube. The person in charge gives us indeed some details on the advance of the project, and more particularly on the transformation of Link into wolf in this new episode. Makoto Miyanaga declares thus 'We developed a system gameplay which makes it possible to make move the wolf in a very natural way, the player will have truly the impression which displacements of the animal are made naturally. It remains us more than some small improvements to be carried out and the wolf will be playable at the time of E3.'.

Nintendo seems to put much efforts on this new gameplay of Link in wolf, Keisuke Nishimori de Nintendo in load of the modeling and animations of the characters of The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess declared a few months ago in this same magazine that several technologies, such as Motion Captures with animal truths, were employed in order to obtain a good dynamics of the movements 'the prospect for the system of control of the wolf strongly influenced our direction of development. In a traditional play Zelda in 3d, a sight with the third nobody implies forcing which the glance of the player focuses on the back of the character that it controls. But Mr. Miyamoto incited us to reflect more on that would imply for a wolf: if we use the same solution, the player would look at the tail of the wolf constantly. Tedious. And it would be difficult for the player to know exactly in what a direction evolves/moves the wolf, with in more the tail and the hips of the animal which would block the sight! Thus... To have Midna on the back of the wolf helps us to solve these problems [... ] Another thing, us never gave the possibility to the player of controlling intensively a character with four legs before, it is thus difficult to find precedents to know if our solutions correspond well to the Zelda spirit. How can I use a wolf to make things which stick to the Zelda series? A wolf cannot push blocks or climb a scale! But on another side (and it is where the things become interesting), a wolf can make very specific things, and we never had this situation in a play of Zelda before. Whereas a wolf cannot really use objects, another strong property of Zelda, it has nevertheless the power of a wild creature.'. We will know some certainly more about The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess at the time of the conference of Satoru Iwata in Game Developers Conference which will be held on March 23 of 10h30 with 11h30 standard times (19h30 with 20h30 in France).

Makoto Miyanaga (Nintendo): 'We' ve got the Wolf moving around quite naturally in gameplay, and the player' S feeling of moving have the Wolf is incredibly natural. Just has little fine-tuning, and the Wolf will Be ready for playable premium time At E3.'
JethroTull schrieb:
The site hyrule.net reports to us that the magazine Nintendo Power contains an interesting interview with Makoto Miyanaga de Nintendo which forms part of the team of development of The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess on GameCube. The person in charge gives us indeed some details on the advance of the project, and more particularly on the transformation of Link into wolf in this new episode. Makoto Miyanaga declares thus 'We developed a system gameplay which makes it possible to make move the wolf in a very natural way, the player will have truly the impression which displacements of the animal are made naturally. It remains us more than some small improvements to be carried out and the wolf will be playable at the time of E3.'.

Nintendo seems to put much efforts on this new gameplay of Link in wolf, Keisuke Nishimori de Nintendo in load of the modeling and animations of the characters of The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess declared a few months ago in this same magazine that several technologies, such as Motion Captures with animal truths, were employed in order to obtain a good dynamics of the movements 'the prospect for the system of control of the wolf strongly influenced our direction of development. In a traditional play Zelda in 3d, a sight with the third nobody implies forcing which the glance of the player focuses on the back of the character that it controls. But Mr. Miyamoto incited us to reflect more on that would imply for a wolf: if we use the same solution, the player would look at the tail of the wolf constantly. Tedious. And it would be difficult for the player to know exactly in what a direction evolves/moves the wolf, with in more the tail and the hips of the animal which would block the sight! Thus... To have Midna on the back of the wolf helps us to solve these problems [... ] Another thing, us never gave the possibility to the player of controlling intensively a character with four legs before, it is thus difficult to find precedents to know if our solutions correspond well to the Zelda spirit. How can I use a wolf to make things which stick to the Zelda series? A wolf cannot push blocks or climb a scale! But on another side (and it is where the things become interesting), a wolf can make very specific things, and we never had this situation in a play of Zelda before. Whereas a wolf cannot really use objects, another strong property of Zelda, it has nevertheless the power of a wild creature.'. We will know some certainly more about The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess at the time of the conference of Satoru Iwata in Game Developers Conference which will be held on March 23 of 10h30 with 11h30 standard times (19h30 with 20h30 in France).

Makoto Miyanaga (Nintendo): 'We' ve got the Wolf moving around quite naturally in gameplay, and the player' S feeling of moving have the Wolf is incredibly natural. Just has little fine-tuning, and the Wolf will Be ready for playable premium time At E3.'

Also haben die den Spieleteil des Wolfes umfangreicher gemacht. Aber was mich wundert ist dass die noch an den bewegungen des Wolfes arbeiten....... :neutral: ich meine was haben die solange gemacht, dass es erst auf der e3 gezeigt werden kann wie der wlf sich bewegen kann :-?

Tut mir Leid aber wenn Miyamoto sagt dass dieses Zelda perfect wird, dann passt diese Aussage garnicht dazu.

Ok bis Donnerstag warten dann kriegen wir mehr Infos.
Für alle Link Fans:




The Legend of Zelda Statues Coming Soon from First 4 Figures

First 4 Figures is proud to announce a three-year licensing agreement with Nintendo for the rights to create statues based on The Legend of Zelda franchise, including characters from the hotly-anticipated The Legend of Zelda®: Twilight Princess.

"We are very excited to be working with Nintendo on the Legend of Zelda brand. The franchise has clearly stood the test of time, having just celebrated its 20th Anniversary.

The first game captured the imagination of a generation, with the following games capturing the imagination of another and then another. The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess looks all set to do the same,” says Alex Davis, director of First 4 Figures. “We will be mainly concentrating on doing statues based on the games The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask, and The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess.”

There are plans for single statues, mixed media statues, and VS dioramas.

The first in the series of statues will be previewed at this year’s upcoming E3 on Nintendo’s stand with product anticipated to come to market the third quarter of 2006. They will be available in collectible and specialty stores worldwide as well as directly at the First 4 Figures website.

They will stand approximately 9 to 12 inches tall and will retail for $80 to $120 for single statues and $200+ for high end VS dioramas.

Current product development plans include, but not limited to:

The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

Young Link
Ganondorf VS Link Diorama
Dark Link

The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask

Fierce Deity Link
Skull Kid

The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess

About First 4 Figures
First 4 Figures is a subsidiary of Puzzle Productions. Puzzle Productions manufactures and markets high quality resin figures under the brand name First 4 Figures. Included in its product line up includes famous licenses such as WWE, MAGIC: THE GATHERING, TRANSFORMERS, GI JOE, DOOM: THE MOVIE, and THE LEGEND OF ZELDA.

About Nintendo
The worldwide leader and innovator in the creation of interactive entertainment, Nintendo Co., Ltd., of Kyoto, Japan, manufactures and markets hardware and software for its popular home and portable video game systems.
For more information about Nintendo, visit the company’s Web site at www.nintendo.com.
Zelda goes pokemon, oder was? Ich will Link nicht im Regal stehen haben, ich habe ja nicht mal ein Fire Emblem Poster, so was kommt mir also schon gar nicht ins Haus!
HiPhish schrieb:
Zelda goes pokemon, oder was? Ich will Link nicht im Regal stehen haben, ich habe ja nicht mal ein Fire Emblem Poster, so was kommt mir also schon gar nicht ins Haus!

Statuetten sind noch lange keine Action Figuren. Ich hab 3-4 Resin Statuetten aus dem Anime Bereich hier stehen. Sind aber auch um die 100-150 Euro wert. Eine limitierte Battle Angel Alita Resin Statuette z.b ;)!!! Also wenn die anderen Statuen wie aus TP und OoT gut aussehen, sind sie gekauft.
Resin? Was'n das? Also Statuetten sind für mich blos überteuerte Lizenzprodukte. Und Actionfiguren bilige Lizenzprodukte. Aber ich denke mal, dass es die eh bloß online zu kaufen geben wird.
hm also für sowas würde ich nie geld ausgeben... gefällt mir absolut net... mag kitsch eh net so

weiss auch net was ich mit meim OoT Pappaufsteller machen soll :-?
Gelegenheitsposter schrieb:
hm also für sowas würde ich nie geld ausgeben... gefällt mir absolut net... mag kitsch eh net so

weiss auch net was ich mit meim OoT Pappaufsteller machen soll :-?
mir geben ganz einfahc , machn foto und wir reden drüber ^^
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