Wii Wii - Games (nur Spiele)

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ThePlaya schrieb:
Sasuke schrieb:
ThePlaya schrieb:
wette das es wieder nur ein billiger port wird!!! :shakehead:

Ist sehr wahrscheinlich das es ein Port wird - ob es ein billiger wird ist die Frage.

SSX Blur ist ja auch kein billiger Port ;)

blur ein port??? habe ich irgenwas verpast :-?

Nein, aber im Endeffekt ist es nur die SSX Serie auf den Wii angepasst - das könnte bei Dave Mirra genau so sein halt mit paar neuen Charas, aufgemotzer Grafik und paar neuen Features ;)
Sasuke schrieb:
ThePlaya schrieb:
Sasuke schrieb:
ThePlaya schrieb:
wette das es wieder nur ein billiger port wird!!! :shakehead:

Ist sehr wahrscheinlich das es ein Port wird - ob es ein billiger wird ist die Frage.

SSX Blur ist ja auch kein billiger Port ;)

blur ein port??? habe ich irgenwas verpast :-?

Nein, aber im Endeffekt ist es nur die SSX Serie auf den Wii angepasst - das könnte bei Dave Mirra genau so sein halt mit paar neuen Charas, aufgemotzer Grafik und paar neuen Features ;)

habe mir gerade ein paar vids zu den vorgänger angeschaut, grafisch sollten die aufjedenfall etwas tun, denn die ps2 version sah ja schon sch.... aus und ich finde solchen spiele leben gerade von der optik, den das gameplay läst sehr schnell nach.
Ich spiele sowas wenn nur wegen dem Gameplay...wenn das Gameplay langweilig wird, zocke ich es wegen der Grafik auch net weiter. Erwarte nur gute Grafik, halt so das es nicht negativ auffällt...dann kann es definitiv Fun machen,wenn das Gameplay stimmt. Siehe WE Reihe....
Sasuke schrieb:
Ich spiele sowas wenn nur wegen dem Gameplay...wenn das Gameplay langweilig wird, zocke ich es wegen der Grafik auch net weiter. Erwarte nur gute Grafik, halt so das es nicht negativ auffällt...dann kann es definitiv Fun machen,wenn das Gameplay stimmt. Siehe WE Reihe....

Das letzte Spiel, das ich nur auf Grund der guten Grafik durchgespielt hatte ... war Final Fantasy 8 (auch wenn ich mich wiederhole: FF 8 ist IMO das schlechteste FF ever [und sogar eines IMO der schlechtesten RPGs ever]) ... seitdem war es das letzte Mal, dass ich ein Spiel nur wegen der Grafik durchgespielt hatte 8-)
Zuerst werden die Massen befriedigt, die Mainstreamer mit Ports. ;) Danach kommen die Hardcore Gamer mit Original Titeln ^^

Aber die bisherigen Titel wie Excite Truck, SSX Blur und so weiter scheinen ja Mordsfun zu machen :)
Here is some more information from the magazine

• Bag, glass shard, 'heavy handgun', nightstick and double barrel shotgun return. One bag execution has Daniel standing behind an orderly punching him in the face while the orderly is on his knees. There is also what appears to be a smaller hammer in one image, although I can’t confirm that.

• Biro, sledge hammer and spiked bat join the party.

• There is a brother level named 'the Honey Pot', a woman named Judy is here – the brother is a ‘front’ for recruiting for ‘The Project’.

• Environmental kills are noted by white x on the h.u.d. The radar returns.

• There are telephone and toilet environmental executions.

• There is now a weapons inventory which now pauses game. No idea if this means you can carry more than 1 item from each grouping.

• Free aim shooting – the magazine notes shooting as being easier due to free aim shooting, but this was also present in the original game. It is presumably enhanced.

• Rockstar North is doing the audio for the game, which means the return of Craig Conner and Allan Walker.

• Hinted at that the USB headset will return - Just my assumption, not confirmed!

• Level design and (most) game mechanics are very similar to the first game. No free roaming (GTA).

The magazine appears to have had the chance to play the first two levels from the game, the first acting as a tutorial. They say that Daniel had been working on a drugs-based weapons program (for ‘The Project’) six years prior to the events in the game and that he is a lot more complex than Cash was. The game picks up with Daniel in containment, and his first victim is a female doctor, which he kills by strangling her. An electrical storm soon hits and knocks out the power to the hospital, freeing the patients, as Daniel passes by the cells an inmate throws urine over him! And this is where the stealth mechanics of the game begin to come into play. Apparently if you aren’t quiet in your escape then a ‘larger’ inmate will throw faeces over you, sound lovely. Before long you meet Leo, the magazine goes onto explain that Daniel is so helpless in the beginning that he won’t fight back when attacked, it isn’t until his health drops so low and he has had enough of Leos taunting that he stands up for himself.

The magazine skips forward ‘several hours’, it doesn’t explain if this is through a cut-scene or if they are jumping ahead of levels in-between. But the level they describe is the brothel level ‘The Honey Pot’, the purpose of the level is to find Judy. Upon arriving at the brothel they are greeted by a pimp, who takes Daniels ID, this is when you are introduced to environmental kills. The level is described as having pimps, project members and people having sex everywhere. The sounds of people having sex allow for Daniel to manoeuvre his way around the brother easier due to them drowning out any sound he may be making.

The magazine states that the game is due for release ‘this spring’ rather than summer, this is likely a difference of opinion but isn’t spring usually around April or May?

Studio manager for Rockstar London, Mark Washbrook also participated in a interview in the magazine. When asked 'Any chance we'll see Piggsy again?' Mr. Washbrook responds with ' Ah, we'll see’.


• No title has satisfied the fiercely loyal Manhunt fan base since its release and there was no question that we could leave them hanging any longer!

• Although there's no denying that Manhunt contained violence and gore it would be missing the point if people thought these elements were what made Manhunt as great as it was.

I also want to add that the game looks great; it is easily the best looking Rockstar game graphically (with exception to Table Tennis – obviously). It retains the same art direction of the first title but looks a whole lot more polished than anything that has come before it. So far everything is looking outstanding in my opinion, Rockstar have attained everything that made the first game great all while expanding upon it and they appear to be making it for the people that want the game, rather than trying to change the opinions of others.

Later in the game, a member of The Project has both his plums and a pair of vertebrae removed with a pair of pliers

• The Director, gangs, CCTV cameras and death row dodger, James Earl Cash, from the first Manhunt won't play a part.

• Manhunt 2 's main character, scientist Dr Daniel Lamb, is locked in a private asylum by The Project - shady backers of a top secret drugs-based weapons program that Lamb was working on

• After breaking out of the asylum, Daniel Lamb goes on the run with psychotic inmate Leo Kasper, who is happy to coach Lamb on the brutal art of violence

• Like the first Manhunt, kills are executed in three deadly shades - Hasty, Violent and Gruesome

• Environmental kills have been introduced (push an enemy face first into a live fuse box, for example)

• Loud ambient noises can be exploited by Lamb to drown out his own crashing about

• When hiding in shadows, if an enemy comes close the player will sometimes have to copy a button combo in order to regulate Lamb's breathing and ensure that he remains undetected

• Lamb can climb and crawl - two moves that Manhunt's James Earl Cash couldn't do

• Guns can be used for stealth kills"

Erinnert stark an Hostel!

Pandemic Studios, which plans to release a war game called Mercenaries 2: World in Flames for the PS3 and 360 in August, is quietly developing a concept title for the Wii that could attract younger players, says Chief Executive Andrew Goldman. "The problem with the game business a couple of years ago is it had just gotten stale. We'd lost ground to MySpace.com NWS and other places where there were innovative experiences being developed," he says. "The Wii does something new, and draws people back in."

Scott Orr, president of developer D2C Games, and the creator of the blockbuster John Madden Football game in the '90s, says publishers including Activision ATVI, Electronic Arts (ERTS), and THQ (THQI) are also taking a closer look at Nintendo. "There's definitely a heightened interest in the Wii compared with last summer," he says. "Publishers who were sitting on the sidelines at the beginning are ramping up to support it by this Christmas."


Atari won't release its first PS3 game until next year, but doubled its Wii development budget to $20 million, Bonnell says. Starting this Christmas, Atari plans to release five games a year for the Wii, up from an initial plan of two.


Der Wii wird ein Fest für Animeliebhaber. Nen Game zu Mahou Sensei Negima! Nice.
pcoming Pokemon Battle Revolution Named as First Wi-Fi Game for Wii

Nintendo Reveals Strong Second-Quarter Lineup for Wii, Nintendo DS

REDMOND, Wash., March 7 /PRNewswire/ -- Wii(TM) owners of all ages have
discovered the fun of playing with a group of friends in the same room. Now
for the first time players can compete with one another near and far with
Pokemon(R) Battle Revolution, a game of remarkable firsts:

* the first Wii game to include Nintendo(R) Wi-Fi Connection play
* the first Pokemon game for Wii
* the first game to link Wii and the hand-held Nintendo DS(TM)
* and the first Wii game that can be controlled using Nintendo DS

When Wii and Nintendo DS are linked, players can use their Nintendo DS
units as controllers or import characters from the upcoming Nintendo DS games
Pokemon(R) Diamond Version or Pokemon(R) Pearl Version. Pokemon Battle
Revolution launches on June 25 exclusively for Wii and brings a dramatic new
chapter to the Pokemon franchise, which has sold more than 155 million units
worldwide. Pokemon Battle Revolution also serves as one of the standouts in
Nintendo's second-quarter launch lineup, which the company revealed today in
conjunction with the Game Developers Conference in San Francisco.
(Logo: http://www.newscom.com/cgi-bin/prnh/...6/NINTENDOLOGO )
Pokemon Battle Revolution will be joined by Super Paper Mario(TM), the
first Mario(TM) game for Wii; Mario Party(R) 8, a multiplayer party game; and
Big Brain Academy(TM), a brain-training game that builds on the phenomenal
success of the Nintendo DS brain games. These will add to the ever-growing
library of Wii games, which will total more than 50 by the end of June.
Nintendo DS fans will see the arrival of Pokemon Diamond Version and Pokemon
Pearl Version, two surefire smash-hits.
"With strong third-party support, Wii and Nintendo DS have games on the
way for both casual and veteran gamers," says Nintendo of America President
Reggie Fils-Aime. "Our new ways to play have attracted millions of players
around the world. This lineup demonstrates our commitment to leading the
industry with the future of video gaming."
Third-party publishers also have stepped up their support of both Wii and
Nintendo DS, recognizing these systems as the hottest things going in the
video game industry. The list of games for April, May and June includes the

April 9 Super Paper Mario Nintendo
April Prince of Persia Rival Swords Ubisoft
April Bust-A-Move Bash Majesco
April Bioncle Heroes Eidos
May 15 Mortal Kombat: Armageddon Midway
May 29 Mario Party 8 Nintendo
May Tamagotchi Party On Namco Bandai
May Disney's Pirates of the Caribbean Disney Interactive
at World's End
May Escape from Bug Island Eidos
May Spider-Man The Movie 3 Activision
June 11 Big Brain Academy Nintendo
June 25 Pokemon Battle Revolution Nintendo
June Cosmic Family Ubisoft
Spring Heatseeker Codemasters
Q2 Legend of the Dragon American Game Factory
Summer Shrek the Third Activision
Summer Transformers the Game Activision

Nintendo DS
April 22 Pokemon Diamond and Pokemon Pearl Nintendo
May Pirates of the Caribbean 3 Buena Vista
May Dragon Ball Z: Harukanaru Densetsu Atari
May Pony Friends Eidos
May Diner Dash Eidos
May Touch the Dead Eidos
June 4 Nintendo DS browser Nintendo
June 4 Planet Puzzle League Nintendo
June 11 Touchmaster DS Midway
June Zendoku Eidos
Spring Naruto Ninja Council 3 Tomy
Spring Time Ace Konami
Spring Death Jr. and the Science Fair of Doom Konami
Q2 Rune Factory: A Fantasy Harvest Moon Natsume
Summer Shrek the Third Activision
Summer Transformers: Autobots Activision
Summer Transformers: Decepticons Activision

Game Boy(R) Advance
Summer Shrek the Third Activision

Das Lineup fürs zweite Quartal !

Online confirmed. :D

Scheinbar wird auch das erste Game vorgestellt, was man mit dem DS verbindet.
ThePlaya schrieb:
blur ein port??? habe ich irgenwas verpast :-?
War Anfangs als XBox - Projekt gedacht, aber da auf der Xbox nicht alles umsetzbar war (grafisch) hat man es auf den Wii verlagert, wsippel hatte mal das mal irgendwo gepostet.
Pandemic entwickelt Wii-Spiel

09.03.07 - Die Pandemic Studios (Mercenaries 2: World in Flames Click Picture PS3/Xbox 360/PS2) arbeiten an einem Konzepttitel für Wii. Das schreibt BusinessWeek.

Das Spiel soll anscheinend eine jüngere Zielgruppe ansprechen, wie Chief Executive Andrew Goldman bestätigt. Release: TBA (USA)

neben no more heroes können wir uns auf 2 weitere grasshoppers spiele freuen :D

Finally, Suda 51 ended by stating that Grasshopper was currently working on three titles for the Nintendo Wii, one of which is the previously announced No More Heroes, published by Marvelous Interactive. The amiable game designer then dimmed the lights and proceeded to show off a stunning trailer for the upcoming assassination-fest. Check out all the murderous action in our media section below.

des weiteren wird es am 14. april ein grasshpper-event geben wo auch hideo kojima sowie shinji mikami anwesend sein werden. da scheint sich was anzubahnen....;) :D
YES, YES und YES hatte schon angst der Gute kommt uns abhold. Die Wii macht mir echt Spaß... mit Cooking Mama und Wario Ware 2 der seltsamsten und mit Manhunt 2 und NMH zwei der durchgeknalltesten Spiele.

Dazwischen herzerfrischendes von Nintendo, Zelda und 2x Mario, n endlich mal wieder gutes 3D Sonic, n lockeres Excite Truck, ein nettes Red Steel, cooles SSX Blur und irgendwas ganz abgedrehtes mit Project O worauf wir uns 2008 freuen können.

Und jetzt haben wir noch gar nicht über die ganzen Onlinetauglichen Kracher wie Mario Strikers, Mario Kart und Battalion Wars 2 gesprochen, geschweige denn SSBB und Metroid Prime 3 erwähnt.

Dazu gibt's noch viele Brot und Butter Spiele mit denen man auch Spaß haben wird... für ein Launchjahr finde ich das absolut unglaublich gut was hier aufgefahren wird.

Dazu eben in Zukunft 2 weitere Suda Games und ein Spiel von EA mit Spielberg und Lou Castle am Steuer, woohoo. YES, YES, YES.

Als Happerl dann noch zig Bemus auf der VC vom Neo Geo-System!

Wer hier nix findet ist selbst Schuld. Sorry mußte mal meine Begeisterung rauslassen. Wenn die Wii sich nicht wie geschnitten Brot diese Gen verkauft, dann weiss ich auch nicht.

PS: Ich selbst werde noch bei Godzilla und Fight Night "zuschlagen".

Nintendo Wii Konsole - Wii Sports Bundle white
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..sagt wohl alles
tweaker06 schrieb:
neben no more heroes können wir uns auf 2 weitere grasshoppers spiele freuen :D

des weiteren wird es am 14. april ein grasshpper-event geben wo auch hideo kojima sowie shinji mikami anwesend sein werden. da scheint sich was anzubahnen....;) :D

Ist ja nichts neues. :) War ja schon lange klar das er an minimum 3 weiteren Titeln für Wii arbeitet. Eines zusammen mit Hideo. Ein weiteres mit Marvelous und ka. :)

Hideo wird wohl Project S
Neben den drei Wii-Titeln bringt Grasshopper auch noch zwei Spiele für's DS (Remakes alter Adventures von Grasshopper). Kurayami kann man damit wohl komplett abhaken, und ob das geplante Xbox360-Projekt, von dem Suda mal sprach, noch aktuell ist, wage ich bei der Masse an Titeln und der Größe des Studios irgendwie auch zu bezweifeln...
Nicht offen für weitere Antworten.
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