Since we just recently got wind of many of the titles for Wii, there's a bit of confusion as to certain games and franchises, as well as grouping issues which can account for the amazingly high number of listed titles. Some retailers, for instance, are listing Super Mario Galaxy alongside Mario Wii, or Wii Sports: Airplane next to Pilotwings. There is some obvious confusion still happening as media outlets are still receiving mixed messages as to marketing plans, specifically for the Wii Sports franchise and many of the playable demos at E3, but the huge list of soon-to-be-available titles is still staggering.
In addition, we've noticed a few interesting listings for games we've yet to confirm as announced. Again, this may simply be a listing error due to post-E3 confusion, or they could in fact be the beginnings of even more franchises on the way to Wii in the coming months. Games such as Duck Hunt, and Medal of Honor Airborne are now being spotted on release lists, along with EA's newest addition to underground racing Need for Speed: Carbon.