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Valve “missed the boat” on Wii

My internet connection is killing me right now, it’s slow as hell. I am desperately trying to download the Doug Lombardi (Valve) interview from GameTrailers. Reader Tom was nice enough to sum up what is said. At the end of the interview Mr. Lombardi says that Valve was caught off guard by the success of the Wii, and they will entertain the idea of developing on the platform if the appropriate idea comes along. Make sure to check out the interview below to see exactly how Mr. Lombardi puts it.

PS: Also ich hätte schon eine Idee für Valve. CSS...


Nintendo stock deal to finish in two weeks?

A portion of a GameDaily article…

This may have been disappointing for Nintendo fans who were expecting big announcements to come out of GDC last week, but the good news is that this quiet period, from what we’ve heard, is expected to come to an end in less than two weeks.

Now if I were a big wig at Nintendo, I would want to flood the internet with a few new announcements. That’s just my thoughts though. Nintendo’s pressence at GDC wasn’t really felt, so why not hit us with some new info soon after? What do you guys think? Will Nintendo give us some good news (give us a firm Metroid Prime 3 date!), or are they going to stay quiet?


A pair of new Wii games

Another new retailer list pops up, and with it comes two more game confirmations. Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2008 is one of the titles, which is slated for August. I guess EA plans on getting the Wii version out alongside all the other versions this time. Also on the list is Crash of the Titans. There is no information about this game just yet, but maybe we will hear an announcement soon.

Peter Moore braucht noch immer einen Wii und liebt Mario

Ich habe gehofft, dass mein freund Reggie mir eine senden würde (einen Wii), aber es gibts hier jede Menge, was ich zu spielen kriege. Mein Haus ist ein Xbox360 Haus. Und ein Haus für Windows Spiele, sollte ich hizufügen.

Schau mal, ich war ein grosser Fan von Nintendo geistigem Eigentum schon ab den frühen Tagen als Super Nintendo Besitzer und wenn man an Franchises denkt die unsere Industrie definiert haben, ist vermutlich keine grösser für mich als Mario.


Wii USB Ladestation?




Bestätigt : Mikrofon für die Wii

Das Mikrofon kommt für Wii !!!
Wii Mikrofon


Lange und immer wieder gab es Gerüchte zu einem Mikrofon - von anonymen Bloggern, von Mitarbeitern bekannter Internetseiten oder auch Forenmitgliedern in verschiedensten Sprachen und Ländern. Nun hat sich eines der hartnäckigsten Gerüchte über Wii bestätigt: Im August kommt in den USA das erste Wii-Spiel auf den Markt, das ein Mikrofon nutzt. Es wird dies High School Musical von Disney Interactive sein, das zum gleichnamigen TV-Film passen soll. Dabei wird der Soundtrack des Films nach- und mitgesungen, nach Lust und Laune auch zu zweit in einem Duett.

Doch das ist noch nicht alles, was der Titel zu bieten hat. Es darf auch getanzt werden, Wiimote sei dank.

Weitere Infos findet ihr im Forum im Newsbereich !

LinkofTime schrieb:
Bestätigt : Mikrofon für die Wii
Doch das ist noch nicht alles, was der Titel zu bieten hat. Es darf auch getanzt werden, Wiimote und Eyetoy sei dank.

Kein Kommentar, ich weiß. Aber es bedarf eindeutig einer Korrektur, da das EyeToy nicht an die Wii angeschlossen werden kann.
Bits of Super Mario Galaxy info and 2 players confirmed

TBD | Players: 1-2 | Publisher: Nintendo

The ultimate Nintendo hero is taking the ultimate step out into space. Join Mario as he ushers in a new era of video games, defying gravity across all the planets in the galaxy. When some creature escapes into space with Princess Peach, Mario gives chase, exploring bizarre planets all across the galaxy. Players run, jump and battle enemies as they explore the many planets. For Mario to succeed, gamers will press buttons, swing the Wii Remote and Nunchuk controllers and even use the Wii Remote to point at and drag things on-screen.


• Shake, Tilt and Point! Mario takes advantage of all the unique aspects of the Wii Remote and Nunchuk controllers, unleashing new moves as players shake the controllers and even point at and drag items with the remote.
• Redefining Platformers: Mario essentially defined the 3-D platforming genre with Super Mario 64, and this game proves once again that he is king. Players perform mind-bending, low-gravity jumps across wild alien terrain as they experience platforming for a new generation.

Gamespy bestätige einzelne Friendcodes für Wii Spiele

BREAKING: No unified gamer tags or codes for Wii online

There will not be unified gamer tags or codes for Wii online games. Users will have to register with each title separately, as is already the case with the DS and the Wii´s first online title, ´Pokemon Battle Revolution´.

This exclusive information comes from GameSpy´s PR people after I asked them to go into the details of them providing the Wii´s online service. Here is the correspondence:

Falafelkid: I would like to know if I am right in assuming that the features mentioned (friend rosters, advanced matchmaking capabilities and comprehensive rankings data) suggest a single, unified online platform for each console, rather than one which is dependent on individual games (as is the case with the DS).

GameSpy: GameSpy’s technology does allow for features that could span multiple games. With the Nintendo Wii, however, the multiplayer features are title-specific.

Falafelkid: But is that the case for all Wii online titles across the board?

GameSpy: Yes, that is the case for Wii titles.

Falafelkid: Just one last question to make absolutely sure I have got this right, please. If I have a friend roster in one game, that roster will not be available to me in any other game. I have to build up an entirely new list for each title, right?

GameSpy: The answer to your question is yes, for the Wii friend lists are game specific.

Wii-Besitzer mit Internet-Anschluss werden sich definitiv Demoversionen von Wii-Spielen herunterladen können.

Seit kurzem ist es offiziell: Neben Virtual-Console-Spielen werden Wii-Fans mit Internetzugang auch Demoversionen von Wii-Titeln herunterladen können. Dies hat ein Sprecher von Nintendo of Europe gegenüber der Games Aktuell bestätigt. Die Demos können entweder im 512 MB großen Flashspeicher der Konsole oder auf einer separat erhältlichen SD-Karte speichern. Welche Demos den Anfang machen, will Nintendo in Kürze bekannt geben.
:D :D :D

Die Spiele-Entwicklungsumgebung Unity soll neben Mac OS X und Windows zukünftig auch auch Nintendos Spiele-Konsole Wii unterstützen. Nach Plänen von Over the Edge soll sich somit am Mac auch Wii-Spiele entwickeln lassen. Allerdings müssen Entwickler dann auch lizenzierte Nintendo-Wii-Entwickler sein. Interessenten können sich per E-Mail an Over the Edge (sales@otee.dk) wenden. Mit Unity wurden bereits bekannte Mac-Spiele wie Gooball oder die Big Bang Brain Games entwickelt. Unity benötigt mindestens Mac OS X 10.3.9, eine 32 MB 3D-Grafikkarte und kostet je nach Lizenz mindestens 249 US-Dollar.

Wii Sims online? Und noch mehr online!

I recently interviewed EA about the game - I'll post the transcript soon - and the developer wouldn't come right out and say it, but made very clear to me that it is exploring an online component for MySims. The signage you saw only strengthens my belief that the game will have it. Oh, and on a side note, I've chatted with some third parties now who already have online components in their forthcoming Wii projects. It's coming, guys - Pokemon Battle Revolution kicks it off in the near future, but in the next six months you're going to start seeing a wave of third party games that take Wii online, too. Developers have had the online SDK for months now and the next wave of titles will incorporate it.

Ferrari Challenge to Wii, DS

System 3 is reviving another classic series by creating a new Ferrari Challenge. The DS version will allow for 4 player wireless (no confirmation of online play), and the Wii version will of course be using the Wiimote for steering.

“Video games and racing have been my two passions during the twenty-five years that I’ve been in the business. Finally the two have collided and I’m immensely proud to be bringing the Ferrari Challenge to market this year. We have invested in the best development talent in the industry and I’m confident that the game will be even more impressive than the license.” - System 3, CEO, Mark Cale


PS: Was Verkaufszahlen so alles bewirken...
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