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Interview mit Shigeru Miyamoto von Nintendo

27.05.06 - MTV führte ein Interview mit Shigeru Miyamoto von Nintendo. Die wichtigsten Aussagen im Überblick:

- Wenn der Spieler mit Gesten den Wii-Controller führt, erwartet er vom Spiel auch eine Reaktion. Deshalb hat Nintendo - neben der Rumble Funktion - auch den Lautsprecher in den Controller eingebaut. So hört man in Zelda z.B. das Spannen des Bogens aus dem Controller; ebenso das Zischen beim Abschießen und wie sich das Geräusch in Richtung des Fernsehers bewegt.

- Miyamoto will, dass man aus dem klischeehaften Bild des Videospielers ausbricht: Eine Person sitzt allein in einem abgedunkelten Raum, in dem nur das Licht des Fernsehers ihr Gesicht aufhellt.

Dieses Bild des Videospielers hat Miyamoto seit den Tagen des NES beunruhigt. Er hält es für wichtig, dass man diese stereotype Darstellung von Videospielern ändert. Ansonsten würde man niemals wirklich ein Teil der nationalen oder weltweiten Kultur sein.

Er wünscht sich, dass Videospielen so gesehen wird, wie es Nintendo auf einigen Fotos des Wii zeigt: Ein paar Leute jeglichen Alters spielen Wii, haben eine Menge Spaß und bewegen sich. Das sei ein sehr aktives und lustiges Bild.

- In Super Mario Galaxy (Wii) rennt Mario um Planeten unterschiedlicher Größe herum. Es gibt sehr große Exemplare, so dass es aussieht, als wenn er über eine Ebene rennen würde. Dann gibt es auch sehr kleine Planeten und es sieht aus, als wenn Mario um einen Ball herumwetzt.

Obwohl der Spieler sich in einem 3D-Raum bewegt, kommt es nicht zu den typischen Kameraproblemen, die 3D-Spiele in der Vergangenheit hatten.

- Mario war bislang immer ein sehr hüpflastiges Spiel. In Super Mario Galaxy geht's mehr darum, dass Mario viel herumläuft, unterschiedliche Plätze besucht und dabei Spaß hat.

Quelle: www.gamefront.de
@ America´s Most Wanted:

Bis zum letzen Post nach unten scrollen

Schaut erstmal ob die News dir ihr posten wollt, schon gepostet wurde.



"Though it may be difficult to tell, the (above) picture is not a live photograph of Shigeru Miyamoto -- it's just a caricature. At Nintendo's E3 2006 press conference, Miyamoto, Reggie Fils-Aime, and Satoru Iwata all played Wii tennis with cartoon versions of themselves.

In an interview with CNN's Chris Morris, Nintendo legend Shigeru Miyamoto hinted that the average Wii owner may also be able to turn themselves into Anime Avatars: "we have some different ideas about how to take advantage of that functionality – and we will be sharing that type of functionality with third parties." Is it a software app, inherent to the Wii, or a special trick involving a Wii camera?

Microsoft showed us at E3 this year how to use its camera for face mapping, what if Nintendo had a camera that could do the same -- only, the Wii camera would turn us all into Japanese cartoons. This is all, of course, rampant speculation, but we wouldn't be surprised if Nintendo managed to placed a little camera inside its TV-mounted sensor.

Mike Sklens of Planet GameCube has sent us an interview his site did with Takashi Tezuka, who is overseeing Wii Sports. Tezuka confirms that there is software where players can "use some set images and match them up together to create faces" -- in other words, you're going to have to make your own caricatures."
Quelle: Joystic.com

Super Paper Mario - August 3rd 2006
Donkey Kong Bongo Blast - August 10th 2006
Kirby (tentative name) - 2006
The Legend of Zelda (tentative name) - 2006
Eyeshield 21 (tentative name) - undecided
Geist (tentative name) - undecided


Disaster: Day of Crisis (tentative name) - undecided
Excite Truck (tentative name) - undecided
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (tentative name) - undecided
WarioWare: Smooth Moves (tentative name) - undecided
Fire Emblem (tentative name) - undecided
Metroid Prime 3: Corruption (tentative name) - undecided
Project H.A.M.M.E.R. (tentative name) - undecided
Super Mario Galaxy (tentative name) - undecided
Wii Sports (tentative name) - undecided

Gameboy Advance

bit Generations dotstream - July 13th 2006
bit Generations BOUNDISH - July 13th 2006
bit Generations DIALHEX - July 13th 2006
bit Generations COLORIS - July 27th 2006
bit Generations DIGIDRIVE - July 27th 2006
bit Generations ORBITAL - July 27th 2006
bit Generations Soundvoyager - July 27th 2006
Rhythm Kingdom - August 3rd 2006

Nintendo DS

Metroid Prime Hunters - June 1st 2006
Magical Vacation 2 - June 22nd 2006
Project Hacker - July 13th 2006
You Talk! DS Cooking Nabi - July 20th 2006
Mario Basketball 3 on 3 - July 27th 2006
Star Fox Command - August 3rd 2006
Pokémon Diamond - this fall
Pokémon Pearl - this fall
JUMP SUPER STARS 2 (the tentative name) - this winter
Wishroom (Hotel Dusk) (tentative name) - 2006
Custom Robo DS (tentative name) - 2006
Tingle RPG (tentative name) - 2006
Wario Mysterious Thief (tentative name) - 2006
Kanji Writing Training (tentative name) - undecided
DS AIR (tentative name) - undecided
Kirby DS (tentative name) - undecided
Legend of Zelda (tentative name) - undecided
Chibi Robo! DS (tentative name) - undecided
Donkey Kong King of Swing DS (tentative name) - undecided
Mario vs. Donkey Kong DS (tentative name) - undecided
Yoshi’s Island 2 (tentative name) - undecided
Quelle: goNintendo.com und die habes es von hier
Japan: Handel listet Wii mit Yen 18.000 (Euro 125)

28.05.06 - Vor einigen Tagen bestätigte Nintendo, dass Wii unter Yen 25.000 (Euro 174 / USD 222) kosten wird; ein exakter Preis wurde noch nicht genannt.

Erste japanische Händler haben seitdem begonnen, Vorbestellungen für Wii anzunehmen. Allerdings geben Geschäfte wie PC-Success den Verkaufspreis mit nur Yen 18.000 (Euro 125 / USD 160) an.

Den Preis hat PC-Success mittlerweile entfernt, er taucht aber noch in Preissuchmaschinen auf. Ob die Konsole tatsächlich Yen 18.000 kosten wird, bleibt bis zu einer offiziellen Bestätigung von Nintendo abzuwarten.
Quelle: GameFront
Gamestop nennt Wii-Spiele und -Termine

30.05.06 - Der amerikanische Händler Gamestop hat laut GoNintendo.com erste Spiele für Wii mit Erscheinungsterminen genannt, die vorbestellbar sind. Die Liste ist noch unvollständig, und die Termine wurden von Nintendo noch nicht bestätigt.

Neue Bilder zu The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess

30.05.06 - Hier sind neue Bilder zu Nintendos Action/Adventure The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess Click Picture. Release: 4. Quartal 2006 (USA)
CLICK PICTURE (11 x The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess)

Quellen: GameFront
Zur Funktionsweise des "Sensor Bar":

After seeing the sensor bar the other day, many of you wanted to know how it works. We were able to get together with a developer and he was kind enough to answer most of our questions regarding the controller setup.

The sensor bar emits an infrared field out directly in front of the TV. In order to accomplish this, it is necessary to place the sensor bar in the same plane as the TV, either on top of or below the TV is recommended. As the remote is pointed towards the TV, it interacts with the infrared field. Using triangulation logic, the remote is able to determine location, angle, and distance; as you move the remote around, the change in location/angle/distance is calculated. The remote then communicates with the console via Bluetooth, sending this information to it, and from there the software determines how your movements relate to the game world/application.

The sensor bar doesn't receive any type of signal from the wireless remote and is there purely to generate the field. [...] You need to maintain a proper distance from the sensor bar as well; if you come to within about three feet or less, it will not work precisely.


Also: Nicht der Wii-Mote, sondern der Sensor Bar strahlt ein Infrarot-Signal aus. Im Wii-mote ist der eigentliche Empfänger. Also umgekehrt zu dem, was man von einer Fernbedienung eigentlich kennt.

Für die Lebenserwartung von Batterie oder Akku im Wii-Mote eine sehr erfreuliche Meldung finde ich.

Man darf auch nicht zu nahe an den Sensor Bar, etwa einen Meter Abstand muß man einhalten, damit das Infrarotsignal richtig gemessen werden kann.
Preise von Segas PS3- und Wii-Spielen

31.05.06 - Atari hat Preise von PS3- und Wii-Spielen veröffentlicht, die sich auf die Beneluxländer beziehen. Die Spiele sind von Sega, allerdings übernimmt Atari den Vertrieb der Software in diesen Regionen.

- Sonic The Hedgehog (PS3): Euro 67,99
- World Snooker Championship 2007 (PS3): Euro 73,99
- Sonic Wild Fire (Wii): Euro 59,99
- Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz (Wii): Euro 59,99

Inwiefern die Preise auch auf Deutschland zutreffen, bleibt abzuwarten: Hierzulande regelt Sega den Vertrieb und hat noch keine offiziellen Preisangaben zu den obigen Spielen gemacht.
According to an industry source speaking to Cubed³, the Nintendo Wii is set to launch in the "Thanksgiving period in the USA" (Thanksgiving falls on November 23rd this year), with Japanese and European launches set to be "in the same timeframe". With Nintendo trying for a worldwide launch of their new system, this would probably lead to the system coming out marginally before in Japan and “a few weeks later in Europe”.

Our source tells us that the Wii will be on sale in the USA "well in time for Thanksgiving and well in time for Christmas in Europe". Details on the Japanese launch were not so clear, but our source did suggest that it would fall very close, if not before the American launch of the system.

So, we're looking at an early November release for the system. This falls quite nicely in line with a recent announcement by Nintendo where they gave dates for their DS, GameCube and GBA titles for later this year. All titles stopped before November. With this information in hand, we pushed our source a bit further to see if they had an idea of a more exact date. Today, we were provided with the following information...

"So, at the moment Nintendo are aiming to launch the Wii on November 6th"

Our source emphasised that this date is correct at present, but pointed out: "Nintendo aren't going to have an exact date in mind until they are sure they can meet the deadlines". Take it as a guide then if you will, but "they are very keen to be ready in time".

Obviously this shouldn't be taken as gospel and we're not about to shout from rooftops that we have the final Wii launch date, but we are confident that the information we have is correct; we wouldn't share it with you if it wasn't. Hopefully Nintendo will clear up all confusion very soon by confirming the launch details of the Wii. We'll have more for you as and when it happens.
Quelle: CUbed3.com
The following was posted by Smash Bros. director Masahiro Sakurai on the official Japanese website. Translation done by AMN

news 2006 05 11 supersmashbrosbrawl

“Thank you all very much for your responses! It looks like people are split pretty evenly over which of the four new characters is their favorite. That’s good.

I was well aware that Pit was a popular character in both America and Japan. I tried as best I could to design this version of him in a way that reflected current tastes, so I’m happy to see him so well received.

The creator of Kid Icarus has even jokingly asked if he could make a spin-off using this Pit model.

As for Meta Knight, when I left my previous company I never thought I’d be laying a hand on this character again, let alone on Smash Bros.

Kirby is a character I designed when I was 19 years old, but I created Meta Knight when I was 22. I knew the character was popular in Japan, but last time around I held off and didn’t include him in the game. I wanted to put other people’s titles ahead of my own.

I put Zero Suit Samus in thinking I wanted to include more characters from the popular Metroid series. Also, since Smash Bros. has few female characters, I was quite happy to include her.

I bet you were all surprised by the appearance of Snake!

Finally we’ve gotten over the wall that separates different game makers, but of course this was due to the cooperation of many different people. Now, Smash Snake is fighting furiously and sneaking before my very eyes.

Wario seems to be the only character who isn’t very popular. Is it bad I included him? No, I don’t think that’s the case. You can all look forward to his unprecedented “contributions.”

Thank you all very much for voting. I’m sure there are a lot of different expectations out there, but I’ll work to create something that everyone will enjoy.”

For those interested, we’ve included the Nintendo poll results for “Which new character in Super Smash Bros. Brawl are you most excited about?”

* Pit (23%)
* Meta Knight (23%)
* Snake (21%)
* Zero Suit Samus (21%)
* Wario (11%)
Quelle: goNintendo.com
Bandai Namco Games nennt Wii-Entwicklungen

01.06.06 - Bandai Namco hat eine Liste mit allen Spielen veröffenticht, die für Wii geplant sind:

- Final Furlong (Pferderennen)
- Neues Actionspiel
- Neues RPG


Best of E3 2006: Sieger bekanntgegeben

01.06.06 - Die Game Critics Awards haben die besten Produkte & -Spiele der E3 2006 bekanntgegeben. Die Sieger und Kategorien:

Best of Show
- Wii (Nintendo)

Bestes Originalspiel
- Spore (Maxis/Electronic Arts für PC)

Beste Hardware/Peripherie
- Wii (Nintendo)

Bestes Konsolen-Spiel
- Gears of War (Epic / Microsoft Games Studio für Xbox 360)

Bestes PC-Spiel
- Spore (Maxis/Electronic Arts für PC)

Bestes Handheld-Spiel
- The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass (Nintendo für Nintendo DS)

Bestes Actionspiel
- Gears of War (Epic / Microsoft Games Studio für Xbox 360)

Bestes Action/Adventure
- Assassin's Creed (Ubisoft Montreal / UbiSoft für PlayStation 3)

Bestes Rollenspiel
- Mass Effect (Bioware / Microsoft Games Studio für Xbox 360)

Bestes Rennspiel
- Excite Truck (Monster Games / Nintendo für Wii)

Beste Simulation
- Spore (Maxis/Electronic Arts für PC)

Bestes Sportspiel
- Wii Sports (Nintendo für Wii)

Bestes 'Fighting'-Spiel
- Heavenly Sword (Ninja Theory / Sony für PlayStation 3)

Bestes Strategiespiel
- Supreme Commander (Gas Powered Games/THQ für PC)

Bestes Puzzle/Trivia/Parlor Spiel
- Guitar Hero 2 (Harmonix / Red Octane für PlayStation 2)

Bestes 'Online-Multiplayer'-Spiel
- Enemy Territory: Quake Wars (Splash Damage/id/Activision für PC)

beides gamefront.de
Crossbeam Studios explains Orb screenshots
June 1st, 2006
Crossbeam Studios has put together a little write-up on the first batch of Orb screenshots that popped up. The backlash has been kind of upsetting for the team, understandably so. They felt the need to explain just what the situation was behind the screens, and I urge everyone to read the following piece.

“Okay guys, here’s the full story. As many of you know, our internal art server went down… not a huge deal, as all the artists have backups of their work. Unfortunately this is a holiday weekend, and many staff went on trips to go back home to families. Essentially these screens had to be completely made in about 24 hours (the time approx. from server crash to screens being released) because all of the art was gone, save for like Simique or Maron, which everyone has copies of on staff. But we promised you guys screens, and come hell or high water, we were going to get screens to you, even if 4 department heads had to be up a full 24 hour period (as we were), to get them to you, crappy as they are.

Now, the trees, look like crap and don’t fit, because they aren’t ours. They are from a content pack sold on garage games we happened to have, and didn’t have time to get our own trees back, same goes for the grass.

Now, there was some art direction here in the planning. It’s night time because we were going to have the torches along paths in the temple area, with a particle effect and everything. Didn’t pan out, as the torches we’re sent to me about 2 hours before the screens went up, and even then, they had to be redone slightly because the exporter kept crapping out and giving us corrupted torches.

I could include a few more examples, but really eveything about this screens, well, sucks, because of very poor timing. Many of the artists are now back home, and have ben sending us the files that were lost in the server crash (we didn’t lose the server or the data, its just still down). Next week we will have this whole place done visually, and believe me, it will look much better.”

Ein angebliches Interview mit Ubisoft Paris:

Easy Nintendo: First i would like to thank you for this interview, it really means alot to us here at Easy Nintendo.
Red Steel got alot of attention at E3 this year, what is Ubisofts reaction to that?

Xavier Poix: Well we are very happy that everyone got to experience it for themselves and that many of them came away pleased.

EN: How is the online multiplayer going to work? how many players, what sort of modes will it have?
XP: Unfortunately i cannot comment on anything new in regard to multiplayer at this time other than to say it will have most if not all of the standard modes you would expect from a first person shooter.

EN: Can you comment on the price?
XP: (laughs) Sorry.

EN: How about the Wii hardware? What are the specs?
XP: Although i cannot give you exact numbers at this time i can give you a rough idea about the power of the machine. I would compare the graphics chip to somewhere inbetween the ATI Radeon X1400 and the Radeon X1600, and the CPU to between the AthlonXP 2400+ and the AthlonXP 3000+.

EN: Can you tell us how much memory at what speed the Wii has?
XP: I cannot say how much memory the Wii has, but its running at 650mhz.

EN: As we saw in many current-gen titles, 480p can result in significant jaggies. Can we expect AA and AF from Ubisoft's Wii titles?
XP: Red steel will have 4x Antialiasing and 8x Anisotropic Filtering.

EN: What's been your favorite thing about working on Red Steel?
XP: The controller, easily.

EN: What was the biggest challenge?
XP: Not telling the world about it back in january (laughs). Honestly the biggest challenge has been making sure the control is just right.

EN: Will Rayman on the Wii be a port of the current-gen game with new controls, or will it have new art assets for Wii?
XP: Its not a port, other than that i cannot say.

EN: We've been hearing a lot of consistent talk about 60fps at 480p widescreen from other developers. Is this something we'll see a lot of on Wii?
XP: I believe so yes.

EN: Why is this target so easy to hit?
XP: The hardware is totally free of bottlenecks, nothing is slowing us down.

EN: For us graphics whores, what kind of sweet graphical effects will we see in Red Steel or Rayman that we haven't
seen in Gamecube games?
XP: We have alot of self shadowing going on, also we will have some normal maps and bump maps things like that.

EN: Will there be any innovative uses of physics in Rayman?
XP: Quite a few interesting things with physics in both Red Steel and in Rayman. We've got ragdoll in Red Steel for

EN: You said that you were using FEAR as inspiration for Red Steel's AI. How is that shaping up?
XP: Yes, we loved FEAR and we tried to draw alot from it in terms of AI. In Red Steel the AI will throw grenades
back at you, it will duck for cover and also try to flank you. Many things.

EN: Will we see any sort of single disc network play like you have on the DS?
XP: No comment.

EN: Will Sam Fisher be making a return to Nintendo's home console?
XP: At some point.

EN: Lost Magic was one of the first compelling 3rd-party games for the DS in a while. Does Ubisoft have any more big
plans for the handheld?
XP: We do, keep an eye on the Tokyo Gameshow.

EN: What was your favorite Ubisoft Gamecube title?
XP: Prince of Persia (all of them)

EN: Speaking of Prince of Persia, will we be seeing more acrobatic platforming adventures on Wii?
XP: No comment.

EN: Metroid Hunters was an amazing feat on the DS. Any chance that Ubi will enter the fray with an FPS of their own?
XP: Possibly.

EN: Could you possibly tell us anything specific about the Wii GPU?
XP: I can tell you that it has double the number of pixel pipelines (of gamecube), and that it processes physics. It really takes a huge load off of the cpu.

EN: Is the T&L setup fixed function like it was on the gamecube?
XP: No, fully programmable.

EN: How much Edram does it have?
XP: 2MB for the framebuffer 2MB for the Zbuffer and 4MB for texture cache. Unfortunately I am out of time, id like to come back for another interview sometime.

EN: Thank you very much Mr. Poix.

Bandai Namco Games nennt Wii-Entwicklungen

01.06.06 - Bandai Namco hat eine Liste mit allen Spielen veröffenticht, die für Wii geplant sind:

- Final Furlong (Pferderennen)
- Neues Actionspiel
- Neues RPG
39 neue Bilder zu Super Mario Galaxy

01.06.06 - Hier sind 39 neue Bilder zu Super Mario Galaxy von Nintendo.
CLICK PICTURE -1- (20 x Super Mario Galaxy)
CLICK PICTURE -2- (19 x Super Mario Galaxy)
13 Bilder zu The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess

01.06.06 - Nintendo zeigt neue Bilder zum Action/Adventure The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess Click Picture. Release: 4. Quartal 2006 (USA)
CLICK PICTURE (13 x The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess)
Drei neue Bilder zu Super Smash Bros. Brawl

01.06.06 - Nintendo veröffentlicht drei neue Bilder zum Actionspiel Super Smash Bros. Brawl, auf denen Snake aus Metal Gear Solid zu sehen ist. Release: TBA
CLICK PICTURE -1- (Super Smash Bros. Brawl)
CLICK PICTURE -2- (Super Smash Bros. Brawl)
CLICK PICTURE -3- (Super Smash Bros. Brawl)
Quellen: GameFront
Michel Ancel(Rayman Erfinder) loves the Wii

The following is an excerpt from an interview between Michel Ancel (Rayman, Beyond Good & Evil) and Myth-Games.

MG: 13.What do you think of the Wii hardware and the innovative controller?

Michel Ancel: Hardware: Perfect to develop games. Easy to program, you can concentrate on developing new ideas and pushing your game-play.

Controller: Definitely innovative. This controller opens new ways to play games. As gamers, we will rediscover how to enjoy video games. As developers, we must rethink our controls and game-play to push the interactivity and immersion even further.

Enthüllung von Grasshoppers Heroes ab Ende Juni

01.06.06 - Heroes von Grasshopper (Killer 7 GC/PS2) sollte ursprünglich auf der E3 enthüllt werden. Aus nicht näher bekannten Gründen fand allerdings keine Präsentation statt.

Takeshi Ogura von Marvelous Interactive und Goichi Suda (Suda 51) von Grasshopper Manufacture haben im Gespräch mit Gamasutra.com erklärt, dass Heroes Ende Juni, Anfang Juli in Japan enthüllt wird.
Quelle: GameFront
Although no official launch games have been announced for the Wii, gamestop.com has a huge list of games that are expected to be released from October, 2006 to March, 2007. The games are priced from $49.99 to $59.99.

The list represents announced and/or expected games, but aside from that I wouldn’t take anything on there too seriously. I don’t think the price and date ranges are accurate. Read on for the list.


The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
Platform: Wii
Publisher: Nintendo
Category: Adventure
ESRB Rating: Rating Pending

Super Smash Bros: Brawl
Platform: Wii
Publisher: Nintendo
Category: Action, Fighting
ESRB Rating: Rating Pending

Metroid Prime 3: Corruption
Platform: Wii
Publisher: Nintendo
Category: Action
ESRB Rating: Rating Pending

Super Mario Galaxy
Platform: Wii
Publisher: Nintendo
Category: Platform
ESRB Rating: Rating Pending

Red Steel
Platform: Wii
Publisher: Ubi Soft
Category: Shooters
ESRB Rating: Rating Pending

Madden NFL 07
Platform: Wii
Publisher: Electronic Arts
Category: Sports
ESRB Rating: Rating Pending

Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles -- The Chrystal Bearers
Platform: Wii
Publisher: Square Enix
Category: Role Playing
ESRB Rating: Rating Pending

Wii Sports
Platform: Wii
Publisher: Nintendo
Category: Sports
ESRB Rating: Rating Pending

Dragon Quest Swords: The Masked Queen & the Tower of Mirrors
Platform: Wii
Publisher: Square Enix
Category: Role Playing
ESRB Rating: Rating Pending

Mario Wii
Platform: Wii
Publisher: Nintendo
Category: Action
ESRB Rating: Rating Pending

Sonic Wildfire
Platform: Wii
Publisher: Sega
Category: Action, Platform
ESRB Rating: Rating Pending

Marvel Ultimate Alliance
Platform: Wii
Publisher: Activision
Category: None
ESRB Rating: Rating Pending

WarioWare: Smooth Moves
Platform: Wii
Publisher: Nintendo
Category: Action
ESRB Rating: Rating Pending

Excite Truck
Platform: Wii
Publisher: Nintendo
Category: Action, Racing, Simulation
ESRB Rating: Rating Pending

Call of Duty 3
Platform: Wii
Publisher: Activision
Category: Shooters
ESRB Rating: Rating Pending

Rayman: Raving Rabbids
Platform: Wii
Publisher: Ubi Soft
Category: Platform
ESRB Rating: Rating Pending

Resident Evil Wii
Platform: Wii
Publisher: Capcom
Category: Adventure
ESRB Rating: Rating Pending

Platform: Wii
Publisher: NIBRIS
Category: Action, Adventure
ESRB Rating: Rating Pending

Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz
Platform: Wii
Publisher: Sega
Category: Action
ESRB Rating: Rating Pending

Tony Hawk's Downhill Jam
Platform: Wii
Publisher: Activision
Category: Sports
ESRB Rating: Rating Pending

Trauma Center: Second Opinion
Platform: Wii
Publisher: Atlus Software
Category: Simulation
ESRB Rating: Rating Pending

Dragon Ball Z: Tenkaichi Neo
Platform: Wii
Publisher: Atari
Category: Fighting
ESRB Rating: Rating Pending

Duck Hunt
Platform: Wii
Publisher: Nintendo
Category: Shooters
ESRB Rating: Rating Pending

Platform: Wii
Publisher: Konami
Category: Action, Platform
ESRB Rating: Rating Pending

Fire Emblem
Platform: Wii
Publisher: Nintendo
Category: Role Playing
ESRB Rating: Rating Pending

Metal Slug Anthology
Platform: Wii
Publisher: SNK Playmore USA
Category: Action
ESRB Rating: Rating Pending

Platform: Wii
Publisher: Nintendo
Category: Simulation
ESRB Rating: Rating Pending

Ping Pong
Platform: Wii
Publisher: Nintendo
Category: Sports
ESRB Rating: Rating Pending

Project H.A.M.M.E.R.
Platform: Wii
Publisher: Nintendo
Category: Action
ESRB Rating: Rating Pending

Super Swing Golf Pangya
Platform: Wii
Publisher: Tecmo
Category: Sports
ESRB Rating: Rating Pending

Wii Music
Platform: Wii
Publisher: Nintendo
Category: Other
ESRB Rating: Rating Pending

Wii Sports Airplane
Platform: Wii
Publisher: Nintendo
Category: Simulation
ESRB Rating: Rating Pending

Avatar: The Last Airbender
Platform: Wii
Publisher: THQ
Category: None
ESRB Rating: Rating Pending

Blitz: The League
Platform: Wii
Publisher: Midway
Category: Sports
ESRB Rating: Rating Pending

Platform: Wii
Publisher: THQ
Category: Racing
ESRB Rating: Rating Pending

Disaster: Day of Crisis
Platform: Wii
Publisher: Nintendo
Category: Action, Simulation
ESRB Rating: Rating Pending

Disney's Meet the Robinsons
Platform: Wii
Publisher: Buena Vista Games
Category: Action
ESRB Rating: Rating Pending

Final Furlong
Platform: Wii
Publisher: Namco Bandai Games
Category: Racing, Simulation
ESRB Rating: Rating Pending

Medal of Honor Airborne
Platform: Wii
Publisher: Electronic Arts
Category: None
ESRB Rating: Rating Pending

Platform: Wii
Publisher: Nintendo
Category: Action
ESRB Rating: Rating Pending

Need for Speed: Carbon
Platform: Wii
Publisher: Electronic Arts
Category: None
ESRB Rating: Rating Pending

SD Gundam G Breaker
Platform: Wii
Publisher: Bandai
Category: Action
ESRB Rating: Rating Pending

Sengoku Action
Platform: Wii
Publisher: KOEI
Category: Action
ESRB Rating: Rating Pending

SpongeBob SquarePants: Creature From the Krusty Krab
Platform: Wii
Publisher: THQ
Category: None
ESRB Rating: Rating Pending

Freitag, 02.06.06

Satoru Iwata erläutert WiiConnect24

02.06.06 - Nintendo-Präsident Satoru Iwata hat gegenüber TechOn die Funktionen von WiiConnect24 erläutert; mit dem Dienst ist Wii ständig mit dem Internet verbunden.

Wenn Wii auf einer 24 Stunden Basis mit dem Internet wäre, könnte Nintendo dem Spieler monatliche Demos für den Nintendo DS direkt an Wii senden. Das könnte nachts in jedem Haushalt passieren.

Morgens findet der Anwender eine blinkende LED-Lampe am Wii vor. Dadurch wüsste er, dass Nintendo ihm etwas geschickt hat. Anschließend könnte man das Demo vom Wii zum Nintendo DS herunterladen. Diese Demos könnte man zwar auch in einem Videospielgeschäft erhalten, doch Iwata meint, dass es dem Kunden mehr Spaß macht, wenn er sie direkt zu Hause bekommt.

Immer mehr Leute haben Phasen, in denen sie intensiv spielen. Das sei stets der Fall, wenn ein besonders bedeutendes Spiel auf den Markt kommt. Doch danach würden sie monatelang nicht mehr spielen. Iwata hofft, dass die Menschen Wii jeden Tag einschalten - so wie den Nintendo DS.

Aus diesem Grund muss Nintendo jeden Tag etwas Neues anbieten, weshalb man sich für ein System entschied, für das Nintendo seine Angebote über Nacht ändern kann.

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