Last week we spent a few days giving you a peek into some of the major or important updates we include in Title Update 1.05. With the imminent release of Title Update 1.05 today, February 15, at 10:00 AM PST (what time is that in my city?), were publishing the detailed changelist.
Title Update 1.05 includes the following:
* Weapon damage and attributes have been rebalanced
* On-screen display of medals awarded during a match has been updated
* Implemented detection and removal of flagrantly idle players from the active matchmaking player pool
* Cash penalty for leaving matches has been adjusted and is now tiered by player level as follows:
o Levels 1 20 = -10,000
o Levels 21 40 = -20,000
o Levels 41 60 = -40,000
* Updated player networking protocols to remove all occurrences of error syncing player data, Level resets and Ranked playlist Skill Level resets
* Added crawling ticker display of leaderboard statistics to the multiplayer menu screen
* Updated multiplayer menu screen to include a Trophy selection to enable players to display and track progress on the new Trophies included in the Drakes Fortune Multiplayer Pack
* Collision and geometry updates to various multiplayer maps
* 13 new medals have been added
o Defender - Kill a player that is actively shooting one of your teammates
o Finish Him! - Get the last kill of the game
o First! - Get the first kill of the game
o Fly on the Wall - Kill a player who is climbing
o No Cigar - Kill the treasure carrier while they are about to score the treasure
o None Shall Pass - Get 5 Kills while in the hill during a King of the Hill game
o Protectorate - Shoot and kill 5 enemies that were damaging the treasure carrier
o Putem Down - Kill someone in the knockdown state with a pistol weapon
o Retaliation - Kill the last player that killed you
o That Was Embarrassing - Earn a shutout in plunder
o Tip Off - Be the first player to grab the treasure in a plunder match
o Tricky - Kill a player with a pistol weapon while hanging
o Unlucky - Die 5 times in a row without getting a kill