wieso nimmt sony nicht die europa switches zurück ?
Nintendo Switch: Kunden verlieren die Geduld - und das Interesse
Potentielle Nintendo-Switch-Käufer in Japan haben nach mehr als fünf Monaten der Warterei die Nase voll von der Konsole. Dies berichtet die Webseite Nintendosoup.
Internetuser/Foristen machen ihrem Unmut Luft. Die Quelle der Beschwerden ist Twitter, nur als Anmerkung

but on social networks such as Twitter, many reacted to the news with anger and disappointment.
One user commented “After seeing the long lines, I gave up buying (a Nintendo Switch) at the retail store. I couldn’t even pre-order a set online (from My Nintendo Store), I’m about halfway in giving up.”
More users began to chime in with similar feelings on the situation. “Up till now I haven’t been able to buy a Switch, turns out I don’t want to buy one anymore”, “Couldn’t buy a Switch up till today, guess I don’t need it forever”, “All I want to do is to game on the Switch, why couldn’t I even buy one?!”, “Why do we have to suffer like this?”
Not everyone is feeling pessimistic about the shortages. A Japanese family treated the weekly Switch lotteries like a family excursion, even though they haven’t been able to secure a Switch until now.
To remedy the shortages, Nintendo told consumers in Japan they will ramp up production and send more units to the Japanese market beginning in Fall 2017.
Nintendo’s online store, My Nintendo Store, started taking pre-orders for customizable Nintendo Switch sets on August 22 which are estimated to ship out in October. The problem is pre-orders are sold out very quickly everyday and it is extremely difficult to access the website due to high traffic.
Wow, Leute die keine Switch abkriegen ranten Twitter voll, welch Überraschung.
Wie ist das eigentlich möglich, wenn die Switch in Japan nicht ausverkauft ist? Aber nett, wenn Naughty es einsieht und auch noch Belege für die beliebtheit der Switch und die hohe Nachfrage postet