Serie Welche Serien schaut ihr?

But who stalks the stalker-stalker?

Und ooooooooh geil, Extant Premiere is ja heute Abend :awesome:
Orphan Black Season 3 bestätigt. :goodwork:


Bin irgendwo am anfang von S2 hängen geblieben und hatte ein bisschen die Motivation verloren.
Ich weiß auch nicht, aber irgendwie habe ich mir von der Serie, habe nur die 1. Season gesehen, mehr versprochen :hmm:. Bin aber dennoch auf die 2.Staffel gespannt.

Nächste Woche endlich die 2. Staffel von Hannibal :awesome:.
Also "Extant" sieht recht interessant aus: Aliens + A.I. + "Cyberpunk". Es hat schon viele interesssante Vesatzstücke. Dazu noch Halle Berry und Hiroyuki Sanada. Werd mal reinschauen wenn möglich.
Better Call Saul Infodump:

Official Synopsis:

"The series is set six years before Saul Goodman meets Walter White. When we meet him, the man who will become Saul Goodman is known as Jimmy McGill, a small-time lawyer searching for his destiny, and, more immediately, hustling to make ends meet. Working alongside, and, often, against Jimmy, is "fixer" Mike Ehrmantraut, a beloved character introduced in Breaking Bad. The series will track Jimmy's transformation into Saul Goodman, the man who puts "criminal" in "Criminal lawyer." The series' tone is dramatic, wove with dark humor."


The synopsis answers a few questions and opens the door to several more. The timeline for the series has been a frequent topic of discussion, with Saul Goodman himself, Bob Odenkirk, telling IGN that Better Call Saul may be a prequel/sequel hybrid as early as November of last year. Reports then emerged that the show might indeed follow three timelines: one in the past, one during the period in which Breaking Bad took place, and one post-Breaking Bad.

The official synopsis makes it sound as through the Saul will be located entirely in the past, though. When asked for clarification, Gilligan said evasively, "Without getting in trouble or giving anything away...You saw that we like non-linear storytelling on Breaking Bad. Anything that was possible on Breaking Bad is possible on Better Call Saul."

Dark Comedy:

According to Gould, the series will essentially explore the question: "What problem does being Saul Goodman solve?" In other words, it will trace the circumstances that caused Jimmy McGill to adopt the Goodman persona.

Saul was initially - and often - a comedic character on Breaking Bad, so many had wondered if the spinoff would be more comedy than drama. Gilligan explained that they explored every possibility for the show, one of which was more of a "procedural" comedy of sorts in which Goodman would deal with a new client/problem to solve each week.

Eventually, they landed on an approach that Gould says will mirror the "tradition of Breaking Bad" in that they will present a series that has been sweated over, that has a tremendous attention to detail, and some showmanship.

"Saul moved the Breaking Bad universe two degrees to the left," Gould, who created the character, explained. "At first I was worried that he wouldn't quite fit, but low and behold this puzzle piece of Saul Goodman fit and made the drama more dramatic and the comedy more comedyesque. Initially, he was introduced to solve a story problem, but it was so much fun to write a character who was a slippery and loquacious. As the series went on, Walter got deeper and heavier, so we had another character skidding over the top of the waves and that seemed to work."

New and Familiar Faces, Will We See Walter White?:

In addition to Odenkirk, the network confirmed the line-up of series regulars for Saul. Joining Odenkirk are Jonathan Banks (Breaking Bad, Wiseguy) as “fixer” Mike Erhmantraut, Michael McKean (This is Spinal Tap) as Chuck, Rhea Seehorn (Franklin & Bash, House of Lies) as Kim, Patrick Fabian (Big Love, Grey’s Anatomy) as Hamlin and Michael Mando (Orphan Black, The Killing) as Nacho – characters that will represent both legitimate and illegitimate sides of the law.

Mckean plays Goodman's - or in this world McGill's - brother, Chuck and the relationship seems to be at the center of the series. "To have these two comedy legends working together is amazing," Gilligan said. Adding, "And Michael will answer questions about Spinal Tap!"

Fan favorite Erhmantraut will be there, as mentioned, but as the press reminded both Gilligan and Gould, it feels possible that we might see any number of additional Breaking Bad characters show up. There's certainly been a lot of chatter to that effect.

"Sure, these are all characters we love and there's always that possibility, Gould reflected. "We want to make something that stands on its own, though. This is not the series equivalent of a clip show."

The big question is of course: Will Walter White make an appearance, or will he not?

In an interview with IGN, Bryan Cranston himself said that he didn't know "how it would work" to have White on Saul, but added that he would like to direct an episode of the series.

When we followed up with Gilligan and Gould after the panel, the producers would only say that they'd love to have Cranston involved in any capacity on the show. "First and foremost because he's a wonderful person," Gilligan said. "He's also a great director," Gould added. As to Walter on the show, Gilligan would only say, "Maybe there is a way to make it work..."

Certainly if a portion of the series does in fact take place during the same period as Breaking Bad, it is conceivable...

Leap of Faith:

Breaking Bad is a beloved series, which means that Saul is coming out of the gate with a tremendous amount of scrutiny and anticipation, which isn't necessarily the norm for a fledgling show.

"I'm so proud of Breaking Bad, so this is like tightrope walking," Gould said. "If you look down you fall. We made this choice to follow this character because he intrigues us and we didn't feel like we were done with the world. It's daunting, but we have to go for it."

"It's a leap of faith or stupidity," Gilligan added. "It's a challenge, but we're having fun. We're breaking episode 8 out of 10 now. It's like solving a Rubik's Cube...Though having said that I've never solved a Rubik's Cube in my life..."

Essentially, we know where Saul's going to "end up", so part of the puzzle is keeping things engaging and at least to some degree unknown. "There are limitations," Gilligan conceded. "We can't have him lose an arm in episode one..."

"It reminds me of season 5 and the machine gun in the trunk," Gould reflected. "We knew that was the right image, but we had no idea how we were going to get there."

Delaying the Launch:

It created somewhat of a stir in the press when the series premiere for Better Call Saul was pushed back.

"I take full responsibility for that," Gilligan said. "We could have made the deadline, but I am slow as mud as a TV writer. It was my worry when I joined The X-Files because I'd been a feature film writer. We had a pace on Breaking Bad that was deliciously stately and it was nothing that the network wanted, but we have a way of doing things that is slower than most TV shows and we think that pays dividends. When people said that Breaking Bad felt tightly woven, the largest factor for that being the case is that thanks to Sony we had the time to see things through. We could have made the premiere date [for Saul], but we didn't know that the story would work through Season 2 if we did that. We only know the one way to do it and that's the reason Breaking Bad's final season was broken up into two. We didn't elongate artificially, it was just the time that we needed."

ehrlich ich hab damals als saul eingeführt wurde gesagt: Breakout charakter ^^
normal werden nebendarsteller zum hauptcast befördert wie Ron Fucking Swanson etc

Aber saul hat von Anfang an spin off potential gehabt. die Serie wird wie nen feuchter Traum des serienjunkies in mir

sonst so Rectify hats die woche geschafft. ich bekam das geheule

Als Daniel sich bei Kerwins Mutter für ihn bedankte konnt ich nicht mehr. das war so perfekt

Bestes serie des sommers. obwohl the strain morgen startet
Ich fand Strain schon als Buch nich besonders, von daher werd ich das mit Sicherheit nich gucken.
die doctor who leaks gehen weiter :D
e1 und 2 als rohfassung geleakt.
jetzt 6 wochen alles zum doc meiden. ich will net gespoilert werden

:hmm: Meh, Rohfassungen sollte sich niemand antun. Das zerstört einfach jede Atmosphäre.
Allerdings ist es zumindest nicht ganz so abtörnend wie die miesen Cam-Rips bei Filmen.

Zwischendurch hatte ich mal zwei geleaked Rohfassungen von "From Dusk til dawn" Episoden gesehen... was die Serie natürlich noch schlechter gemacht hat. Die Spezialeffekt waren eh schon eher billig, aber dann tatsächlich auf allen Fenstern, Bildschirmen, Handy-Attrappen etc. nur Green-Screen zu sehen, oder die umgeschnallten Props aus denen später das Blut spritzen sollte (wenigstens weitestgehend kein CGI-Blut ;-)). Am schlimmsten waren natürlich die fehlenden Post Processing Effekte, so das z.B alles in eine kalte grell weiße Beleuchtung getaucht war, um dann später nachträglich per Farbfilter den typischen Orange/Gelben "Mexico"-Look hinzubekommen.
hab mehr angst versehentlich den Inhalt zu erfahren.^^

rohfassungen tue ich mir nicht an. wenn dann will enttäuscht werden in der von moffat gewünschten optik :D
Habe derzeit etwas viel Zeit :v:
Darum mal Orphan Black angefangen. 1. Folge war etwas seltsam, aber mal weiterschauen :awesome:
Das Konzept der Serie hört sich ganz vielversprechend an.
Bin jetzt mit Orphan Black durch. Fand es ganz ok, aber auch nicht so gut wie es überall gepriesen wird (abgesehen von der Tatiana).

Das größte Problem was ich mit der Serie habe ist, dass völlig unklar ist, was eigentlich die Bedrohung ist. Die böse Firma will... EXPERIMENTIEREN. Aber was wollen die? Was ist dieses ach so wichtige Ziel, in das die so eine Unmenge an Geld und Zeit stecken, Menschen töten und entführen, erpressen und all sowas? Die wollen die Klone "haben". Und wenn die die haben

was ja eigentlich auch noch die gesamte Serie über der Fall ist, denn die Klone gehen da ja ständig ein und aus (dazu wissen die wo die alle wohnen, und könnten sie problemlos entführen

wollen sie die in die Ecke stellen?
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Ging mir auch so. Es wird ja, zumindest in der 1. Staffel, eigentlich nie geklärt was die Firma will und was es mit den Klonen auf sich hat. Es wikrt auf mich einfach zu wenig spannend und außerdem habe ich gehofft, dass es düsterer ausfällt.
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