I got the Wii version of the game since yesterday. I was shocked i could buy this game already.
Got any questions about it? Just ask. here´s my first impressions:
First of all, the "Tutorial level" really sucks balls. I hoped the whole game wouldn´t be as shitty and thank god, it isn´t. Swinging with the Nunchuck/Wiimote ROCKS! You just press the Z (or the B button on the Wiimote), just make a small movement with the Nunchuck/Wiimote and there you go. Its really easy and you don´t have to use exagerrated movements that make you look like an total idiot ;-) Fighting is a bit weird at the beginning, but you´ll get used to it with some practise. You just move the Wiimote in a direction and Spidey attacks. The only think that really sucks with the gameplay is how they implented the Spider-Sense thing. It is only possible to dodge "hard attacks" with it and its hard to pull it off while fighting. you move the Wiimote in different directions for light attacks. when you use the Nunchuck and the Wiimote and move them in one direction, you start a hard attack (Or you are as lame as I am and just press the A button). if the Spider-Sense thing appears you have to push the nunchock down, wich sounds easy, but turns out to be hard to pull off while in battle.
The graphics are defenatly better than on Spiderman 2 for the cube. You can see very far (Don´t know how far, i havent tried to see as far as poosible yet). The Pedestrians look MUCH better than on Spiderman 2! Spidey himself looks good. The FMV´s seem to be in Ingame graphics but i get the feeling the graphics look better in FMV than ingame. But maybe my eyes tricked me). When you Swing through the city woth full speed, you´ll se a really neat Blur effect. The reflections on the buildings look better than on the cube. Seems to be the same "fake reflection" but it looks better this time. But one thing bugs me... NO PROGRESSIVE SCAN?? WTF?? I got the Mad Catz component cable but the game switches to SDTV (720x576i on my TV) when you start it :-(
so, thats it for now...