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High Voltage entwickelt für Wii

17.06.06 - High Voltage Software, das Studio hinter Leisure Suit Larry: Magna Cum Laude, arbeitet an einem Spiel für Wii. Das bestätigte Chief Creative Officer Eric Nofsinger gegenüber Gamasutra. Einzelheiten zu dem Projekt nannte er nicht.

Quelle: gamefront.de
High Voltage entwickelt für Wii

17.06.06 - High Voltage Software, das Studio hinter Leisure Suit Larry: Magna Cum Laude, arbeitet an einem Spiel für Wii. Das bestätigte Chief Creative Officer Eric Nofsinger gegenüber Gamasutra. Einzelheiten zu dem Projekt nannte er nicht.
Quelle: www.gamefront.de
Wii verwendet 1T-SRAM Speicher von MoSys

19.06.06 - MoSys gibt bekannt, dass Nintendos Wii-Konsole die patentierte 1T-SRAM Technologie von MoSys für den Speicher des Grafik-Systems verwenden wird.

Bereits der Gamecube griff auf frühere Generationen von MoSys 1T-SRAM Technik zurück. Das neueste 1T-SRAM für Wii wird mit einer 90nm CMOS-kompatiblen DRAM Prozess-Technologie von NEC gefertigt.

Der Hochgeschwindigkeits-Speicher wird für den Hautspeicher des Grafik-Chips und in einem zusätzlichen externen Speicher-Chip eingesetzt.
CLICK (BusinessWire: 'MoSys' 1T-SRAM(R) Embedded Memory Technology Enables Nintendo's Next Leap in Video Games; High Performance, High Density 1T-SRAM Powers Upcoming Wii Home Game Console')

One Excitetruck high rez screen
Quelle: www.gonintendo.com

Nintendo's Satoru Iwata discusses Wii, NDS, and more

Nintendo president Satoru Iwata and the Nintendo board of directors have answered a list of questions at the company's Corporate Management Policy Briefing. The main topics of conversation included Nintendo's next-generation home console Wii as well as its Nintendo DS portable handheld.

The Q&A session begins with Iwata revealing Nintendo's intention to announce the pricing and launch structure for Wii before September. In the meantime, Nintendo hopes to provide third-parties with development kits for as low as $1,732. This reasonable price combined with software manufacturing prices similar to GameCube may result in more third-party developers taking the plunge to develop for Wii.

However, third-party developers won't be alone. Internally Nintendo has big plans for Wii support. In fact, Iwata expects the company's research and development budget to rise with the impending launch of the console. This is because Nintendo intends on having a steady supply of software for Wii in order to avoid the drought faced by GameCube in its first year of release. "When we combine the total number of people working for Nintendo's first-party and second-party titles, however, there are far more than 1,500 people working on the titles today," explained Nintendo EAD producer Shigeru Miyamoto.

Iwata also touched on some of the intimidation third-party developers might feel about developing for a new Nintendo platform. "Some developers are wondering how to materialize their unique ideas," he acknowledged. "For such developers with unique ideas who cannot tell how to make a good game from them, rather than waiting for them to develop games, Nintendo should proactively approach them and make some concrete proposals on DS or Wii." Nintendo said it has already begun approaching third-party developers to help turn their ideas into games. The results of this will be seen beginning next year.

With all this software support, it's understandable that Iwata feels Wii will be a failure if it is unable to sell more units than GameCube. "In fact, we shouldn't continue this business if our only target is to outsell GameCube," he noted. Nintendo has set a shipment goal of 6 million Wii hardware and 17 million Wii software during the fiscal year ending March 2007.

Finally, Iwata has no regrets about the "Wii" name. "I am one of the people who have decided this final product name," he explained. "Of course, I am not the only person to make this decision, but I have never thought that it was a mistake to name it, "Wii." I understand that a great many people have already accepted this product name. When someone has some hesitation today, we'd like to make efforts so that they will come to like this name in the end."

Moving onto Nintendo's other star product, Nintendo DS, Iwata said that his top priority is to remedy the severe shortage problem in Japan. The problem stems from issues with production of the "bicolor molding." Once the kinks in production are solved, Nintendo has planned shipments of more than 2 million Nintendo DS units each month. For comparative sake, the peak production for the Game Boy Advance reached around 2.3 million each month.

Iwata also acknowledges competition. In particular he said he is not concerned about Microsoft entering the portable games industry. He says such competition will not change Nintendo's path.

The full interview can be found via Nintendo's corporate website.

Hört sich doch sehr gut an ,ob jedoch die Menge an Hardware über den Tisch geht ???? :)
Erscheinungstermine von Ignition für Europa

Ignition hat laut GoNintendo.com neue Erscheinungstermine für Europa bekanntgegeben.

November 2006
- Metal Slug Antology (PSP, Wii)
- Mercury Meltdown (PS2, Wii)

4. Quartal 2006
- Mercury Meltdown Remix (PS2)
- Mercury Type R (Wii)
- King of Fighters MI 2.5 (Xbox 360)
Erscheinungstermine von Ignition für Europa

20.06.06 - Ignition hat laut GoNintendo.com neue Erscheinungstermine für Europa bekanntgegeben.

November 2006
- Metal Slug Antology (PSP, Wii)
- Mercury Meltdown (PS2, Wii)

4. Quartal 2006
- Mercury Meltdown Remix (PS2)
- Mercury Type R (Wii)
- King of Fighters MI 2.5 (Xbox 360)
Quelle: www.gamefront.de
Red Steel Schwerkampf gefixxt!!

News aus der Gameinformer!!!

die schwertkämpfe in red steel sind jetzt gefixxt worden. ab jetzt ist es möglich, das schwert völlig frei zu schwingen, so wie man die bewegung ausführt und wie man es sich immer vorgestellt hat!!

"Not only did the remote replicate our actual sword-slashes, but the recenty unveiled motion sensor in the nunchuck could be thrust foreward for parry attacks"

"As promised, Timing and observation was key to winning the sword-fights and felt just like the mock-saber duels nearly everyone had as kids, so anyone who has dreamed of being a samuri will pick it right up"

Square Enix: Noch keine Pläne für Mana-Serie

Square Enix hat derzeit noch keine konkreten Pläne, ein Spiel der Mana-Serie (jap. 'Seiken Densetsu') für Wii herzustellen. Das meldet GoNintendo unter Berufung auf die neueste Ausgabe der 'Nintendo Power', in der ein für die Serie verantwortlicher Sprecher diese Aussage traf.

Er räumt allerdings ein, nachdem er die Konsole jetzt gesehen hat, dass es durchaus eine interessante Möglichkeit wäre.

Aktuell befinden sich Dawn of Mana (PS2, jap. 'Seiken Densetsu 4') und Children of Mana (NDS, jap. 'Seiken Densetsu DS: Children of Mana') in Arbeit, die beide 2006 in den USA auf den Markt kommen sollen.

8 weitere Bilder zu Konamis Elebits

21.06.06 - Konami zeigt 8 neue Bilder zum Actionspiel Elebits , das Ende 2006 in Japan ausgeliefert wird.
CLICK PICTURE (8 x Elebits)

Offizielle One Piece Unlimited Adventure Homepage eröffnet

21.06.06 - Namco Bandai hat in Japan die offizielle Homepage zum Actionspiel One Piece Unlimited Adventure eröffnet. Release: TBA
CLICK (Offizielle Homepage: 'One Piece Unlimited Adventure', benötigt Flash 8)

Geht es nach dem offiziellen Nintendo-Magazin in den USA, wird die Wii mit sechs Launch-Titeln das Licht der Videospielwelt erblicken. Laut dem Artikel wären das folgende Spiele:

* Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
* Metroid Prime 3: Corruption
* Red Steel
* Dragon Quest Swords
* Super Monkey Ball
* Rayman Raving Rabbids

An dieser Aufzählung fallen uns sofort zwei Dinge auf: Erstens, die Abwesenheit von Super Mario Galaxy, was wohl die Gerüchte unterstreichen würde, dass Mario erst 2007 die Wii beehren würde. Zweitens die Abwesenheit von Wii Sports - eine indirekte Bestätigung, dass an dem Gerücht, dass der Titel der Wii beiliegen soll und dementsprechend nicht seperat erhältlich sein wird, etwas dran ist? Allerdings ist die Liste noch nicht von Nintendo direkt bestätigt worden, also vorläufig als Gerücht zu behandeln.

Nintendo Talk Goals, New Franchises
by Rob Galbreath (2006-06-19)

Nintendo of Japan released an exhaustive four-page interview with Nintendo's top developers and executives regarding corporate management policies and plans for the future of both DS Lite and Wii. The Wiire found several points of interest, but encourages our readers to see the Web page on other facts emphasized since past interviews.

According to Nintendo President Satoru Iwata, a launch date and price will more than likely surface in or before September. Wii will be launched between October and December of this year as scheduled, though there is no indication as to whether or not Nintendo plans to lose any profit with the final price.

"Some people somehow think that hardware always loses money," said Iwata. "Nintendo is taking some distance away from that approach. If you ask me, 'Will Wii be sold at or over the cost?', I cannot tell today if we won't lose even one yen by selling one Wii hardware. However, we do not intend to lose a great deal of money from the hardware sales. Any loss must be recovered elsewhere, of course."

Iwata also reassured that Wii is moving at a faster pace than the GameCube's admitted failure to launch with a solid lineup. "To avoid repeating this with Wii, we have been intensifying the software development, both internally at Nintendo and at developers outside the company, in order to prepare aggressive software lineup for Wii at and after the launch."

Speaking on the launch numbers for the Wii, Iwata said, "we announced that we are planning to ship 6 million Wii hardware during this fiscal year and, among them, we are intending to ship 4 million or more by the end of this calendar year, and we are preparing to make the productions." In an interesting twist, Iwata added, "If we can ship this number and if no product shortage will be experienced anywhere in the world, it can be regarded as a failure for a new game machine's launch. In other words, we will be making efforts to keep the constant shipment to the markets so that severe shortage situation will not go on for a long time."

Finally, Shigeru Miyamoto, creator of the Mario and Zelda franchises, also announced a new franchise in development. "I am doing something lately, but I think I need to refrain from talking about it today. Hopefully, I can tell you what it is in 6 months or so." Miyamoto has recently been known for taking at-home activities such as playing with his dog and gardening into new franchises, Nintendogs and Pikmin, respectively. Miyamoto noted his experiences as an at-home father with his new cat and lizard, "but these are not the decisive factors for me to think about next games."

Business-oriented questions and corporate-specific inquiries, suited for investors and shareholders, can also be found in the interview, which is available in English here.

The Wiire will keep you updated on any news found in corporate-specific letters.

Super Mario Galaxy co-op details?

Spong warning! This news comes from Spong, which myself, and many readers believe to be a not so credible source.

Spong is reporting on a few details of the co-op side in Super Mario Galaxy for the Wii. It seems that one player will be taking control of a single Wiimote, while the other is wielding a Wiimote with nunchuck attachment. Details on just what the players will be doing is unsure, but I would tend to think that the player with a single Wiimote will be taking control of the star pointer we have seen in the game.

Details on what second player characters will be featured in the game are null at the moment, but hopefully Nintendo will soon break that silence.
Quelle: www.gonintendo.com
Wii wohl doch auf der Games Convention!

Das haben wir in einem Gespräch mit Nintendo of Europe erfahren. Es steht nur noch nicht fest, was und in welchem Umfang die Konsole und Spiele gezeigt werden können.

Mehr Infos auf www.nintendo-lan.de
21 Bilder zu Tecmos Super Swing Golf Pangya

22.06.06 - Hier sind 21 weitere Bilder zu Tecmos Super Swing Golf Pangya, das Ende 2006 in Japan auf den Markt kommt.
CLICK PICTURE (21 x Super Swing Golf Pangya)




weiter Bilder siehe gamefront.de
Mal wieder Listen zu Third Partie Entwickler und Exklusive Spielen für Wii aufgetaucht. Vielleicht interessiert es jemand. Wie immer ohne Gewähr.

CR Analysis: List of Third-Party Exclusive Titles for the Wii (as of June 22nd, 2006)
1. Bleach
2. Bob Ross: The Joy of Painting
3. Bomberman Land
4. Bust-A-Move Revolution
5. Contact 2*
6. Cooking Mama
7. Darkness**
8. Dragon Quest Swords
9. Elebits
10. Final Fantasy: Crystal Bearers
11. Final Furlong
12. Godzilla
13. Harvest Moon
14. HERO’s
15. Jawa
16. Legend of the River King
17. Madden NFL 07 (Exclusive Version)
18. Machi Kuru Domino***
19. Necro-Nesia
20. One Piece: Unlimited Adventure
21. Orb**
22. Raid over the River
23. Ranch Story
24. Red Steel
25. Resident Evil (Exclusive Version)
26. Sadness
27. Sengoku Action
28. Snoopy vs. Red Baron
29. Spider-Man 3 (Exclusive Version)
30. Sonic Wild Fire
31. Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz
32. Super Swing Pangya Golf
33. Thorn**
34. Trauma Center: Second Opinion
35. Tony Hawk’s Downhill Jam
36. Untitled Boxing Action
37. Untitled Grasshopper New IP
38. Untitled Milestone Action
39. Untitled Milestone Shooter
40. Untitled MTO Character Action
41. Untitled Namco Action***
42. Untitled Namco Game***
43. Untitled Namco RPG***
44. Untitled TOMY Action
45. Untitled TOMY Battle

Note: There are alot more titles and projects, some most likely exclusives, some ports however many are unspecified/untitled while others that are not listed here are rumoured but have a very high possibility like NiGHTS 2.

* - Was hinted at
** - Game has no publisher yet
*** - Possible/Unsure if Exclusive

CR Analysis: List of Third-Party Developers supporting the Wii (as of June 22nd, 2006)
1. Activision
2. AQ Interactive
3. Artdink
4. Atari
5. Atlus
7. Blitz Games
8. Buena Vista Games
9. Capcom
10. Cellien Studios
11. Crossbeam Studios**
12. D3Publisher
13. Eidos
14. Electronic Arts
16. From Yellow to Orange**
17. From Software
18. Gearbox Software
19. Genki
20. Grasshopper
21. High Voltage
22. Hudson
23. Interactive Brains
25. Koei
26. Konami, Kojima Studios
27. Majesco
28. Marvelous Interactive / Natsume
29. Mastiff
30. Midway Games
31. Milestone
32. MTO
33. Namco Bandai
34. Nippon Ichi
35. Neko Entertainment
37. oeFun, Inc
38. Red Tribe
39. Route24**
40. SEGA
41. SNK
42. Spike
43. Square Enix
44. Success
45. Taito
46. Take-Two
47. Tecmo
48. The Game Factor
49. THQ
50. TOMY
51. Tuna Technologies
52. Ubisoft
53. Vivendi Universal Games, Sierra Online
54. Warner Bros. Interactive

** - Currently has no publisher
SuperMario80 schrieb:
Es sind drei neue Bilder zu Red Steel aufgetaucht:


die bilder sind nicht neu!

das sind bilder aus der aller ersten version. sogar noch vor der E3!!

google übersetzung von dem jeux-france artikel:

Ubisoft übermittelt uns einige zusätzliche Bilder seines nächsten FPS mit der Bezeichnung Red Steel auf Nintendo Wii, ein Spiel immer in Entwicklung in den Studios von Ubisoft bis Montreuil im Osten von Paris. Es würde sich in Wirklichkeit der Bilder der ersten Version des Spiels (vor E3 2006) ohne die Endgefüge handeln, usw. nach den letzten Informationen, Red Steel müßte von mehreren wichtigen Verbesserungen sowohl beim gameplay (Handhabung Katana usw.) als auch auf dem graphischen Niveau profitieren, und dies hinsichtlich der Version, die bei E3 vorgestellt wurde, das in nur 4 Wochen vor dem amerikanischen Ereignis entwickelt worden wäre. Der Spieler wird so einen Helden verkörpern, der in Japan weggehen muß, Yakuza herauszufordern, um sein fiancée entführtes zu befreien. Es ist Katana, das der Spieler je nach des Fortschritts der Geschichte handhaben lernen muß, es möglich sein wird, neue Hiebe mit dem nunchaku controller von Nintendo Wii es zu lernen dazu dienen, die zweite Hand des Helden zu kontrollieren, mehr insbesondere mit den Gegenständen der Dekors interagir. A zu folgen.


wenn es wirklich neue bilder wären, dann gäbe es sie wohl mit sicherheit auch auf der red-steel homepage, zumal diese gerade neu überarbeitet wurde.
also abwarten, würde ich sagen.
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