I have the same kind of story. People who are deathly afraid of PS2/Xbox controllers were all about Wii. My father was quite reluctant at first, but once he started bowling, he wanted to try out all the sports. He was really impressed, and he's never been impressed by a videogame before. He thought the machine cost PS3 prices.
My friend called me up while I was playing with my father. He said his mother is wheelchair bound, and can't get around too well, but that she was crazy about Wii. He was so happy to see her enjoy something so much. He was pretty amazed.
Yeah these non-gamers loved Wii, but the hardcore gamers were pretty nuts about it as well. I'm telling you, when you put all the pieces together, from the simplistic, non-threatening look of the Wiimote, the weather and news channels (damn you Nintendo, they should have been here at launch), the point and click interface (the non-gamers loved that you could "feel" the buttons with the Wiimote), the in-console avatar creator, the availability of old console games at a few clicks of the Wiimote... There really is a clear vision here... and it's a powerful one.
I've been gaming since I was 3 years old, and I've never seen such a people magnet as this console. People were letting loose joyous laughter within a minute or two of placing the controller in their hand for the first time. I've been passionate about games my whole life, and it warms my heart to see this floodgate open. I feel like my passion can finally be shared and experienced by everyone. It's not only touching to me that everyone can share in that, but particularly my father and mother. All my life, they've been on the outside of that area, yet it's a big part of me. Videogames fuel in me a passion to create, to learn... yet I could never share it appropriately with my parents over the gaming span of almost 25 years. This Wii Sports experience may not seem like much to you, but it did something I gave up hope on. It started tearing down that one wall I assumed would always be there.
But enough of that. It's damn fun! My hardcore gamer friends can't stop playing it, and it's got people wanting to buy a game console that detested videogames just minutes earlier. You've got to respect that, whether you fear change or not.