Wii - Diskussionsforum 3

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WarioWare: Smooth Moves (just after launch).

Third-party: around 15-20 games from launch. Red Steel. Rayman. Need for Speed Carbon. Tony Hawk. Super Monkey Ball.

Date: 2006.

December 8th 2006.

EUR 249 / GBP 179

Bundles is white console, one Wii remote, one Nunchuck, Wii Sports.

Between 49 and 59 Euros for software. 34 for 39 pounds.

Date: 2006.

December 8th 2006.

EUR 249

Bundles is white console, one Wii remote, one Nunchuck, Wii Sports.

:D :D :D


Quelle: Nintendo
Knolli schrieb:
bin grad erst heimgekommen, wie siehts aus? wann kommt das teil zu uns?

*edit* na super -.-' und dafür kam iwata?

btw: gibts nen audiostream? this guy? drum eagle?

8ter Dezember für 249 mit Wii Sports.
Nicht gerade optimal

Grad les ich im Newsthread diese Aktionkurs geschichte und denk mir einfach das ist schon die halbe bestaetigung zu meinem geschlossenen Thread!

ausserdem sinds jetzt wirklich 250 euro und es juckt mich!! ich find das einfach nichtmehr so guenstig wie angekuendigt!!! . ..

wenigstens ist es noch dieses jahr
13:35 - Somewhat embarrassingly, I was just staring at the ceiling so I have no idea who won. Sorry. AH! European launch specifics. Launch games first! Wii Sports, Wii Play - which enables novices to get the hang of the controller. It'll be bundled with a second controller. Just like the Japanese 'My First Wii' package in fact. Zelda too, obviously Wario Ware will arrive 'just after launch'.

13:38 - Tony Hawk, Rayman, Red Steel, Monkey Ball coming from thirdparties amongst other things.

13:39 - WII LAUNCH DETAILS: European launch date December 8 2006, priced at £179 (249 Euros). Package will include console, Wiimote, nunchuck, cables and all that jazz. Oh and Wii Sports. Er, games will cost £35 - £39 in the UK and 49-59 Euros elsewhere. Europe, for example. Sorry about the slackness there. I was updating two places at once.

13:44 - Right, with that bit of frenzied excitement out the way, we've moved onto that Wii games trailer that was doing the rounds on the Japanese website yesterday. Incidentally, it looks a bit more impressive when it's blown up slightly bigger than the size of a postage stamp.
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