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Hier die Kommentare der Richter*innen zu der einstimmigen Entscheidung:

"The decision of the minister was made on Friday (30/8), in Petition (PET) 12404, after the Supreme Court made all possible efforts for the X to follow court orders and pay the fines imposed. In his vote in the virtual session, the rapporteur reiterated the grounds of his measure and made a clarification that the daily fine of R $ 50,000 applies to people and companies that try to defraud the court decision, using technological subterfuges (such as the use of VPN, among others) to continue to use and communicate by X.

In accompanying the rapporteur, Minister Flávio Dino stressed that the Judiciary guarantees access to appeals against decisions, but does not allow obstruction or choice of which orders will be carried out. “The economic power and size of the bank account do not give birth to an slap immunity from jurisdiction,” he said.

Minister Cármen Lúcia stressed, in her vote, that the Judiciary is a system of organs arising from national sovereignty, and therefore its decision must be “ahack, respected and legitimated.” She reiterated that court orders should be questioned in the form of procedural law, “not according to the humors and voluntarisms of anyone, national or foreign.”

For Minister Cristiano Zanin, the repeated non-compliance with the decisions of the Supreme Court is serious. “No one can intend to develop their activities in Brazil without observing the laws and the Federal Constitution,” he said.

Minister Luiz Fux also accompanied the rapporteur, with the exception that the decision does not reach people or companies indiscriminate and without participation in the process, except those who use the platform to defraud the decision."
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