L15: Wise
Oh yes! Das war das Rockstar Game, was ich unbedingt für Wii haben wollte, so komisch es klingt. Wär' sehr, sehr geil.
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Yamchu schrieb:stimmt aber da ist wenigstens die grafik besser ( auch wenn sie dort selbst für ps3/xbox verhältnisse schlecht ist) aber die wii version...oh je ich war echt auf alles gefasst...wahrscheinlichregt es mich einfach nur auf weil ich auch ein grosser spiderman fan bin. erst der entäuschende film dann das spiel es war alles zu viel für mich.
gt231 schrieb:hab mich sowieso immer gefragt, warum das spiel (table tennis) nicht gleich auf die wii kommt. bietet sich doch wunderbar an. der titel ist wie gemacht für die wiimote.
Yamchu schrieb:bei multi titeln ist man IMMER mit den anderen konsolenversionen besser bedient....omg ich muss schon wieder an spiderman denken....far cry...
System 3 aims to create the Gran Turismo of Wii
System 3 hopes to take advantage of the current absence of racing games on Wii to create the Gran Turismo of the platform.
May 08, 2007 - London-based independent developer System 3 recently announced the signing of a deal with Ferrari which would see the company acquire the rights to create Ferrari-licensed videogames. CEO and founder of the studio, Mark Cale, recently discussed the upcoming games in an interview with Nintendo Gamer, revealing the company's goal of creating the Gran Turismo equivalent for Wii.
"The advantage we've got with the Wii is there aren't any great racing games on there," Cale, a self-proclaimed racing fanatic, began. "Of course, on other consoles it's a harder challenge. But rest assured that what we want to do is create the Gran Turisomo for the Wii," he said. "I can confidently say that the [DS version] is graphically and technically better than any other racing game."
The game will arrive not only on Nintendo platforms, but also on Sony's PlayStation 3 and PSP. Although, asked how the Wii and DS versions would differ, Cale continued, "We are doing two versions: one's going to be with a steering wheel and one without. It will feel as good as any other racing game does with a controller.
"Of course, once you have a steering wheel, it's got a much better feel. We are looking at the option of putting an accelerator and proper steering wheel in for the Wii version, because that's one of the problems of the Nintendo controller - you either have a very loose system that's very forgiving but unrealistic, or if you have it realistic and you suddenly flinch or something it could affect the performance. We feel we've come up with a very good solution to that."
The game, according to Cale, is a cross between a simulation and arcade title. Taking a jab at games like Ridge Racer, he added, "I think it's ridiculous when you drift and you're going around corners at 180 miles an hour - that is not what Ferrari's going to be about. That's not an experience I enjoy."
Cale said the game will have an advantage against Gran Turimo, because that's only being released on PS3, and that won't occur until 2008. "We have to aim our quality towards that title to ensure that we're in a position to be comparable to GT," he said. "But racing against the clock is not the direction that I think the market is going to go in the future. It's not our philosophy to sell something just because Ferrari is the most desirable brand for a racing videogame."
Coreian schrieb:gegen so ein spiel haette ich bestimmt nichts - aber System 3 ?![]()
Azash schrieb:Bin da auch mehr als skeptisch ... sind nicht gerade Top-Entwickler![]()
Wenn sie wieder an die Qualität ihrer Erstlingswerke anknüpfen könnten, wäre das wirklich ein Grund zur Freude. Aber die Zeiten von International Karate und Last Ninja sind schon lange vorbei, fürchte ich...Sasuke schrieb:An Selbstvertrauen mangelt es ihnen definitiv nicht![]()
wsippel schrieb:Wenn sie wieder an die Qualität ihrer Erstlingswerke anknüpfen könnten, wäre das wirklich ein Grund zur Freude. Aber die Zeiten von International Karate und Last Ninja sind schon lange vorbei, fürchte ich...![]()
:eek3:Seeti schrieb:Ich und meine Freundin looken Giga immer zur Unterhaltung ; teilweise besser wie ne Komödie.