Renegade schrieb:
...Ich mach mir zur Zeit garkeine gedanken über die Anschaffung einer Rev. WEIIIIIIL ich noch viel zu wenig über dieses misteriöse Rev. weis
Bisher habe ich mir immer gleich jede neue Nintendo konsole zugelegt. Hierbei bin ich mir aber noch net wirklich sicher.
Und der satz:
da jeder Gamer einen Revo haben wollen wird!
Klingt irgendwie wie ein Verkäuver der ein produckt anpreist das er noch garnicht kennt
INFO ist der Freund des Zockers:
Nintendo has revealed that Revolution will be backward compatible with GameCube, play both GCN discs and proprietary new 12cm discs,
go online via Wi-Fi connections, be able to download software from the Internet, use 512MB flash memory to save data, and feature
wireless controllers. In addition, the console will boast two USB 2.0 ports. Revolution will play proprietary 12cm discs, which is the same
size as DVDs. It will also be able to play GameCube Optical Discs, as it is backward compatible with the unit. Details on the new 12cm discs
are slim. Nintendo initially announced that the discs would be dual-layered, offering upward of 8 gigabytes of storage. However,
shortly after the announcement, it removed all mention of dual-layered discs from its official Revolution press release.
However, DVD-movie playback will not be available out of the box. Revolution owners must buy an additional dongle that inserts
in front of the machine in order to watch Hollywood DVD movies on the platform.
Dazu ist noch nicht viel bekannt. Auf der E3 gab Reggie aber den entscheidenden Hinweis.
"We announced the ability to download and play the best NES games, S-NES games, N64 games, in addition to Revolution games and
GameCube games," he said in an IGN/G4 interview. "If you put those controllers all lined up together, they're all very different.
So think about what kind of device is going to allow you to play all those different types of games. It's pretty interesting."
The Revolution console will feature online play out of the box. Nintendo at the March 15, 2005 Game Developers Conference in
San Francisco announced an aggressive new Wi-Fi strategy for both DS and Revolution. Wi-Fi enables wireless, high-speed
connections to the Internet using such popular standards as 802.11b and 802.11g. Company executives made strong statements
about Nintendo's belief that gamers should be able to wirelessly go online and play against each other. Nintendo announced
at E3 2005 that Revolution would be able to go online wirelessly and download classic Nintendo games. Nintendo has not
yet announced what titles will be available for download. However, it has confirmed that Revolution owners could theoretically
download every NES, Super-NES and Nintendo 64 game ever made. The publisher is reportedly already working with third party
publisher to ensure that popular third party games are also available to download.
Speziell zu den Classic-Games, etwa wieviel sie kosten werden, äußerte sich Miyamoto:
"We have not set a price or determined a list of software for the Nintendo Revolution download service. But, we're looking at this
as a consumer service and not so much from the business end. What we want to do is provide the product that is going to make
the Revolution the console that people want in their homes. So it actually might be driven from the consumer end rather than from us.
You know, the games that they most want might be the ones that we do. From a technological point, we can do any of them.
It's just, we haven't determined which ones we'll do yet."
During a conference call discussing its financial status, Revolution memory maker MoSys said that the console would launch in mid-2006.
An exact price is unknown. But Nintendo is aggressively seeking to deliver a small, quiet and affordable console.
It seems likely that the unit will debut at the sub-$200 mark and possibly cheaper if all goes as planned.
At E3 2005, the company revealed that a Revolution sequel to Super Smash Bros. Melee is being readied for the launch of the
new system. Even better, the game will be Wi-Fi compatible, enabling players to fight it out against each other online. In addition,
brand new Zelda and Mario titles are underway for the upcoming machine. At E3 2005, Nintendo also revealed that Metroid Prime 3
is in development for Revolution. The title is once more being handled by Retro Studios. It will launch in 2006, say sources.
In addition, Nintendo confirmed that an Animal Crossing sequel is being readied for Revolution. Little is known about the title,
except that it will interact wirelessly with Nintendo DS.
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles
Ein komplett neues Spiel zum Launch: Next, Nintendo's vice president of corporate affairs confirmed to IGNcube
at E3 2005 that Nintendo is working on a new IP that will premiere with the launch of Revolution. "Wait for Revolution," she said.
"At least one new franchise. Brand new."
Renegade schrieb:
Renegade schrieb:
Mir fällt noch ein´s ein....
Double Dragon
Schön im side
scroling stil mit netter Grafik und ellen langen Levels.
Vieleicht sogar mit
caracterpuncte system.
Das wärs mal. :smile2:
Renegade schrieb:
@ TheExorzist
Genau! Das spielerlebnis ist ohne Kompli deutlich
Ein Kumpel von mir Zockt total gerne mit Cheats, und das schon zu begin des Spiels. Er sagt er mag das Gefühl der Überlegenheit. :confused4:
Ich meine das ist nicht mehr Spielen, sonder
Zugucken mit Knöpfchen drücken
@One Winged Angel
Ich habe mir das erste Halo Buch gekauft, Das hilft Ganz gewaltig die Storry zu vervollständigen. Kann ich echt jedem empfehlen
Werde mir auf jeden Fall noch die ander´n Bücher zulegen.
Renegade schrieb:
...Ich mach mir zur Zeit garkeine gedanken über die Anschaffung einer Rev. WEIIIIIIL ich noch viel zu wenig über dieses misteriöse Rev. weis
Bisher habe ich mir immer gleich jede neue Nintendo konsole zugelegt. Hierbei bin ich mir aber noch net wirklich sicher.
Und der satz:
da jeder Gamer einen Revo haben wollen wird!
Klingt irgendwie wie ein
Verkäuver der ein
produckt anpreist das er noch garnicht kennt
...also stell den
Cillic net so bloß
. Das waren jetzt NUR die wirklich
gravierenden Fehler.
Wier praucheen toch geine Leerer,
fier zint doch selper slau.