Wii - Diskussionsforum 1

Nicht offen für weitere Antworten.
wo wir grade bei alten sachen sind..

wisst ihr noch?
The Press Conference is about to begin

First delay: A mass of people wearing selfmade visors and holding "the on is real" signs were raiding the kodak theatre

Cuck Norris. who is at stage to see the new Fitness TV remote did some roundhouse kicks and bashes the pablo fanatics...

Finally the Conference begins: Reggie enters the stage and does some greetings...

Reggie is talking how much he likes to kick ass and take names... Big applaus from Chuck Norris. He likes to kick ass too

Reggie is talking about the new Definition of Handheld Gaming viewed from the point of view from a 102 years old grandma...

Reggie reveals the NDS Games "Push your Brain with a clever making game", "Nintenpoliticians: Georgie and Friends" and let us now that there will be a new Super Mario Uncles Game, featuring Maccaroni Toni and Spagheddi Eddie...

The crowd is starting to yell "We want Wii"

Yamauchi (sitting in the first row) is getting angry because he understands P - S - P

Reggie isnt talking about the Gamecube

Reggie presents the Micro DS to the crowd that is controlled with the Stylus Needle...

Reggie leaves stage... Iwata comes up...

Iwata: You want a Wii? We have Wii!

von MozLaPunk forum XD
Kenne ich noch !Nur was sollte das damals bedeuten :-? Vieleicht klärt N uns ja auf...!


Wo ist dieses GAF Forum wo so viele Insider sind ?
Remember, you're special to us and when we're ready to reveal what's so unique and innovative about Revolution, you'll be amongst the first on the planet to get your hands on it so you can tell your readers what emotion you experienced playing it. Until that important and energizing day, please continue to get plenty of exercise and sleep, and eat a balanced diet!


Der größte Teil ist noch nicht gezeigt worden, also macht euch auf eine dreidimensionale Überraschung gefasst^^
Hmm, mir ist grad klar geworden, was Reggies Name heisst.
Reggie Fils-Aime = fils aimé = geliebter Sohn
Was bekomme ich? :lol:

BTW: Wurde das mit Nintendo NOW und Nintendo sinks like a rock jemals geklärt?!
Das Bild war definitiv echt nur der Text wurde afaik gefälscht. Vllt. wird das Now zu dieser E3 erklärt ;) Vllt. wollten die zur E3 2005 noch was zeigen und der Plan wurde kurzfristig beiseite gelegt. (Die E3 05 wirkte im Gegensatz zur E3 04 ziemlich "chaotisch")
Ich hab grad bezüglich der E3 so ein zufriedenes Gefühl, was sich mit totaler Aufregung abwechselt. Nach meinem Gefühl MUSS die PK einfach der Hammer werden.

Link: http://ms.nintendo-europe.com/e3/deDE/

Falls noch nicht bekannt:

IGN predictions

New Super Mario Bros. will be totally awesome. This is not so much a prediction as it is a fact, but most people will be discovering it for the first time at E3 and will realize how cool it is. The only problem is that the E3 demo will only be a couple of brief areas, not enough to show off the extraordinarily deep level of content therein. But it ships on the 15th, so it won't be long.

As awesome as NSMB will be, it won't be the best DS game on the show floor. And to really throw you for a loop: neither will Zelda

Remember the amazing surprise when Twilight Princess was shown off at E3 2004? Nintendo's press conference on Tuesday will be something on the order of two dozen of those "holy shit!" moments, all strung together. Fanboy tears will flow.

Nintendo will make some surprising announcements about online for both DS and Wii.

Mario, Animal Crossing, and Super Smash Bros. will be shown for Wii, but that won't be the extent of the lineup. There will be plenty of new franchises geared towards the casual market. Expect Nintendo to also show plenty of tech demos that may or may not become full products.

Wii, like PS3, will be in a closed-off area at E3. No Wii kiosks at third party developers' booths. The line will be significantly longer than any other wait period at E3, including PS3.

DS will take up the majority of Nintendo's remaining show floor space, but the GameCube and GBA will play host to a few games each. There won't be many of them, but they'll be there. Zelda Twilight Princess will be out in the open, although the Wii functionality may only be demonstrated in the Wii room.

Wii's graphics will be better than expected, but (of course) significantly less detailed than PS3 and 360.

Remember the amazing surprise when Twilight Princess was shown off at E3 2004? Nintendo's press conference on Tuesday will be something on the order of two dozen of those "holy shit!" moments, all strung together. Fanboy tears will flow.
sie sagten doch das man zum start 20 titel haben wird. so viel ich mitbekommen hab, sind das alle exclusivtitel. meint ihr nicht auch es werden weit mehr als 20 titel zum launch geben, wenn man dann noch die multititel berücksichtigt?
Mein Gott! sollte Nintendo etwa (nach grade einmal zwanzig Jahren) endlich mal ein bisschen agressiver werden?
Nicht offen für weitere Antworten.
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