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Nippon Ichi: 'Noch kein Wii-Spiel in Arbeit'
10.06.06 - Nippon Ichi arbeitet noch nicht an einem Spiel für Wii. Das sagte Marketing Coordinator Jack Niida gegenüber
Im August 2005 äußerte sich Nippon Ichi positiv über die Spieleentwicklung für Wii. An den Plänen für die Konsole hat sich zwar nichts geändert, doch weil man noch an einem anderen Titel arbeitet und zu wenig Leute hat, kann man nicht mehrere Projekte nebeneinander laufen lassen.
Nippon Ichi hat u.a. Disgaea 2: Cursed Memories (PS2), Makai Kingdom: Chronicles of the Sacred Tome (PS2) und Atelier Iris: Eternal Mana (PS2) hergestellt.
Trauma Center: Second Opinion Video Download
10.06.06 - Gametrailers zeigt ein neues Video zum Actionspiel Trauma Center: Second Opinion.
DOWNLOAD (31.4 MB, Format WMV, benötigt Windows Media Player)
DOWNLOAD (24 MB, Format MOV, benötigt Quicktime)
Quelle: GameFrontVier weitere Bilder zu Super Swing Golf Pangya
10.06.06 - Die Famitsu veröffentlicht vier neue Bilder zu Tecmos Sportspiel Super Swing Golf Pangya. Release: TBA
CLICK PICTURE (4 x Super Swing Golf Pangys)
Quelle: www.gamefront.deNeue Spiele von Ubisoft bekannt?
15.06.06 - Amerikanische Händler haben neue Spiele von Ubisoft in ihren Preislisten veröffentlicht, die allerdings noch nicht offiziell von Ubisoft angekündigt oder bestätigt wurden:
- 16.11.06: Blazing Angels (bereits für Xbox 360 erhältlich)
- 26.10.06: GT (Rennspiel aus der Asphalt: Urban GT-Serie)
- 16.11.06: Monster Trucks (Rennspiel)
- 16.11.06: Prince of Persia
- 16.11.06: Far Cry
CLICK (GoNintendo: '*RUMOR* Ubisoft shows more love *UPDATE*')
Yukito schrieb:Nintendo Wii
Eventuell auf der GC 2006 nicht vertreten
Laut PR-Manager bei Nintendo Europe Harald Ebert wird Nintendos Next-Gen-Konsole, der Nintendo Wii vielleicht gar nicht auf der "Games Convention 2006" vertreten sein.
Auch wenn bis dahin (24. - 27. August) noch etwas Zeit ist, sorgt Nintendo schon jetzt mit dieser Meldung für Aufsehen - Zur Enttäuschung vieler Spieler.
Die Begründung von Ebert besagt, dass man sich lieber nur um die Promotion des Wiis kümmern möchte, da dieser bereits überall auf der Welt sehr gefragt ist. Wir sind gespannt auf Genaueres, und werden euch natürlich darüber informieren.
Quelle: www.gamefront.deProject H.A.M.M.E.R. Video Download
16.06.06 - Gametrailers zeigt ein neues Video zu Nintendos Actionspiel Project H.A.M.M.E.R.. Release: TBA (Europa)
DOWNLOAD (2.7 MB, Format WMV, benötigt Windows Media Player)
DOWNLOAD (2.4 MB, Format MOV, benötigt Quicktime)
Quelle: HierEDGE im Interview mit Iwata:
Edge: This is the first chance you've had to see how the public responds to Wii and its new controllers - what's your impression been of their reactions to it?
Satoru Iwata: In general, we have been receiving very good feedback so far, so we are very glad. The Wii controller is easy to use, so people love that, which means positive feedback. But some people in the beginning showed some hesitation. I think it is simply because they are so accustomed to the conventional gameplay style of holding one controller with both hands.
I think it's an unusual feeling for players once they begin using two different controllers with two hands. For example, even inside Nintendo, those who had been working on the Zelda and Super Mario products, some of them are saying now that we have to change completely the way we play the game. At first they were uncomfortable with the new controls, but now they've been working with these controllers for a long time, they now say that they are accustomed to it, and it is rather difficult to for them to get back into the conventional way of gaming. It reminds me of what happened when Nintendo introduced the analogue stick on N64 - at that time we had the exact same feedback given to us.
What was your reaction when you were told the news about the announcement of the motion-sensitive PlayStation 3 controller at Sony's press conference?
That was something we expected, actually. Because this is not the first time this has happened, actually [laughs]. Having said that, however, please note that putting the motion sensor into the conventional controller, which is supposed to be held by two hands, is very different from motion sensors that can be used freely and independently. And so we really don't think that other companies having a similar approach and technology will affect the advantage the our controllers bring to the Wii.
Have you made the final decisions about all the components for the finished hardware yet, or are there still some unresolved questions?
Almost complete, yes. Except, always, there will always be some minor modification towards the end. Actually, we have always tried to make the working model very close to the final product that will be mass-produced, and what we are doing at this moment in time is fine-tuning the hardware and the components which will be included in the final retail version of the Wii.
You suggested at Tuesday's presentation that there would be new games available for the virtual console. Will you be announcing soon how the payment will work for that, and can you give an indication of what the games will cost?
As an example, Tetris - many people know it, it's a simple, interesting game. But because of the current standard of visuals, and in terms of number of stages and mode; it doesn't compare well to today's games. Unfortunately, for games like Tetris, that are simple yet very interesting, there is no way for them to be marketed in the current distribution channel. That's how today's market is, retailers and distributors require certain margins, and to develop software costs a certain amount, plus material fees etc. So there's already a fixed price range concealed in the market place.
So if the maker of a Tetris-style game wants to sell it at $10, there's no margin for them to sell at that price. It doesn't have any prequels, or franchise or a licence. We want to break that kind of motion in the market place, and the virtual console can help, and it can be that market place for simple games. We can sell them at cheaper prices than the games in the shops, and there's no inventory.
In your presentation, Reggie Fils-Amie raised the point of names that sounded strange at first like Google and Lexus. But the problem with Wii isn't that it's strange, it's that it already means something else. If the idea is to attract non-gamers to the console by word-of-mouth, isn't it a mistake to give it a name that might embarrass people?
Let me ask you when you pronounce the word 'we', do you have any hesitation?
No, but it depends how you use it. For an English speaker to say 'I really need a Wii', does feel strange for us. And when you think of ringing your parents or a friend to talk about the new console, you know you'll have to explain the name every time. And that makes you less eager to talk to people about it. You must have been looking at many other names as well, and it's a little hard to believe that this was the best option. Were there really no better names on your list?
We hired branding experts, and they have looked into any negative meaning of the name, but we don't think it's an absolute no-no for us to use this name. One thing I should note is the fact that we intentionally avoided naming Revolution with a game machine's name, or a cool name. We wanted to increase the gaming population and even though some people may have some feeling against Wii, we hope that someday in the future they will like it.
Thanks to Edge.
Quelle: www.gamfront.deInterview mit Satoru Iwata und Shigeru Miyamoto von Nintendo
16.06.06 - 1up hat ein Interview mit Satoru Iwata, dem Präsidenten von Nintendo, und Shigeru Miyamoto geführt. Viele Aussagen wurden bereits zur Zeit der E3 gemacht, deshalb nur die neuesten zusammengefasst:
Satoru Iwata:
- Nintendos Ziel, den Videospiele-Markt zu vergrößern, war besonders in Japan unglaublich erfolgreich. Viele Entwickler sehen jetzt die Ergebnisse und haben hohe Erwartungen an Wii.
Die Xbox 360 hat in Japan dagegen keinen Einfluss. Deshalb haben die japanischen Entwickler nur die Wahl zwischen PlayStation3 oder Wii.
- Im Westen veröffentlichen die Publisher für gewöhnlich ein Spiel auf drei Konsolen. Doch hinsichtlich Wii haben einige Bedenken, weil die Nintendo-Konsole einen einzigartigen Controller hat.
Viele Entwickler setzen weiterhin auf Prozessorleistung und Grafik, so dass sie wohl nicht so großes Interesse an Wii haben werden. Auf der anderen Seite würde es auch reichlich Entwickler geben, die neuartige Ideen für Wii und den Controller haben.
Unter Strich ist Iwata überzeugt davon, dass es auf Wii mehr exklusive Drittanbieter-Spiele als auf Gamecube geben wird.
- Iwata glaubt nicht, dass Wii leistungsschwach ist. Allein durch den Verzicht auf HD-Grafik hat der Prozessor 1/4 bis 1/6 mehr Leistung zur freien Verfügung. Wenn man sich aber nur nüchtern die technischen Daten betrachtet und mit den anderen Konsolen vergleicht, dann schneidet Wii schlechter ab.
- Iwata besitzt privat einen HDTV Fernseher.
- Als man WiiConnect 24 ausgetüftelt hat - die Konsole bleibt im Wartemodus stehts online verbunden, um neue Inhalte zu erhalten - dachte Nintendo an Handys: Die mobilen Telefone haben alle Leute immer dabei, und obwohl sie diese nicht ununterbrochen nutzen, befinden sie sich im Wartemodus, erhalten Anrufe, SMS, usw.
Mit WiiConnect 24 will Iwata völlig neue Ideen ins Spiel bringen. Allein mit WiiConnect 24 sei es für Nintendo nicht mehr so wichtig, mit anderen Systemen im Bereich der grafischen Leistungsfähigkeit zu kämpfen.
Shigeru Miyamoto:
- Im Moment untersucht Miyamoto, wie man Zelda: The Twilight Princess mit WiiConnect 24 verwenden kann.
- Im Controller befindet sich kein Mikrophon, weil das zu teuer und ein Headset praktischer wäre. Doch würde man das Headset auch noch mit dem Controller verbinden müssen, wird alles zu kompliziert für den Anwender.
- Nintendo untersucht, Spiele der Visual Console grafisch zu verbessern. Dabei sollen sie von der Technik der heutigen Fernseher Gebrauch machen, die denen zur Zeit des NES vor 20 Jahren überlegen sind (z.B. mit Progressive Scan). Keinesfalls will man den Spielen aber mehr Farben oder neues Character-Artwork spendieren.
Quelle: www.gonintendo.comKojima - Wii is like a TV
June 16th, 2006
Hideo Kojima (Metal Gear Solid) rather famously made a comparison between the PS3, Xbox360, and the Wii using a food analogy. Seems things have changed in a years time, and now Kojima has a different idea.
Now, the PlayStation 3 is like a movie theater for people who want to see this movie on the big screen with THX and 5.1 audio, even if they have to pay a high price. The Xbox 360 is DVD. Basically, you dont know what movie you want to see, so you go to the store and see if you can pick up a good one. The Wii is like a TV for when youre home and you dont know what you want to watch but you [want to] have that variety.
So I think the three platforms are really distinctive and they mostly dont overlap each other people who love movies watch TV all the time. We have to be very quick [with what were doing in terms of games]. We cant wait long to turn on TV, and also, the programs have to be in all varieties so everyone is satisifed, as opposed to the movie theaters, where everything has to be high spec. People want high emotions. You want to be touched watching it on the big screen. For DVD, or the 360, you need to have a lot of variety so when people stop by theyll pick up your product. Maybe in the future, youll see three DVDs for $10.
Kojima also had a very quick comment about the Wii in another recent article.
EGM: What excited you the most at E3?
HK: Nintendo Wii.
High Voltage Software talks Wii
June 16th, 2006
Its been an incredible design challenge, he confides, Some of the unannounced stuff weve been working on for Wii its been very challenging. You know, How do you do a fighter on this, how do you do a platformer on this? - Chief Creative Officer Eric Nofsinger
Wiimote Not Finalized?
Shigeru Miyamoto suggests that changes are on the way.
by Anoop Gantayat
June 15, 2006 - The Wii and its controller may have been the big talk of E3, but recent comments by Nintendo's Shigeru Miyamoto suggest that what we saw at the show was not the final thing. Speaking with Japan's Famitsu, the Nintendo spokesperson and father of Mario and Zelda said, "We're still debating on the area of how many buttons to use."
Miyamoto was responding to a question about difficulties Nintendo had in designing the controller. He attested to having many stories of such difficulties to share, before letting slip the above comment. It's possible that Miyamoto was merely stating that Nintendo's designers still argue about their decision regarding the button count, though the E3 design is final. Alternatively, it's possible that Nintendo is actually considering making some changes to the design before release. We'll have to wait for further clarification (or for the Wii's next showing).
Elsewhere in the interview, Miyamoto had plenty to say about E3 and the Wii in general. Regarding the show, Miyamoto admitted relief that the Wii was received so well. "We started making this hardware from three years back, and while working, the staff worried whether this was the correct direction to take," he said.
One particular reaction from the show pleased Miyamoto. Responding to a question of how third parties reacted to the hardware, he noted that while many developers sampled the system, he found it interesting to see many cases where the management side of companies, people he doesn't expect play games too much, took the time to try out Wii.
Moving on to Wii development in general, Miyamoto revealed that the development theme for the system was "Hardware that you'll want to turn on every day." "This isn't a simple thing," he said. "The DS is a portable machine, so it ends up being turned on casually while walking around. In the case of a console, this can't be done. We wanted to make something that could be used every day like a television."
Miyamoto brought up Wii Sports as the basic, fundamental Wii game. "I'm sure people wonder 'Why not Zelda?', but titles like Zelda are completely different from the Wii concept." Noting that Nintendo will continue to make Zelda-type games in addition to games like Wii Sports, he added that the most important thing for Nintendo's software planning is to make games that fulfill the concept of making the Wii into a machine that people use daily.
Just as the DS comes with PictoChat, Wii will come with some functionality built in right out of the box. Noting that the system's flash memory can be used for future upgrades, Miyamoto added, "However, we'd like to avoid relying on this and have everything included from the start." Miyamoto would not provide specifics on what type of things players will be able to do when first turning on their Wii without a game loaded in.
Readers of, responding to a post-E3 survey, made Wii the next generation platform of choice by a large margin. Wii got 70% of the vote, with Xbox 360 and PS3 splitting the remainder (heavily in the PS3's favor, admittedly -- this is Japan, after all). Upon hearing this from the Famitsu interviewer, Miyamoto asked, "Was there a selection for 'I don't want any of them'? I'd like to know this, because we're fighting this 'I don't want any of them' selection."
Quelle: www.gonintendo.comThe French say non to Wii
June 17th, 2006
This is the current standings of the next gen race over at EA Frances website. It has been quite some time since we saw a poll that wasnt in favor of the Wii!
Quelle: www.gamefront.deNeue Wertungen und Meldungen der Game Informer
- Für Wii wurde auf der E3 noch kein Preis genannt, weil der vertikale Sensor am Controller noch nicht fertiggestellt ist und Nintendo bis dahin abwarten will.
- Für Wii ist ein Zubehör geplant, mit dem sich Rennspiele leichter steuern lassen.