XBox 360 - NUR Xbox 360

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Master Chief, bei ihm lohnt sich das doch gar nicht. Ausserdem ist mia immer für einen Witz gut. ;)
master chief schrieb:
allerdings ist mia heute scheinbar mit dem falschen fuß aufgestanden :rolleyes:
definitiv !
wenn man damn nochmal am morgen früh aus dem nest geklingelt wird is das eher mühsam !

wenns brauchst und dadurch ne befriedigung kriegst... von mir aus.

Vincent schrieb:
Ausserdem ist mia immer für einen Witz gut. ;)
haha .... .. heute nicht ! :rolleyes: :neutral:

edit: jedenfalls heute morgen nicht.... n gute essen hebt wenigstens einwenig die laune.
XBox 360 Werbung in Japan

Xbox 360 Advertised in Japan
Take a look at the system's first print ad from overseas

July 1, 2005 - The biggest current generation Xbox game in Japan is Dead or Alive 3. That's right, nothing has topped Team Ninja's launch fighter in sales throughout the course of the system's life -- not even Dead or Alive Ultimate or Dead or Alive Xtreme Beach Volleyball. Not even Blinx.

Appropriately enough, Dead or Alive 4 has the honor of being the first Xbox 360 game to be advertised overseas. Located on the back of the August issue of Famitsu Xbox, Japan's sole Xbox-only magazine, is an ad for the game. It resembles the previous Dead or Alive ads, right down to the catch copy: "the most beautiful in the world."
The ad lists a Winter release for the game (no change in status here). It also lists planned peripheral and device support for the game: Xbox Live, HDTV, Wide Television, Dolby Digital 5.1 and Hard Disk. This is how Team Ninja markets all its Xbox games.

We expect this to be just the first of many advertisements, many of which will appear in non Xbox-specific sources. As the first ad, though, this is somewhat of a collector's item, so to get it for yourself, pick up the August issue of Famitsu Xbox.

So aus der Nähe sieht es doch viel besser aus als Ultimate, die Lippen und die Augen stechen besonders hervor.
Itagaki talks Xbox 360
Team Ninja guru also further confirms that Microsoft will make a major announcement in Japan later this month.

In an interview published in the latest issue of Famitsu Xbox Magazine, Tecmo producer and Team Ninja head honcho Tomonobu Itagaki talked more about his impressions of the Xbox 360. When asked about the console's triple-core IBM PowerPC processor design, Itagaki called it a "buffed-up Sega Saturn," as the old console was also multiprocessor, coming with two 32-bit CPUs. He said that a single-CPU machine is easier for programming, but multicore structures have become the recent trend.

"The Xbox 360 is said to be a machine that's easy to develop for, but that's because it has a good lineup of middleware and infrastructure. So it should be easy to create something that's up to a certain level [of quality]. But if you try to take advantage of the Xbox 360's full hardware specs, you'll find out about the difficulty in programming for a multicore machine," said Itagaki.

"The Xbox 360 has enough power without all the cores going into use. Even if just a single core is used for a game, it will still be several more times powerful than machines up until now. But we aren't satisfied at that kind of a level. Our programmers are having fun playing around with the machine. They're swinging around all the cores and making a game that shows the powers of the Xbox 360."

Itagaki said that the Xbox 360's 512MB of main memory is more than enough for games, but he feels that the machine's media might bring up some problems. He said he would have preferred Microsoft to adopt the high-capacity HD-DVD format, but he said that, given the next-gen disc format wars, he could live with Microsoft's decision.

"Another reason why [Microsoft] went with the 9GB DVD format (dual-layered DVDs can contain up to 9.4 GB) is that American and European developers tend to use real-time rendered cutscenes. But Japanese developers use a lot of prerendered cutscenes, so the DVD format brings a bit of an anxiety. The screen resolution for Xbox 360 games will be in high definition, so the prerendered movies are going to be pretty large. If we encoded the Dead or Alive 4 trailer from E3 in high definition in a quality acceptable to us, it will easily be about 2GB. With DOA4, we'll be using the disc's capacity to its full extent. We started development on DOA4 pretty early, and we didn't know what disc format the Xbox 360 was going to adopt. So when we learned about it, we were really knocked out."

Itagaki also revealed that the DOA4 demo trailer shown during the Electronic Entertainment Expo was actually done with an alpha development kit for the Xbox 360. He said that his team received Xbox 360 beta kits very recently and was having fun with them.

The Team Ninja head also further confirmed that Microsoft is planning a major announcement in Japan this month. "We're currently thinking of whether we should create a new trailer for the upcoming Xbox 360 announcement in July, or if we should go straight ahead to work on the completion of the game," he said. "We'll play around with the beta kit for a little bit more and decide."

When Famitsu Xbox said to Itakagi that fans were afraid that Team Ninja could end up abandoning the Xbox 360 after the release of Sony's PlayStation 3, he commented, "Team Ninja will not disappoint their fans." Itagaki added, "To be honest, we're too busy on the development of DOA4 to think about anything else."

When asked for his opinion on the PlayStation 3, Itagaki commented that he respects the fact that Sony is trying to "create a computer that comes from Japan." However, he also added that he hopes Sony will make a machine that actually runs according to its listed hardware specs. "A machine that doesn't run according to its promised CPU frequency is out of the question," he said.

wenn die jetzt schon anfangen rumzumaulen, scheint die entscheidung von ms für ein 9gb-format doch etwas problematisch. obwohl es mich persönlich nicht stört games auf 2dvds gesplittet zu bekommen.
Das Problem sind FMV Sequenzen in 720p, wenn du für jeden der Charaktere eine solche Sequenz hast die länger als 2 Minuten dauert passt das nicht auf eine DVD.

Itagaki sollte zu Sony überwechseln, dann muss er wenigstens seine Spiele nicht kastrieren.
When Famitsu Xbox said to Itakagi that fans were afraid that Team Ninja could end up abandoning the Xbox 360 after the release of Sony's PlayStation 3, he commented, "Team Ninja will not disappoint their fans." Itagaki added, "To be honest, we're too busy on the development of DOA4 to think about anything else."

mhhh, klingt für mich dass noch nix entschieden ist, kommt zum PS3 launch ein DoA4 hardcore? ;)
Frenck schrieb:
Das Problem sind FMV Sequenzen in 720p, wenn du für jeden der Charaktere eine solche Sequenz hast die länger als 2 Minuten dauert passt das nicht auf eine DVD.

Itagaki sollte zu Sony überwechseln, dann muss er wenigstens seine Spiele nicht kastrieren.

Vieleicht sollte er erstmal mit Microsofts HD-WMV Codec versuchen die Sequenz zu machen ;)
Und deshalb verbaucht die Sequenz nicht mehr mehr Speicherplatz als aktuelle FMV Sequenzen?

Itagaki schreibt doch das er die vollen 9 GB nutzen will, damit wöre er neben Bethesda schon der zweite Entwickler der ein 9 GB Spiel zum Launch liefert. Schwach.
Frenck schrieb:
Und deshalb verbaucht die Sequenz nicht mehr mehr Speicherplatz als aktuelle FMV Sequenzen?

Itagaki schreibt doch das er die vollen 9 GB nutzen will, damit wöre er neben Bethesda schon der zweite Entwickler der ein 9 GB Spiel zum Launch liefert. Schwach.

FMV gehören der Vergangenheit an ! Außerdem kann man ja auch 2 DVD-9 verwenden wie beim Cube ;)
Oblivion nutzt keine 9GB wo soll das stehen verwechsle auch nicht PC HDD anforderungen mit Xbox360 Games sonst wären so einige Game auf der Xbox1 nicht machbar gewesen ;)
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