L17: Mentor
HiPhish schrieb:Vergiss nicht die Schuhe, die 10 nummern zu groß sind
ich habr keine ahnung vom style man!
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HiPhish schrieb:Vergiss nicht die Schuhe, die 10 nummern zu groß sind
It's a Wonderful World
70-80% complete
- now bringing everything together and tuning
- scheduled for summer at the moment
- more exact date to be announced at Square Enix party
- demo at S.E. party will be close to final product
QuelleIts a Wonderful World will be released in Japan on July 27th. It looks like the game will be getting some extra special treatment. A DS Lite bundle of the game will come out, which includes a special Its a Wonderful World themed DS Lite. There are no pictures of the DS Lite yet, nor do we know the bundle price.
Sasuke schrieb:Oh Man Japaner kriegen ein Edel-bundle nach dem anderem...und was kriegen wir ?