PS4/PC Uncharted 4: A Thief's End



Die Bilder liegen in 720p vor und zeigen im Zoom sofort Kompression artefakte! Denke das sie
einfach ein paar, aus bekannten Video Quellen genommen haben.

Gab es Seiten Naughty Dog eigentlich schon, offizielle 1:1 (full HD) Bilder?
Ne gibtnoch keine, da nimmt man lieber selbstgemachte von gamersyde :)

Hab ich mal schnell mit dem tablet gemacht ;)





Aber gamersyde hat leider sonst auch fast das doppelte an bitrate in ihren videos, schade das da nicht noch ne bessere version kam.
Gibt ein Interview auf game informer mit Bruce Straley und Neil Druckmann.

Comparing Uncharted 4's Story And Gameplay To The Last Of Us

Werf nochmal den Link zum neogaf Thread mit rein.^^

Ich fand interessant wie Neil ansprach, dass Uncharted 4 am Anfang so große Areale hatte, dass man nicht wusste wo ma hin soll. Man wird jedoch größere Areale als die PSX Demo haben.
Bruce auf die Frage, ob er sich anschaut was andere Entwickler machen, er zieht sein eigenes Ding durch, er macht was ihm Spaß macht/ machen würde und der Rest interessiert ihn nicht.

Noch ein Haufen mehr wie Uncharted wird Uncharted bleiben, versuchen aber das menschliche in den Charakteren zu zeigen. Der Wechsel von tlou zu u4, etc.

Ich fands ein wunderbares Interview, was einen guten Einblick in die Denkweise bietet. :)
Die sachen hab ich ja noch garnicht gelesen :banderas:

-There are 60 different animations just of Drake picking up objects.

-Talk a lot about how weight distribution plays a big role in the animations

-You can attack enemies from all sides with unique animations to them, you wont magically warp in front of them if you punch.

-Lots of talk from Druckman on the cost of adventuring on Drake's life, it will be a major focus of the story. Compares his addiction to treasure hunting to a drug addict.

-All the new items they added were chosen cause it can help keep the pacing and gives you a better sense of exploration and adventure.

-Cutscenes are now all real time

-Tools will be used to enhance traversal and puzzle solving

-They said the large puzzle rooms from Uncharted 3 will still be there, they say U3 had the best puzzles of the series and they want to build on that.

-TLOU moments where the characters react to what they see or read will happen in this game.

-Lots of talk about brotherly banter and building a bond between the NPC and the player, "there are some nice cooperative moments between Nate and his brother."

-On the gigantic setpieces, this is exactly what they say "So now our concept of a set piece is 'what's something impactful we can do to switch expectations and how can we have it emotionally charged?' We want to constantly surprise the player, so it can be really intimate, or really big and bombastic."

Interview geb ich mir nacher :)
Straley mentioned that he doesn’t care about what the trends of the industry. He just wants to do a game that he wants to play, so Naughty Dog won’t move a bit away from linear gameplay just because that’s what is considered popular in the industry. There will be some areas that will warrant that.

Nathan Drake is an adventurer and there are going to be sytory moments in which he’s lost: In that case the team needs to determine how much they can widen the area to convey the sense of exploration and prompt the player to find his way around. In that situation Straley wants to be invested in the situation like Drake, and look at all that “awesome Naughty Dog art” and say “ah, this place is amazing,” as he walks around.

Druckmann added that during development there were some areas so big that they lost all sense of pacing. That’s not something they wanted to play and they did some adjustments. They’re not against linear storytelling or gameplay. There are going to be parts of the game that are going to be more linear than others. Others are going to “open up much wider” than what we’ve seen in the PlayStation Experience Demo.

According to Druckmann it all depends on what the moment is about, on how it fits in the grand scheme of things of what they’re trying to tell, and on what’s the best way to get the player to relate to that moment.

We’re Naughty Dog. We’re trying to make one of the best games out there

Kann man das Interview lesen wenn man UC 2 & 3 noch nicht gespielt hat und vor hat das in wenigen Tagen / Wochen zu spielen? Gibt es viele Spoiler?
"The story behind the biggest game of the year"


Pushing Forward, Naughty Dog opens up its doors and its horizons as Uncharted evolves for new hardware

Und damit es bis launch nicht langweilig wird, hab ich wieder paar screens mit den tablet gemacht :v: bekomme einfach nicht genug von der demo xD










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