Nintendo Wii Ware und VC News

Castlevania: The Adventure ReBirth brings Wiimote whipping to Castlevania

Remember when Igarashi said that whipping the Wiimote in a Castlevania game wouldn't make much sense, because it would make you too tired? Looks like he rethought that stance for ReBirth. There is indeed a control option that lets you use the Nunchuk to walk, and swing the Wiimote to whip. I'm going to have to try that out!

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Robocalypse : Beaver Defense



Entwickler:Vogster Entertainment

Vertrieb:Vogster Entertainment



Von den Autoren der frechen SpongeBob Schwammkopf™-Serie kommt nun "Robocalypse™ - Beaver Defense", eine Turmverteidigungssimulation der verrückten Sorte mit eingebauter Brüllgarantie. In einer Welt von sprücheklopfenden Kampfrobotern müssen Sie statische und mobile Verteidigungsanlagen strategisch positionieren und geschickt einsetzen, um Angriffswellen des Feindes zurückzuschlagen, die Ihr Hauptquartier dem Erdboden gleichmachen wollen. Platzieren Sie Ihre Einheiten vor Beginn eines jeden Levels und machen Sie sich für den Ansturm des Gegners bereit! Jede Angriffswelle des Feindes nimmt an Intensität zu, die Wahl der Aufstellung Ihrer Verteidigungsanlagen entscheidet dabei über Sieg oder Niederlage.

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Horizon Riders-WiiWare title from Sabarasa


Planet Zethos has fallen under the military control of Thau-Phi, a rogue Artificial Intelligence originally deployed to terraform and colonize the remote planet. Its absolute control of all automated systems on the surface includes a legion of labour robots, now acting as an impenetrable and selfless army protecting the A.I. core.

The only hope of liberating it without paying a steep price in Confederation lives lies in the crew of the DST Horizon, an elite mercenary group currently selling it's sophisticated combat expertise to the highest bidder. They take jobs too dangerous for most merc outfits and too legally questionable for most military forces.

Horizon Riders allows players to control any of the four squad members on their mission to defeat Thau-Phi, dashing at high-speed through the surface of Zethos on powerful hoverboards while destroying the renegade cybernetic army with their advanced futuristic arsenal.
Fenimore Fillmore – The Westerner

[Madrid, Spain] – Revistronic is launching “Fenimore Fillmore – The Westerner”, its acclaimed adventure set in the Far West for Wii system from Nintendo for the very first time, through its WiiWare™ digital downloading system.
Enjoy now from the comfort of your own sofa, an adventure for the whole family with coloured and 3D graphics in which, through a simple method of “pointing and click”, the player will get in Fenimore Fillmore’s shoes, a crazy cowboy with a great sense of humour, immersed in an outrageous dispute between stockbreeders and farmers.
Caught in the middle of the dispute, Fenimore gets on the side of the weak farmers, oppressed by the baddy of this interactive film, who is no other than Starek the stockbreeder. And as in every cowboy adventure which is worth watching, a girl will turn up in the scene. In this case, she is Rhiannon, the beautiful village school teacher, who is also the evil Starek’s niece. To make things worse, Rhiannon’s father died in strange circumstances. Even so, Fenimore will be ready to help the farmers to beat Starek and at the same time, to conquer the beautiful teacher.

With this very amazing script, full of twists, humour and action, “Fenimore Fillmore– The Westerner” is set to become one of the few alternatives within Nintendo WiiWare service, which offers up to 40 hours of game in which you can explore the most fun Far West, meeting the wittiest characters, solving lots of puzzles and fighting against the baddies, up to the sunset in the company of the girl of your dreams.
In order to make possible this transformation of a complete PC game into a WiiWare experience without losing quality, PICTURE®, exclusive technology by Revistronic, has been specially adapted to incorporate new compression techniques. “Fenimore Fillmore – The Westerner” will be available exclusively on WiiWare the 6th of September 2010 for America and vey soon for Europe

- developed by Nintendo and KeysFactory
- due out Sept. 7th for 800 Nintendo Points in Japan
- the name roughly translates into 'going through holes'
- take control of a block and spin/rotate the piece to fit through holes
- the background rushes towards you, making you think fast to twist through a hole
- play with either Wiimote or Nunchuk
- move the pieces around with the d-pad, make them rotate with A or B, and accelerate through the wall with Z
- go through special markers in the holes in the wall to get additional points
- build up combos if you keep doing this
- holes are actually bigger than your piece
- possible to use the piece to first draw out a silhouette matching the full hole, which is referred to as a 'Trick'
- Tricks offer up big points
- continually retry whenever you run into a wall
- time limit
- "Endless" mode allows you to play forever
- "Trick Challenge" mode has you doing Tricks through each hole
- Wi-Fi Connection support for worldwide rankings
- confirmed for overseas release

Net schlecht!
WiiWare demo program returns with Surinuke Anatousu in Japan

Nintendo supported WiiWare demos in 2009 by offering a batch of downloads on the Shop Channel, but the same cannot be said this year. Up to this point, it seemed that demos had essentially been abandoned, even though the program received very warm feedback. Good news, though. Well, if you’re living in Japan that is.
If you happen to own a Japanese Wii, you can try out Surinuke Anatousu free of charge. Interestingly, this is the first time Nintendo has launched a demo alongside the release of a WiiWare title. Hopefully this is a sign that the demo program will receive greater support in the future, and perhaps Nintendo will consider releasing demos to coincide with new game releases more often.
Am Freitag kommt Mystic Quest Legend in die VC, nach Final Fantasy I und IV also der nächste Square(Enix) Hit.
Besteht da vllt. die Chance das demnächst auch Secret of Evermore in die VC kommt?
Worms - Battle Islands kommt doch noch
Wo bleibt Worms - Battle Islands? Das fragen sich Fans der kampfeslustigen Würmer schon seit September 2009. Denn da sollte das Spiel laut einer Nintendo-Releaseliste für den Download-Service WiiWare erscheinen. Doch aus dem Spiel sah man nicht einmal einen handfesten Screenshot und so verschwand es wieder von der Bildfläche und aus der Erinnerung.

Wie THQ jetzt aber ankündigt, wird man Worms - Battle Island doch noch sehen - nur wird es nicht mehr als Download für WiiWare, sondern als Disc-Titel im Einzelhandel erscheinen. Mit über 40 verwendbaren Waffen, fünf Multiplayer-Modi und 30 Levels in der Singleplayer-Kampagne wollen die Worms noch einmal an ihre traditionellen Fans herankommen, die die Serie nun schon so lange unterstützen.

Die Worms sind keine Neuankömmlinge auf Nintendos Konsole: In Worms - Odyssee im Wurmraum haben sie sich bereits in altbekanntem 2D-Strategiegameplay bekämpft, das Spiel litt allerdings unter Ideenlosigkeit und unspektakulärer Umsetzung. Wirklich handfeste Details zu Neuerungen in Worms - Battle Islands gibt es noch nicht und auch einen Erscheinungstermin für den Disc-Titel gibt es noch nicht.


Solange es nicht als Vollpreistitel kommt ... ^^
Für nen 30er wäre es ok, auch wenn ich nicht so interessiert an dem Spiel bin.
hab mal ne Frage, wenn ich mario kart 64 runterlade, kann ich dies auch mit Gamecube controllerspielen oder muss ich mir 3-4 classic controller dazu kaufen ????
Grade erst von diesem Game gelesen :o


Ist von den gleichen Leuten die auch Trials HD gemacht haben, jeder der das schonmal gespielt hat, weiß, dass dieses Game auch unglaublich Potenzial hat! Sieht auch verdammt cool aus, grade mit Multiplayer etc.

Wird auf jedenfall im Auge behalten.
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