Feel free to report for lock if this doesn't need its own thread.
Liam Robertson was one of the folk who called out the cancellation of Scalebound (maybe even was the first - I don't specifically recall) before it happened and also had a video about
why the game was cancelled. He then later implied he had more information about the troubled development of the game but it wasn't something he could reveal without causing problems for Platinum.
The new video today gave Robertson's opinion on the current talk of a "Nintendo revival" with respect to Scalebound and Project HAMMER and can be bulleted down to this...
- Neither game is likely to come back.
- Project HAMMER was a mess of a project that caused so much damage there's no reason to dig it up.
- Robertson can't talk about Scalebound in specifics because of legal issues.
- Platinum has unannounced projects and pitches but Robertson's has heard nothing that has indicated Scalebound.
- The decision to cancel Scalebound was a mutual one between PlatinumGames and Microsoft.
- One of the biggest reasons it was cancelled was the tech could not run the vision for the game. Bringing it back on even weaker hardware seems a strange decision.
- Scalebound was a very personal project for the team. Picking it up when many folk who worked on it have left (and apparently more are planning on leaving) seems against PG's studio culture.
- Rumor that Platinum has shelved a major project recently because they couldn't staff it. They don't have the manpower for another big game right now.
- No reason for Microsoft to sell Scalebound would do damage to Microsoft. Showing that they were incapable of making the project happen but NIntendo could.
- Robertson heard Nintendo and Microsoft are working on big things together.
- Doesn't think PlatinumGames has the money to buy Scalebound.