ConsoleWAR WAR: PS4 vs. One vs. Switch (Pink Panzer Vor!)

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Achtet bitte darauf, nicht andauernd den PC und Google bzw. Stadia in die Diskussion zu nehmen, dafür gibt es andere WAR-Threads.
Immerhin hat er eine nette Taktik .
Überwochen hier und da mal eine vorraussagung tätigen bzw positionieren die zusammen genommen ein sehr großen Rahmen abdecken nur um am Ende sagen zu können . Hab ich doch gesagt :kruemel:

Wahre Worte! Ich prognostiziere dann mal das die PS4 2019 zwischen 1-8 mio über die Ladentheke geht. Alles darüber sind Casuals und Angebote, die ich nicht hervorsehen kann :v:

Yeah I love, love, love Mario Odyssey, but having said that I can also say that Astro bot is on a whole other level.

Please, listen to me. I’ve been a fan of platformers from the nes days and I remember going in to a blockbuster when I was younger and seeing Mario 64 for the first time. I remember it vividly, and I am telling you that I got the same feeling when I strapped the psvr to my head and started playing Astro bot. My first thought was, “ I wish all the new Mario’s were like this.”

If you are a fan of platformers then please find a way to play Astro bot, it will open your eyes up to 3d and the amazing possibilities that vr can bring to the platformer genre.

Kann mir keiner sagen, dass das ein Fanboy ist. Das ist übrigens nicht der Threadsteller.

Jovante M. Williams arrived at his friends’ apartment at the same time that police were arriving. “At my friends’ apartment, there’s been a couple of noise complaints going on, from the same people,” Jovante tells Yahoo Lifestyle. “Lately, we’ve been playing our games on mute; we don’t want to bother anyone.”

Williams is familiar with the area, “We’re not trouble. We’re adults. Sometimes, we drink beer,” he admits.

Williams and his friends were playing the popular Nintendo video game Super Smash Bros. when police arrived at their door. “You know,” Williams says, “The neighbors thought we were doing the most. We were just playing.”

“We got a lot of cops. We’re telling them this is the same noise level we’ve been having,” Williams tells us. “They confirmed, a few times, that we weren’t even loud.”

Eventually, one police officer asked the young men what they were playing.

“I’m like, ‘Y’all wanna play Smash?!’ And two of them literally raised their hand and walked up. They’re like, ‘How do you jump?’ They were acting; one of them was playing Pikachu!” Williams says, laughing, alluding to the fact that the officers knew how to play very well.

Williams said he thought “Of course, you’d bring more cops” when police arrived at the apartment building. “It was concerning. You see so many videos of terrible results. … I’m not trying to end up in jail or hurt, or have my friends harmed, or to start a commotion. But you know what? I heard the police asking ‘What Smash Brothers?’ Instead of something negative … it was something wholesome.”

Unser Freund und Helfer springt ein, wenn wir nicht genügend Mitspieler haben für SSBU. :goodwork: :pcat: :nyanwins:
Nun kommen Resetera Userposts um zu belegen das Astrobot besser sein soll als SMO. Manchen ist gar nichts zu peinlich.
Nun kommen Resetera Userposts um zu belegen das Astrobot besser sein soll als SMO. Manchen ist gar nichts zu peinlich.

Das sind Spieler, deren Meinung FÜR MICH nicht weniger wert ist als die von irgendwelchen Typen die wegen Geld spielen und ein Spiel "objektiv" bewerten. Ehrliche Usermeinungen sind viel mehr wert als Wertungen der "Fachpresse".
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