MTV Interview mit Reggie
"Are we feeling good about our success? Do we think we can have more success in the future? Absolutely," he said during a stuffed 40-minute interview with MTV News in a hotel just south of New York's Central Park. "I do think that highlights a difference between us and our competitors: We're not arrogant. We don't view success as a right. We feel we need to earn success every day. And we're going to do that by being true to the gamer."
And for people who want more of an adventure to sink their teeth into once March passes? "Of the next batch of Nintendo releases, 'Metroid' is going to be next on that list," he said. And "Super Mario Galaxy"? Fils-Aime said to expect it any time between the end of March and next Christmas.
He fielded every question, even if he couldn't always give a rosy answer. People want Wii controllers bundled with nunchucks? If people start buying them in a one-to-one ratio, Nintendo would consider offering a bundle. Is there a DVD-playing Wii coming to the U.S. any time soon? "The answer is no." Will third parties start using the Miis - Wii player avatars - in their games? Fils-Aime said developers outside Nintendo now have the ability to drop them into their games as well, but ,"Is there anything I've seen? No." Does he think the Reggie Mii his colleagues at Nintendo made looks like him? "The one they made had more of a scowl than the one I made."
Some gamers are panting for the Wii to offer online play. Where's that? "The first online game will be 'Pokemon Battle Revolution' in Japan, so that is certainly a candidate in the U.S." He said there are other unannounced online titles in development. "For the consumer who is saying, 'Gosh, when is Nintendo going to get on board with online play?' The answer is very early in 2007."
Naturally, then, the mammoth Nintendo 64 hit "GoldenEye" would be worth it even though the game's developer is now owned by Microsoft and the James Bond license was recently snatched up by Activision? "Would I love to see it on virtual console? Absolutely. But there are a lot of issues there." He made it sound like there's a chance. "Suffice it to say we would love to see it, so we're exploring all the rights issues."
via Stephen Totilo/ NeoGAF
- Der erste 1st Party Titel im Fiskaljahr 2007 (ab Anfang April 07) wird Metroid Prime 3 sein.
- Super Mario Galaxy erscheint zwischen Ende März und Dezember 07.
- Die ersten Online-Titel in den USA werden Anfang 2007 erscheinen, das erste Online-Spiel überhaupt wird nach wie vor Pokemon sein.
- Es wird in absehbarer Zeit keine Wii mit DVD Wiedergabe in den USA geben.
- 3rd Parties haben seit kurzer Zeit die Möglichkeit, Miis in ihre Spiele einzubinden, allerdings wüsste Reggie von keinem Spiel, bei dem diese Funktionalität momentan geplant sei.
- Nintendo erruiert noch Möglichkeiten, GoldenEye auf die VC zu bringen.