Wenden sich erste Entwickler von der PS 3 ab?

Nicht offen für weitere Antworten.
in meinen augen Sind die PS3 und die Wii super und die 360 absoluter müll, unnötig wie ein kropf.
In deinen augen sind die Wii und 360 super und die PS3 absoluter müll, reinster crap.

Dass meinte ich. ;-)

Ist das wirklich die Einschätzung von mir? :(
Ich hasse keine Konsole und ich liebe keine Konsole.
Ich kaufe *mir* halt das, was mir passt, vom Preislichen her, von der Software her.

Und nur, weil ich die PS3 aufgrund der Verkaufszahlen niederrede...
... so rede ich doch nie nieder, dass man auch Spaß mit dieser Konsole haben kann, genau wie ich jetzt z.B mit Wii.

Ich gehe jetzt weinen, so sieht man mich also hier :shakehead:
Ist das wirklich die Einschätzung von mir? :(
Ich hasse keine Konsole und ich liebe keine Konsole.
Ich kaufe *mir* halt das, was mir passt, vom Preislichen her, von der Software her.

Und nur, weil ich die PS3 aufgrund der Verkaufszahlen niederrede...
... so rede ich doch nie nieder, dass man auch Spaß mit dieser Konsole haben kann, genau wie ich jetzt z.B mit Wii.

Ich gehe jetzt weinen, so sieht man mich also hier :shakehead:

ok, war beides übertrieben. :-P
Sonst würde ich zu weihnachten ja nicht mit einem kumpel eine 360 ausleihen und H3 durchzocken. ;-)
wenn man sich die PS3 version von Assassin's Creed ansieht, frag ich mich: hätte sie Ubisoft vielleicht später bringen sollen?
bei solchen kommentaren wird man nachdenklich:

from what i have played of the ps3 version,, i own the 360 version, the 360 version is just more polished. 360 version has much less screen tearing, haven't seen nay bugs really, and the framerate while its not 100 percent stable is miles ahead of the ps3 version. i played the ps3 version for almost 2 hrs and was surprised at how many times i hit slowdowns when stuff got crazy. i only saw 1 or 2 slowdowns with the 360 version thru 20+ hrs of play

Fallout 3 Interview

Why did Bethesda choose to pick up the Fallout property?

Pete Hines: Mostly because it was a franchise with games that we love. We like big, open-ended games, player choice, that sort of stuff and it fit with some of those basic things. But it was different enough from what we'd done before with the Elder Scrolls. It was a nice break to do something completely different.

...We own Fallout. Interplay has talked about the rights that they have got from us as it relates to an MMO.

So is there any progression down that avenue with the franchise at the moment, with the MMO?

Hines: We have a separate company, ZeniMax Online Studios, that's owned by our parent company, which has been set up to do MMOs but they aren't talking about what projects they're working on or what they're doing.

There's been a lot of speculation in the press recently about your MMO plans...

Hines: It's [ZeniMax Online Studios] obviously a new shop, a new startup, and given that it's an MMO, I imagine it'll be quite a while before they start to talk about what they're doing.

So nothing on an Elder Scrolls MMO at the moment?

Hines: Right now our big focus is on Fallout 3.

What are you working on at the moment with Fallout 3?

Hines: We're working towards getting everything into the game. The world hasn't finished being built yet so we're still in the process of putting all of the content in the game, fleshing everything out and playing quests. That sort of thing.

Are all three versions of the game at the same stage of development?

Hines: For the most part. 360 is our lead platform. Our devs are just big fans of the dev tools available on the 360 and so that's our lead. But PC, PS3, 360 - they're all chugging along.

How 'open' is Fallout 3? Is it like Oblivion in that regard?

Hines: One of the things about Fallout 3 is you cannot do everything in this game. It's not like Oblivion where it's just - basically, anybody could do anything. Fallout isn't like that. Fallout basically is fewer number of quests with lots of ways to complete them and things are opened up to you or locked off to you as you go through the game.

There will be somewhere between nine to 12 different endings to the game based on what you've done in the game. So it's something that is inherently a diverging path. It may be some of the same things but doing them in very different ways, and ultimately that will define your gameplay experience.

Then you'll have to go back and play again. So you may have to play through once and blow up Megaton [a major city in the game] and then play again and not blow up Megaton just to get to the bits that are all behind both of those paths.

Fallout has a real hardcore fan base. Would you say the biggest challenge has been creating a sequel that appeals to those fans but not at the expense of alienating a new audience?

Hines: Our philosophy with Fallout 3 was to make it as if we'd made Fallout one and two. Which obviously we didn't but we couldn't really spend a whole lot of time worrying about what we didn't make or what we didn't have control over.

We approached it the same way we approached Morrowind or Oblivion - we are doing the next game in the series, this is what the series has always been about, what are we going to do with the next one to make it cool and fun and the next big step for this series?

That was our approach for Fallout 3, was to say "What's our next big thing going to be for this series". What are the things we need to stay true to and can't change, and what are the things we maybe want to change or update and do differently.

Ultimately, that was our approach, to make to make the kind of choices to make the best Fallout 3 game we thought we could make.

To date that's what we've done. We've definitely changed some things, but we feel like we've stayed true to the things about Fallout that make that series memorable - which are the setting, the characters, the tone, the feats, the moral choices, the player choice.

The character system is the same, the dialogue system works the same. We didn't want to change the stuff we felt didn't need to be changed.

During the demo you quipped that "Destruction is our new trees". But how difficult has it been creating a post-nuclear world?

Hines: Very. Especially all the outdoor stuff. Our lead artist for Fallout 3 is very good and he's also really obsessive... We really do go into a lot of detail, we don't just make things for the sake of making them, they have to have a sense of why they're there, and what function do they serve?

For the outdoor stuff, it's definitely really difficult to render that kind of destruction. But for us the big benefit is, on this generation of technology that incorporates both the two new consoles as well as the stuff we're doing now on PC with DX 9 and DX 10. This is another go-around for us on those things.
For the most part. 360 is our lead platform. Our devs are just big fans of the dev tools available on the 360 and so that's our lead. But PC, PS3, 360 - they're all chugging along.

So hört es sich immer an - is die Ps3 Fassung dann wieder für paar Wochen kurz vor Release verschoben werden muss :-)
in meinen augen Sind die PS3 und die Wii super und die 360 absoluter müll, unnötig wie ein kropf.
In deinen augen sind die Wii und 360 super und die PS3 absoluter müll, reinster crap.

Dass meinte ich. ;-)

Also was heist das? Alle lieben Wii! :P

Wenn zwei sich streiten, freut ich der dritte! ;)
Ist es nicht komplett irrelevant, auf welcher Plattform Bethesda Fallout 3 jetzt als erstes ruiniert??
..auf consolewars - der pro-informations-top-plattform wissen die aufmerksamen und intelligenten mitglieder natürlich immer wos lang geht und weche plattform am leaden ist und welcher entwickler was denkt weil wegen ...
außerdem wird doch die lead-plattform der PC sein. ist doch standard bei den west-RPGs.

Die erste Präsentation des Games lief auch auf einer 360, wäre der PC die Leadplatform hätte man es auch auf ihn präsentiert ;-)

Das die Devkits der 360 weit besser sind als die der PS3, und man daher bei ihr auch schon weiter in der Nutzung der Ressourcen sind, ist glaube kein Geheimnis....
..auf consolewars - der pro-informations-top-plattform wissen die aufmerksamen und intelligenten mitglieder natürlich immer wos lang geht und weche plattform am leaden ist und welcher entwickler was denkt weil wegen ...

CW hat schon etwas mit 300 gemeinsam: Wir leben für das Gaming, anderen spielen nur Games.
..auf consolewars - der pro-informations-top-plattform wissen die aufmerksamen und intelligenten mitglieder natürlich immer wos lang geht und weche plattform am leaden ist und welcher entwickler was denkt weil wegen ...

Nicht offen für weitere Antworten.
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