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Games have left the shadow of the movie business

Disney's cancellation of Infinity and move to a licensing model is just the latest step in a long, slow and inevitable divorce between games and movies.

eSports supremacy beckons as Overwatch beta pulls 9.7m players

The open beta for Overwatch attracted 9.7 million players, making it the most successful beta in Blizzard's history.

The Overwatch beta ran for less than a week on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC. The 9.7 million gamers that participated racked up 37 million matches in total. In a statement released yesterday, Blizzard CEO Mike Morhaime rolled out the superlatives, describing interest in the team-based shooter as "incredible" and "overwhelming."

Sega returns to profit on cuts and streamlining

But revenue across Sega's games business was flat or in decline as new products failed to excite

Square Enix doubles annual profits
Square Enix has recorded a bumper financial year for the 12 months, more than doubling its profits year-on-year across the business to around 20 billion Yen ($184m, £127, €161.5m) and bumping games sales by 42 per cent and games operating profit by 58 per cent. Alongside 'solid starts' for Tomb Raider and Just Cause 3, the Japanese publisher noted the performance of Final Fantasy XIV and Dragon Quest X DLC, as well as several mobile titles including Mobius Final Fantasy, Hoshi No Dragon Quest and Final Fantasy Brave Exvius.

Microsoft refused to sell Fable IP - Report

Suitors expressed interest in acquiring Lionhead, but refusal to include franchise in the deal cut talks short

Microsoft vetoed a black woman on cover for Fable II

Ex-Lionhead art director recalls marketing department "just didn't get it," insisted on a white male for Xbox 360 RPG

"They were going, you can't have a black person on the cover, and you can't have a woman," McCormack said. "And you want a black woman. And I was like, yes, I do, because it's about be whatever hero you want. No. It's a white guy. That's just the way it is. We know what sells and that's fucking it. Stop the arguing. I was like, fuck you! That was a huge fight.

"They said, what's the most unsuccessful Disney film? I was like, I don't know. They went, Princess and the Frog. Work it out. I was like fuck you, man. I hated it.

"I was screaming at them in conference calls. I lost it at that point, because they just weren't getting the game. Especially because we were the first ever game that had gay marriage, we were about breaking down walls. It was meant to be funny and mature. They just took none of it and just did the usual white guy with a sword on the front. Damn it! You missed the point!"

:uglylol: :nyah:

Microsoft Has Been Planning for E3 Since December; Working on an Overwatch Event and More
E3 is definitely one of the climaxes of the year for Microsoft, and the house of Xbox has been at work on it for a long time, as revealed by Digital Storytelling Lead (that’s his title, I’m not making it up) Jeff Rubenstein during the latest episode of Director of Xbox Programming Larry “Major Nelson” Hryb’s podcast.

According to Rubenstein, the first meeting for this year’s E3 has been in December 2015.

April “Best Month in History” for Engagement on Xbox One; 1.6 Million Players Tested Gears of War 4’s Beta

Microsoft announced with a press release that Gears of War 4‘s beta last month involved 1.6 million unique players, which is a quite nice result, even considering that everyone with an Xbox Live Gold account was invited.

Additionally, the announcement coming by way of Xbox Chief Marketing Officer Mike Nichols mentioned that Microsoft expects Gears of War 4 to be their “biggest game of the year,” while April is labeled as the “best month in history” for global engagement on Xbox One.

Ubisoft Will Announce a “Promising” VR Game at E3; Praises Sony’s Work on Presenting the Tech

During Ubisoft’s conference call for investors and analysts related to fiscal year 2015/2016, CEO Yves Guillemot gave more color about the company’s position related to virtual reality:

“We continue to be very interested in VR. We are going to launch a few games this year. We don’t expect them to do big revenue. We have good experiences there, and we will surprise a few people also at E3 where we will announce a new title that is promising.

So yes, VR is coming, we are happy that Sony is doing a good job in presenting its new machine, the PlayStation VR, and we see now a good momentum, but we are very disciplined on that, and we don’t spend too much before there are enough machines installed. But we learned a lot at the moment, and we adapted our engines so that they can be ready when the market takes off.”

Ubisoft Working on Games that Take Advantage of PC’s Power; “Gamers Will Be Delighted”

During Ubisoft’s financial conference call related to the fiscal year ended on March 31st, 2016, Chief Executive Officer Yves Guillemot talked about the company’s future on the PC market.

Yes, for sure PC is going to take more share in our revenue. We’re actively working to create games for the PC that are taking advantage of the potential of those machines. So gamers will be delighted to get our games with huge performance on the PC. That will help to actually grow the market share of the PC in Ubisoft.

Sources: The Ambitious (Now Cancelled) Plans For Disney Infinity's Future Included Rogue One, Bigger Figures

Disney’s cancellation of its lucrative toy-centric Disney Infinity series is even more shocking given the tantalizing plans for the series that two sources close to the project have shared with Kotaku.

Developers were planning numerous new level packs, including one based on this fall’s Rogue One: A Star Wars Story movie, as well as a new line of 12-inch figures. Plans were also afoot for the 2017 release of Disney Infinity 4.0, complete with a long-awaited story mode that would have intertwined the adventures of characters from the series’ disparate Star Wars, Marvel and Disney universes.

Citizens of Earth Pulled From 3DS eShop Following Discovery of Homebrew Exploit

In Nintendo’s constant vigilance to protect their consoles from homebrew programs and other backdoor entry, Nintendo has currently pulled Citizens of Earth from the eShop. Citizens of Earth (which was just included in the recent Nintendo Humble Bundle) contains an exploit in the boot-up screen that can allow 3DS owners to run unsigned code on the console — assuming you already have an existing point of entry like Cubic Ninja or broswerhax.

Citizens of Earth — a love-letter to the iconic Mother series — launched late January 2015 from developer Eden Industries. There has been no official statement from Nintendo regarding the removal, though it isn’t unprecedented. Another indie title VVVVVV was similarly removed from the eShop earlier in May for having the same sort of exploit
naughty dog fanboys scheinen from software fanboys gerade abzulösen, was worst game fanbase anbelangt.




Videospiel-Fans sind neben Film-Fans ja auch nicht packbar wenn es um Peditionen geht. Dennoch hat imo ein Troll, der Dark Souls als schlechtestes Videospiel aller Zeiten bezeichnet, such ander Spiele wie Msrio Maker mit ähnlich netten Reviews beschmückt und allgemein nicht ernsthaft schreibt, nichts auf solchen Reviewseiten zu suchen. Der Kerl lacht sich wahrscheinlich schlapp (oder ist wirklich so dämlich).
Vollkommen gerechtfertigt. :nix:

Nur traurig, dass Metacritic nicht selbst in der Lage ist Troll-/Fakereviews rauszufiltern.
Joah, verbieten wir gleich alles, was einem nicht in den Kram passt.
Wurde das Review eigtl. verlinkt? Konnte es bei kurzem Überfliegen nicht hier finden.

Metacritics eigener Anspruch ist folgender hier:

Metacritic's proprietary Metascore distills the opinions of the most respected critics writing online and in print to a single number.

Da passt so ein Abfall eben nicht rein wenn die Seite in Zukunft noch ernst genommen werden will.
Metacritics eigener Anspruch ist folgender hier:

Metacritic's proprietary Metascore distills the opinions of the most respected critics writing online and in print to a single number.

Da passt so ein Abfall eben nicht rein wenn die Seite in Zukunft noch ernst genommen werden will.

Ihr habt nur ausreden parat. Das zählt nicht, dies zählt nich...
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Metacritics eigener Anspruch ist folgender hier:

Metacritic's proprietary Metascore distills the opinions of the most respected critics writing online and in print to a single number.

Da passt so ein Abfall eben nicht rein wenn die Seite in Zukunft noch ernst genommen werden will.
Ist es jetzt Abfall, weil es dir nicht passt, oder, weil es doch schlecht geschrieben ist? Sollte man unterscheiden.
Ist es jetzt Abfall, weil es dir nicht passt, oder, weil es doch schlecht geschrieben ist? Sollte man unterscheiden.

Es ist Abfall weil es eindeutig ein Trollreview ist und der Reviewer ganz sicher nicht zu den "most respected critics writing online" gehört. Wenn mich die Meinung jedes random Trottels/Fanboys der irgendwo im Internet seine schrottigen Blogs/Reviews verfasst interessieren würde bräuchte ich Metacritic nicht.

Ich kaufe auch keinen Restaurantführer der Pommesbuden empfiehlt die nur einmal in 5 Jahren ihr Friteusenfett wechseln.
Dann ist es in der Tat so, dass du es als Abfall empfindest, und du keine objektive Antwort geben kannst.
Du sagst: "Es ist Müll, weil Müll". Gibst aber keine Beispiele aus dem Review selber, welche deine Thesen unterstützt :3.
Dann ist es in der Tat so, dass du es als Abfall empfindest, und du keine objektive Antwort geben kannst.
Du sagst: "Es ist Müll, weil Müll". Gibst aber keine Beispiele aus dem Review selber, welche deine Thesen unterstützt :3.
Natürlich kann ich ne objektive Antwort geben. :ugly: Du solltest vielleicht einfach mal das Review lesen und nicht einfach nur aus Prinzip contra geben weil du dich hier als Retter der Meinungsfreiheit aufspielen willst was btw. mit sowas wie Metacritic mal überhaupt nix zu tun hat.
Metacritic ist ein Service der gewisse Qualitätstandards verspricht und kein Sammelbecken für Meinungen von Leuten die sowieso keiner hören will.
Natürlich kann ich ne objektive Antwort geben. :ugly: Du solltest vielleicht einfach mal das Review lesen und nicht einfach nur aus Prinzip contra geben weil du dich hier als Retter der Meinungsfreiheit aufspielen willst was btw. mit sowas wie Metacritic mal überhaupt nix zu tun hat.
Metacritic ist ein Service der gewisse Qualitätstandards verspricht und kein Sammelbecken für Meinungen von Leuten die sowieso keiner hören will.
Nein. Du hast gar kein Contra gegeben, weil du nicht das Review als Basis setzt. Du sagst ständig "Müll, weil ist so", aber das Warum kannst du nicht beantworten.
Natürlich kann ich ne objektive Antwort geben. :ugly: Du solltest vielleicht einfach mal das Review lesen und nicht einfach nur aus Prinzip contra geben weil du dich hier als Retter der Meinungsfreiheit aufspielen willst was btw. mit sowas wie Metacritic mal überhaupt nix zu tun hat.
Metacritic ist ein Service der gewisse Qualitätstandards verspricht und kein Sammelbecken für Meinungen von Leuten die sowieso keiner hören will.

Und weiterhin keine Argumente....
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