PS4/PC Uncharted 4: A Thief's End

Nicht zwingend. Haben nun halt das Ende aufgenommen. Muss ja nicht sein das die bei der Aufnahme chronologisch vorgehen.
Nicht zwingend. Haben nun halt das Ende aufgenommen. Muss ja nicht sein das die bei der Aufnahme chronologisch vorgehen.

Sie waren schon mal fertig letztes jahr, dann ist einer von ND weg, der dann angepisst getwittert hat das sie sein mocap rausschneiden und neu machen werden.Haben sich wohl nicht im freundlichen getrennt.
Und nach dem Druckmann rüber ist, haben sie auch noch einiges an der story geändert , wie er mal meinte ;)
Jetzt muß es also komplett fertig sein, da es eigentlich immer serh früh in der produktion gemacht wird, da es auch ne menge zeit braucht die figuren dann vom mocap ins spiel zu integrieren mit richtiger synchro usw.
danke für's update bezüglich uncharted 4.

hier mal was interessantes:

die japanische version hat den untertitel: "The Pirate King and the Last Treasure"

viel cooler als "a thief's end" imo. :v:
Naughty Dog All Hands on Deck on Uncharted 4; Devs Talk Technical Wizardry and Animation

During a livestream to support Operation Supply Drop 2015 it was mentioned that the folks at Naughty Dog is currently “all hands on deck” on Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End.

Apparently the studio is now crunching on the game, and while it was not explicitly mentioned, it’s probably to prepare whatever they’re going to show at E3.

Community Strategists Eric Monacelli also talked about what the team is capable of during crunch time, in relation to the achievement of making The Last of Us actually work on PS3:

Our team is just full of evil geniuses and wizards and they’re just really good programmers. With a lot of dev teams – I worked in a few different places – it’s the same sort of feel, but Naughty Dog has this sort of special magic that whenever we go into crunch it’s just like, we all come together and we want the absolute best of everything. And it just somehow comes out and shines through, it’s just incredible.

Senior Cinematics Animator Tal Peleg, who is currently working on Uncharted 4 and and also worked on the multiplayer animations on The Last of Us and its remastered version, also gave some interesting insight on the subject.

He was asked whether he feels more pressure working on multiplayer animations, since they will be used for competitive gameplay:

Not really, no. We got the back of good designers and programmers, so it’s really just to make it look awesome.

He was also asked whether multiplayer latency influences his work:

It’s probably not a main factor. It’s maybe one of the factors, but not a primary one. We’re trying to make it as sterile and clean as possible, and then when lag kicks in then we say “what can we do to try and make it more responsive,” but it usually goes without factoring that in.

Interestingly, it was also mentioned that Naughty Dog has a brand new studio dedicated to Twitch streaming, so we can expect more interesting broadcasts from them.

Uncharted 4 Developers Talk About Doing Things “No One Has Ever Done Before” and Drake’s Chest Hair

During a livestream to support Operation Supply Drop 2015 Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End Character Concept Artist Richard Lyons and Environment Artist Andrew Maximov talked about their job at Naughty Dog and on the upcoming adventure of Nathan Drake.

Lyons mentioned that hisday-to-day job involves a lot of communication with the designers and Creative Directors Neil Druckmann and Bruce Straley, searching for ideas for character costumes, what motivates characters, and how that can be represented visually, and then that results into producing 2D artwork that will serve as inspiration for the character artists, that will execute on that vision.

Interestingly, Lyons explained that for a new hypotetical IP that kind of work would involve hundreds and hundreds of images, and months and months of work, with quite a large amount of people throwing in ideas.

As an example, for a “small” new ip he worked before with a “tiny” studio, a lead character required 140 different sketches and images.In comparison, if Naughty Dog wanted to do a new intellectual property, he presumes it would require thousands of images. “It would be huge.”

Lyons then explained the early phase of development that he calls “blue sky,” when ideas are tested, then the phase he defines “closing doors” comes. You start off with all the doors open, and every option is possible, then developers realize that they don’t want some of them and start closing doors progressively, and what is left is the path the game will take.

On top of that, there are factors to consider like stylisation, shape language, what demographics you’re trying to appeal to, what the team is good at, what can be achieved technically and more.

Maximow mentioned that he always starts in an Environment Artist role whenever he works with a new team, and then he branches off into solving technical issues for the art team.

He started on Uncharted 4 working on the new foliage animation tech, but then came Drake’s chest hair: he explained that tech often works across the board, so when he was working on the foliage, and he learned that there was a problem with hair animation for characters, so he brought up the idea of re-using the foliage tech. It’s literally the same wind driving the grass on the ground and the hair on Drake, after all.

He realized that the team had modeled Drake’s hair, so he decided to rig it with wind, and just put it in the game. When the Director noticed it, he sent a mail to the entire company saying “hey, this is next gen.”

Maximov explained further that the effect essentially costs nothing performance-wise, so “might as well do it.”

“That’s one of the things I really love about Naughty Dog, it’s that it’s always like how can we step it up a notch, how can we do it the way no one has ever done before, what can we do that no one has ever done before. And that’s I think the most fun part of my job. It’s coming in every day and knowing that the challenges we’re going to be solving, probably no one has ever solved before, and that’s really cool.”

Lyons added that this is a “really gung-ho attitude.” and fosters a really challenging attitude. Every time someone mentions something that seems “a little bit outrageous,” Naughty Dog tries to see what they can do about it.

Maximum continued by explaining that in several studios he worked at before, budget and time constraints push developers to say “we can’t everything.” You won’t hear that at Naughty Dog, where it’s like “It has to be there, somebody might notice, let’s go put it in, let’s come up with something and make it awesome.”

If you’re interested in seeing what Maximov and Lyons can do, we featured their art before. You can find Maximov’s personal work here and here, and Lyon’s lovely character art here.

Hoffe mal auf der E3 gibts einen Level der einen grafisch umhaut wie damals die E3 UC2 Präsentation.;-)
Fand die Gameplay Demo aus dem letzten Jahr, schon wirklich passend! Im Nachhinein erst recht!
Wo doch "alle" anderen mit ihren inszenierten "In-Engine - CGI - Doppelt Titan Render Blender"
um sich warfen. :lol:

Denke dieses Jahr werden sie, neben ein paar neuen Gameplay schnipsel. 100% einen neuen Non
Fake Trailer heraushauen! Dieser wird Hypen so das der Release, einen wie 2 Jahre verschoben
vorkommt. :-D

Die Uncharted HD Collection erwähne ich nicht, da sonst eventuell wieder was losgetreten wird.
Uncharted 4 Is Being Tested by About 40 People; Dev Talks Foley System and Sound that “Feels Right”

During a livestream to support Operation Supply Drop 2015 Naughty Dog QA lead Trevor Stevens talked a bit about what kind of QA Testing is going on for Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End.

Stevens mentioned that there are currently “well over thirty, forty-ish” internal testers working on the game, and the studio is still hiring, with a goal of having about sixty testers

If you live in the Santa Monica area, and you’re tempted to apply, Stevens explained that the studio isn’t looking just for people who “play games.”

He described the job as watching your favorite movie, but not from start to end. Instead you’d be watching the same five-second clip over and over and explain what you see wrong with it every single time. And then when it gets improved, you watch the same clip again and repeat the process.

According to Stevens there are times in which the QA team has “amazing amounts of fun,” and other times in which it’s really frustrating.

Sound Designer Robert Krekel also took part in the show. He’s also currently working on Uncharted 4 and also worked on The Last of Us and Uncharted 3.

Krekel gave some interesting information about his role at the studio, explaining that the team doesn’t only try to give signature sounds for different weapons, but also how sound propagates through the environment, so you can tell if someone is in the next room or two doors over. They try to model it as close to reality as possible.

For creating sounds of weapons the team has the luxury of not having to stick too close to reality, but Krekel still tries to keep to the same caliber with the original recordings, but that’s not always the case. The important thing is that the sound “feels right.”

Krekel mentioned that his favorite sound he created for The Last of Us is the variable rifle. It didn’t even take much iteration to get right. That’s rare as it normally takes more tries in order to find an effect that sounds cool, feels right, and isn’t too big or too small depending how powerful the gun is.

Currently he’s working on Uncharted 4‘s Foley system (basically the reproduction of everyday sound effects, like the swishing of clothing or footsteps), in order to make it “more dynamic and more subtle.” Krekel is fine tuning the sounds made by Drake’s feet, his jeans and the gear hanging off his belt to make them more subtle so that they dynamically change between when the character is moving slowly and when he’s going faster and fighting, as if someone was making the sounds “in real time” through Drake.

He explained that he often “geeks out” on elements that most people won’t notice, but that just make the game “feel right.” According to Krekel if the sound feels right you often don’t even notice it.

Klasse das ND sich bei seiner Arbeit, selbst hinterfragt und viel Testen läst. Die Sound´s der Alpha/Demo, klangen wirklich schon richtig gut. Und das man auch die TLOU, Sound Specialeffekt Designer mit ins Boot holte. Alles andere als verkehrt! Bin echt mal gespannt, was sie auf der E³ uns zeigen werden.
Bei den Soundsachen bin ich immer skeptisch. Das was die da beim Sound machen wollen ist eigentlich nur mit Dolby Atmos möglich.
Beim Sound hat sich schon sehr viel getan im Laufe der Jahre, man nimmt es nur als "Normal" wahr.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:

Ganz sicher. Erklär mir mal wie du Räumlichkeit von oben erreichen willst.

Habe mich verlesen im Artikel stand ja nicht das der Gegner über sondern zwei Türen weiter ist.
Habe mich verlesen im Artikel stand ja nicht das der Gegner über sondern zwei Türen weiter ist.

Bin mir nicht ganz sicher aber ich denke so wie du es dir vorgestellt hast, geht das ganze auch ohne Dolby. Gab schon vor Jahren Reciever die 10.2 empfangen konnten bzw. weitergeben. Dolby hat nur spezielle Spezifikationen die sie versuchen zu verkaufen, wie so jedes andere Produkt.

Vielleicht kennt sich Xyleph da besser aus, aber ich denke das wäre auch ohne Dolby machbar, und zwar unkomprimiert.
Ich dachte ja eher das der Gegner von oben zu hören sein sollte als ob man einen Raum drunter wäre. Falls es sowas schon gibt muss ich mich wohl entschuldigen. Ich dachte sowas gibt es erst seit es Dolby Atmos gibt.
Ich dachte ja eher das der Gegner von oben zu hören sein sollte als ob man einen Raum drunter wäre. Falls es sowas schon gibt muss ich mich wohl entschuldigen. Ich dachte sowas gibt es erst seit es Dolby Atmos gibt.

Gibt schon bischen länger, das 10.2 was ich gesehen habe damals ging über THX, durchgesetzt hat es sich allerdings nie. Ich denke 5.1 und 7.1 werden noch lange der Standard sein.

Wäre aber schon geil wenn ND Dolby Atmos integrieren würde, für diejenigen welche es dann abspielen können bestimmt was ganz leckeres.

Ich hab ja nichtmal ein 5.1 Set was soll ich sagen? xD

Mir reichen meine Dolby TV Boxen :p
Gibt schon bischen länger, das 10.2 was ich gesehen habe damals ging über THX, durchgesetzt hat es sich allerdings nie. Ich denke 5.1 und 7.1 werden noch lange der Standard sein.

Wäre aber schon geil wenn ND Dolby Atmos integrieren würde, für diejenigen welche es dann abspielen können bestimmt was ganz leckeres.

Ich hab ja nichtmal ein 5.1 Set was soll ich sagen? xD

Mir reichen meine Dolby TV Boxen :p
Imo kann die ps4 kein atmos via bitstream ausgeben, oder?
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