Nintendo's Wii game console debuts in Japan
...On a quest to regain its former industry dominance, the video game pioneer stocked retailers with about 400,000 units of the new console, which flew off the shelves as people rushed to buy after queuing overnight...
..."Sony spends a lot of money for good graphics. But it's always Nintendo that comes up with new ideas," said Kentaro Watanabe, a 19-year-old university student who demonstrated his keenness by coming dressed as a remote control and said he had been determined to wait all night.
"I made this (costume) by myself yesterday. This is an homage to Nintendo," he added...
...But some customers were disappointed. Shortly after midnight, some 1,200 people -- more than the number of consoles on sale -- were already lined up outside the Bic Camera electronics store, a spokeswoman for the store said.
Yodobashi Camera, another major electronics retailer with 19 outlets in Japan, said more than 1,000 people queued at its main stores in Tokyo and western Osaka.
About 1,500 game fans queued up outside the Bic Camera store in Tokyo's Yurakucho area, in the early hours, waiting for it to open at 7:00 am (2200 GMT)...