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Gebt mir mal nen Tipp, was man sich für 20€ im PSN aktuell am besten kaufen sollte. Transformers? Mag die Serie nicht, aber Platinum Games....
noch am letzten tag des jahres meine LE zu trails of cold steel bekommen.
Empfehlenswert? Gibt es ein West-Release?
Closing Comments:
The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel is hands down the best JRPG this year — and that’s saying a lot considering how many great ones have come out in the past twelve months. But what it has that most of those others don’t is heart. It’s been lovingly crafted by a team that clearly cared about the world it was building and then localized by a team that respected that world and delivered one of the best translations in a long while. It tackles tough, sensitive subjects in its narrative, all the while constructing a story that feels fun, compassionate, unique and all the more complete thanks to its large, yet superb, ensemble cast. This is a Nihon Falcom game, so there’s turn-based combat, scores and scores of dialogue, a lot of character management, and the formulaic RPG approach of town-quest-dungeon-repeat, but those qualms pale in comparison to everything else it gets right. If this is what’s in store for us with future Legend of Heroes titles, it’s safe to say that the JRPG genre has a bright future ahead of it.