I have a few things to add.
1) If it's for the Wii, the Wii is more than capable of handling Snatcher's art-style in excellent form.
2) If it uses a point and click interface mixed with shooting segments like the original, I can't imagine a better controller than the Wiimote.
3) Snatcher is probably not a franchise that Konami has a lot of confidence in, or we'd have seen it a lot sooner. We can't get them to shell out for HD Castlevania, what makes anyone think they'll shell out for a full-budget HD Snatcher?
4) With the combination of a large userbase and lower development costs, the Wii is the perfect place to bring back franchises that haven't been brought back for budget/profit reasons. With NiGHTS and probably Snatcher, we could be seeing the beginning of a trend. I'll take new installments in these franchises over never seeing them again, regardless of the platform.
5) We are not privy to the decision-making process at Konami, but one would think that if they've waited near 15 years to do a sequel that they've probably considered very carefully the reasons why the game should go to a particular system. Let's have a bit of faith that they made the decision for the right reasons until we have evidence otherwise, alrighty?