Serie The Walking Dead (TV-Serie - Spoiler benutzen!)

D-A-N-K-E Michonne :D

Bin Comicmäßig soweit gespoilert, dass ich weiß was ungefähr passieren wird. Denke ich zumindest.
Trotzdem geht mir Rick irgendwie echt auf den Sack. Der Typ braucht dringend mal einen Psychater. Keine Ahnung wie man dem nach mehreren psychischen Zusammenbrüchen noch so eine Verantwortung anvertrauen kann. Seine Ansichten schwanken stark von stur zu unsicher, eine Menge Tode gehen zumindest indirekt auf sein Konto und er hat sich schon mehrmals nicht im Griff gehabt.

Der Mann ist längst durch und reif für die Anstalt. Imo momentan schlimmer wie Shane.

Ich würde eher sagen Rick ist gezeichnet von den Ereignissen, hat aber durch seine Erfahrung einfach recht. Natürlich wird es präsentiert in der überzogensten Psychomanier schlechthin. Aber Rick hat auch gerade um sein Leben gekämpft und zu vor auch versucht die Sache ruhig und zivilisiert ablaufen zu lassen.

Problem ist doch auch einfach, dass Rick und seine Gruppe zu lange draußen waren und zu viel Mist erlebt haben. Einige stecken es besser weg und Ricks Gruppe werden eingebunden in eine Gemeinschaft die tut als wäre alles heile Welt. Man merkte auch in den letzten Folgen Rick konnte man rasieren, Haare schneiden, "zivilisiert" aussehen lassen. Wie auch den Rest der Gruppe, aber diese Welt existiert nicht, ist auch nicht mehr ihr Zuhause. Sie brauchen schon den Kick, das Adrenalin, das unmittelbare Gefühl der Gefahr in regelmäßigen Abständen plus wissen sie was zu tun ist und wann jemand ein Problem in dieser Welt wird.

Wie oft hat Rick oder die Gruppe jemanden laufen lassen und am Ende ist es zu ihnen zurück gekommen und hat sie geschwächt, jemanden aus ihrer Gruppe getötet?

Genauso warum der Arzt und Schläger-Ehemann nicht zur Verantwortung in Alexandria gezogen wird, weil er zu wichtig ist und niemand spricht Klartext/ unternimmt etwas außer Rick (der natürlich auch einen egoistischen/emotionalen Grund hat).

Wie der Vergleich zu Shane kommt, kann ich verstehen. Trifft doch aber nicht den Punkt, Shane war von Neid, Gier, Angst zerfressen. Der wollte seinen besten Freund töten um an seine Frau zu kommen. Er ließ sich nicht mit Argumenten besänftigen.
Rick hat einen Knacks, lässt sich jedoch von seinen Freunden/Vertrauten/Familie beraten, umstimmen, mitstimmen.
Und er setzt das Wohl der Gruppe/Familie über alles andere.

Team Rick (gerade weil er so ist wie er ist) :-D
Nun ja,wenn Luzie mit Negan auftaucht,betteln sie förmlich das Rick ihr Anführer wird.In so einer Welt muss man hart durch greifen.











Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Gerade 5x15 gesehen :banderas: InShane Rick gefällt mir sehr gut. Wie er einfach ne Mischung aus Govennor und Shane geworden ist.
Bin mal auf das Finale gespannt. Ich hoffe die Zombies mit Brandmarkung kommen als Cliffhanger. Zu gut aufgebaut um das nur im Finale zu verbraten
Kennt ihr The Spoling Dead? Ich bis vor einigen Wochen noch nicht. Ist ja echt irre, dass quasi die gesamte Storyline vorab geleakt wird.

Morgan wakes up in a car. He makes some porridge-type food by a fire. An armed man (Benedict Samuel) walks over and points a gun at him. Morgan asks what the W on his head means. He explains a backstory about the wolves. After threatening to take Morgan and kill him, Morgan takes him out ninja style with his hiking stick along with a second Wolves member (Jessie C. Boyd) who jumps out of some bushes. Morgan ties them up and puts them in the car. He sounds the horn and walks off. Aint nobody gonna mess with Morgan!
Rick wakes up to Michonne watching him. She says that Pete is in another house. Carol, Glenn and Abe enter. Carol butts in and asks why Rick took the guns (hiding the fact she was involved). Carol tells Rick that he should tell a story the town wants to hear (that he will follow their rules) at the meeting later. Carol says that's what she's been doing since they got there. Michonne asks why. Carol replies, “Because these people are children and children like stories.” Rick engineers a plan to reinstate the Ricktatorship and hold Deanna’s family at knife point so they can take the armory.
Maggie tries to persuade Deanna to change her mind about Rick. Reg backs Maggie up.
Sasha buries some walkers and takes a nap in the grave because why sleep in a warm bed when you can sleep in a cozy grave of death?
Carol wakes Sleeping Beauty (aka Rick) and gives him back his gun. She didn't tell the others about the guns just in case they didn't understand. Rick says he does not want to lie. Carol says, “You want this place and you don't want to lie. Sunshine, you don't get both.” Carol keeps it real.
Daryl and Aaron watch a guy in a red poncho from afar. Recruiter spy mode activated.
Nicholas watches Glenn while acting suspicious. Maggie comes over to chat about working everything out. What a babe.
Glenn sees Nicholas climb the walls. GET BACK IN THE FUCKING HOUSE, NICHOLAS!
Father G leaves the community unarmed. Ok, you can leave that’s fine.
Daryl and Aaron lose red poncho guy, but find a food warehouse. Daryl opens a truck, which triggers a trap opening three other truck doors. It releases a hundred or so walkers. There are torsos hanging inside on hooks. Daryl wins zombie kill of the year after beheading three walkers with a rusty chain in one swing. They both take refuge in a car, surrounded by walkers pounding on the window. Inside is a note saying, “Trap, bad people coming. Don't stay.” Too bad they didn't see that memo a little earlier.
Carol visits Pete in an effort to get him to check on Tara. She brings Pete some food and holds a knife to his throat after he tells her to get out. Carol continues to keep it real.
Glenn follows Nicholas through the forest. After pausing to look at a dead walker, Glenn is shot in the shoulder and rolls down a slope. Damn you, Nicholas! Why couldn’t you have just stayed in the house?
Rick checks up on Jessie. Pete sees them both from his 'house prison'.
Daryl formulates a plan to fight his way through the crowd to give Aaron a chance to run. Aaron wants to fight together because that’s what BFFs do! Before they head out, our hero Morgan shows up like a boss and helps them both to a safe distance. Aaron tells him about the ASZ. Morgan says he is going somewhere else but is lost and pulls out a map. Daryl shows him where they are on the map. He sees the note, “Sorry I was an asshole, come to Washington. The new world’s gonna need Rick grimes.” Daryl looks at Morgan, but does not acknowledge the note.
Father Dick finds a walker and is ready to die by its dirty dead hands. He notices a noose around the walker’s head. He changes his mind and then uses the noose to rip the walker’s head off. He cries in the middle of the road.
Abraham visits a bed-bound, unconscious Tara. Rosita and Eugene are there too. Abraham and Eugene both apologize to each other for what happened in the past.
Gabe returns and Spencer asks him to shut the gate. Gabe barely even makes the effort to close it and walks off, leaving it unlocked.
Nicholas and Glenn fight, leaving Glenn stuck under a pile of walkers.
Michonne asks Rick if he is ready (for the meeting). He explains to Michonne how they took the guns and attempts to give his piece to Michonne. She pushes his hand away and lets him keep it. She explains that she's not against Rick and will follow him however it all pans out.
Rick, while in his room, recounts an old conversation with Bob: (Rick’s voice) 'This is the real world Bob.' Bob replies, 'No this is a nightmare, and nightmares end.'
Rick finds the gate open and some blood on the lock as well as some on the ground. He locks it and runs off.
Gabe returns to his church to find Sasha waiting for him. She wants to talk about what she is going through.
The meeting is starting without Rick and Glenn. Deanna talks about how Rick took the pistol and pointed it at people.
Nicholas is navigating the forest while Rick is searching the community. It's now night time. (Sunset came rather quickly.)
Gabe refuses to console Sasha and very nastily talks about how Bob was dismembered causing Sasha to scream at him and pin him to a wall. Father Dick is full of fail.
Deanna, Abraham, Maggie, Michonne and Carol say their piece to the town about Rick. Meanwhile, Gabe is wrestling Sasha's rifle out of her hands. Rick is fighting off three walkers in the town and Glenn is beating up Nicholas.
Two members of the Wolves bring red poncho guy to the trap that Daryl and Aaron escaped from earlier. They slit red Poncho’s throat and reset the trap using music (to get the walkers back in the trucks). Fairwell, red poncho guy. We hardly knew thee.
Glenn points a gun to Nicholas' head, but spares his life.
Back at the meeting, Tobin is defending Deanna when Rick walks in with a walker corpse. He throws it on the ground.*corpse drop*
Sasha is pointing her gun at Gabe, who is stopped by Maggie. Gabe shouts that she should have let Sasha shoot him because everyone died because of him.
Rick explains how the walker got in through an open gate and that the dead and living will always find a way in. He says, “The ones out there will hunt us and find us. You need to change now.” While he is saying this speech, we see Glenn carry Nicholas away, Carl with Judith at home, Maggie, Sasha and Gabe praying together, Tara waking up, and a Wolves member going through Aaron's photos of the ASZ.
A wild-looking Pete appears wielding Michonne’s katana and shouts "You're not one of us!" He pushes Reg out the way, slitting his throat by accident. Abe pins Pete down. Deanna hysterically holding a dying Reg says, "Rick, do it." Without hesitation, Rick executes Pete. Goodbye, porch dick. Now, you’re just a dead dick.
A familiar face calls Rick's name. Rick looks up to see Aaron, Daryl and Morgan standing there.
Morgan and Rick share an intimate eyefuck.
Screen to black.
Stick around for another after credits scene!
Finale war schon sehr gut und hatte auch Spannung. Glaube jedoch das wie schon in dieser Staffel der Start richtig abgehen wird.

Fand es auch lustig, dass Rick Blut überströmt auftauchte. Diesmal muss sein ruhigerer Tonfall überzeugt haben.:-D
Alter Schwede, wie alle mal so richtig durchdrehten :-D

Sasha hat langsam ja Daryl/Locke Verhalten :-D

Bin aber ein wenig traurig das niemand vom Maincast gestorben ist. Eine der zwei Latinas, Glenn, Eugene oder Carol hätte ich schon gerne sterben gesehen.
Kennt ihr The Spoling Dead? Ich bis vor einigen Wochen noch nicht. Ist ja echt irre, dass quasi die gesamte Storyline vorab geleakt wird.

Morgan wakes up in a car. He makes some porridge-type food by a fire. An armed man (Benedict Samuel) walks over and points a gun at him. Morgan asks what the W on his head means. He explains a backstory about the wolves. After threatening to take Morgan and kill him, Morgan takes him out ninja style with his hiking stick along with a second Wolves member (Jessie C. Boyd) who jumps out of some bushes. Morgan ties them up and puts them in the car. He sounds the horn and walks off. Aint nobody gonna mess with Morgan!
Rick wakes up to Michonne watching him. She says that Pete is in another house. Carol, Glenn and Abe enter. Carol butts in and asks why Rick took the guns (hiding the fact she was involved). Carol tells Rick that he should tell a story the town wants to hear (that he will follow their rules) at the meeting later. Carol says that's what she's been doing since they got there. Michonne asks why. Carol replies, “Because these people are children and children like stories.” Rick engineers a plan to reinstate the Ricktatorship and hold Deanna’s family at knife point so they can take the armory.
Maggie tries to persuade Deanna to change her mind about Rick. Reg backs Maggie up.
Sasha buries some walkers and takes a nap in the grave because why sleep in a warm bed when you can sleep in a cozy grave of death?
Carol wakes Sleeping Beauty (aka Rick) and gives him back his gun. She didn't tell the others about the guns just in case they didn't understand. Rick says he does not want to lie. Carol says, “You want this place and you don't want to lie. Sunshine, you don't get both.” Carol keeps it real.
Daryl and Aaron watch a guy in a red poncho from afar. Recruiter spy mode activated.
Nicholas watches Glenn while acting suspicious. Maggie comes over to chat about working everything out. What a babe.
Glenn sees Nicholas climb the walls. GET BACK IN THE FUCKING HOUSE, NICHOLAS!
Father G leaves the community unarmed. Ok, you can leave that’s fine.
Daryl and Aaron lose red poncho guy, but find a food warehouse. Daryl opens a truck, which triggers a trap opening three other truck doors. It releases a hundred or so walkers. There are torsos hanging inside on hooks. Daryl wins zombie kill of the year after beheading three walkers with a rusty chain in one swing. They both take refuge in a car, surrounded by walkers pounding on the window. Inside is a note saying, “Trap, bad people coming. Don't stay.” Too bad they didn't see that memo a little earlier.
Carol visits Pete in an effort to get him to check on Tara. She brings Pete some food and holds a knife to his throat after he tells her to get out. Carol continues to keep it real.
Glenn follows Nicholas through the forest. After pausing to look at a dead walker, Glenn is shot in the shoulder and rolls down a slope. Damn you, Nicholas! Why couldn’t you have just stayed in the house?
Rick checks up on Jessie. Pete sees them both from his 'house prison'.
Daryl formulates a plan to fight his way through the crowd to give Aaron a chance to run. Aaron wants to fight together because that’s what BFFs do! Before they head out, our hero Morgan shows up like a boss and helps them both to a safe distance. Aaron tells him about the ASZ. Morgan says he is going somewhere else but is lost and pulls out a map. Daryl shows him where they are on the map. He sees the note, “Sorry I was an asshole, come to Washington. The new world’s gonna need Rick grimes.” Daryl looks at Morgan, but does not acknowledge the note.
Father Dick finds a walker and is ready to die by its dirty dead hands. He notices a noose around the walker’s head. He changes his mind and then uses the noose to rip the walker’s head off. He cries in the middle of the road.
Abraham visits a bed-bound, unconscious Tara. Rosita and Eugene are there too. Abraham and Eugene both apologize to each other for what happened in the past.
Gabe returns and Spencer asks him to shut the gate. Gabe barely even makes the effort to close it and walks off, leaving it unlocked.
Nicholas and Glenn fight, leaving Glenn stuck under a pile of walkers.
Michonne asks Rick if he is ready (for the meeting). He explains to Michonne how they took the guns and attempts to give his piece to Michonne. She pushes his hand away and lets him keep it. She explains that she's not against Rick and will follow him however it all pans out.
Rick, while in his room, recounts an old conversation with Bob: (Rick’s voice) 'This is the real world Bob.' Bob replies, 'No this is a nightmare, and nightmares end.'
Rick finds the gate open and some blood on the lock as well as some on the ground. He locks it and runs off.
Gabe returns to his church to find Sasha waiting for him. She wants to talk about what she is going through.
The meeting is starting without Rick and Glenn. Deanna talks about how Rick took the pistol and pointed it at people.
Nicholas is navigating the forest while Rick is searching the community. It's now night time. (Sunset came rather quickly.)
Gabe refuses to console Sasha and very nastily talks about how Bob was dismembered causing Sasha to scream at him and pin him to a wall. Father Dick is full of fail.
Deanna, Abraham, Maggie, Michonne and Carol say their piece to the town about Rick. Meanwhile, Gabe is wrestling Sasha's rifle out of her hands. Rick is fighting off three walkers in the town and Glenn is beating up Nicholas.
Two members of the Wolves bring red poncho guy to the trap that Daryl and Aaron escaped from earlier. They slit red Poncho’s throat and reset the trap using music (to get the walkers back in the trucks). Fairwell, red poncho guy. We hardly knew thee.
Glenn points a gun to Nicholas' head, but spares his life.
Back at the meeting, Tobin is defending Deanna when Rick walks in with a walker corpse. He throws it on the ground.*corpse drop*
Sasha is pointing her gun at Gabe, who is stopped by Maggie. Gabe shouts that she should have let Sasha shoot him because everyone died because of him.
Rick explains how the walker got in through an open gate and that the dead and living will always find a way in. He says, “The ones out there will hunt us and find us. You need to change now.” While he is saying this speech, we see Glenn carry Nicholas away, Carl with Judith at home, Maggie, Sasha and Gabe praying together, Tara waking up, and a Wolves member going through Aaron's photos of the ASZ.
A wild-looking Pete appears wielding Michonne’s katana and shouts "You're not one of us!" He pushes Reg out the way, slitting his throat by accident. Abe pins Pete down. Deanna hysterically holding a dying Reg says, "Rick, do it." Without hesitation, Rick executes Pete. Goodbye, porch dick. Now, you’re just a dead dick.
A familiar face calls Rick's name. Rick looks up to see Aaron, Daryl and Morgan standing there.
Morgan and Rick share an intimate eyefuck.
Screen to black.
Stick around for another after credits scene!

Hey Shokker, Danke für den spannenden Hinweis. Es ist ja tatsächlich alles genau so eingetreten. Für mich als Person, die Spoiler wertschätzt ist das ein wertvoller Diskussionsbeitrag, weil mir die von dir genannte Seite nicht bekannt war.

Ich bin auf jeden Fall gespannt welche Ideologie die Wolves verfolgen. Das sind keine einfachen Vagabunden. Dieses omnipräsente W und der massenhafte Einsatz von Walkern und Walkerteilen hat schon beinahe kultische Züge und kann IMO nicht alleine als Kampftaktik erklärt werden.
Mir gefallen die letzten Episoden von Staffel 5 nicht so wirklich. Zwar deutlich besser als die vorherigen Staffeln, aber so richtig zünden tut die Serie nicht. Dazu gibt es einfach zu viele Momente die ich nicht nachvollziehbar finde.

Aber vielleicht kann die Serie mit Staffel 6 diesen Schritt gehen.
Mir gefallen die letzten Episoden von Staffel 5 nicht so wirklich. Zwar deutlich besser als die vorherigen Staffeln, aber so richtig zünden tut die Serie nicht. Dazu gibt es einfach zu viele Momente die ich nicht nachvollziehbar finde.

Ja, irgendetwashat wirklich in den letzten Folgen gefehlt. Kann echt das sein, was du in deinem letzten Satz ansprichst.


Ich war mir eigentlich zu 100 Prozent sicher, dass Tara das nicht überlebt. :D
ich packs mal in nen Spoiler warum s5 vllt für manche etwas öde war . ich les den comic. keine angst gibt keine Details.
S5 war quasi eine Zwischenstaffel der übergang vom Prison zu Alexandria.
Man zeigte einfach die Ratlosigkeit. Abraham und co das passierte im comic. wie auch die Hunters die ironischer Weise in der Serie terminus als Orgin haben. Die anfangsprobleme in Alexandria.

S6 wird "spannender" warum? :)
ich sag nur soviel. s6 wird komplett anders als 1-5. es wird grandios und einer meiner comiclieblinge kommt.

S6 wird sehr sehr epic. Gimple hat sich 2 staffeln das vertrauen erarbeitet. also vertrau ich ihm blind. er versteht worum es im Comic geht und in der Serie gehts auch endlich darum:

Survival at any cost
Also ich hab leider keinen Thread dazu gefunden. Find die neue Serie aber super spannend. Während mich von TWD nur Staffel 1 (die war so wahnsinnig gut :-D) überzeugend konnte, freu ich mich tierisch auf FTWD.

Ich mich auch, zumal ich auch ein Fan von Alycia bin. Kann es kaum erwarten sie in FTWD zu sehen. Obwohl die erste Staffel nur 6 Episoden hat, hoffe ich das dort in der kurzen Zeit die Hälfte nicht sofort wieder abkackt. :lol: Bei TWD fand ich auch nur die erste Staffel am Besten. Da war der Survival Faktor und der Zusammenhalt noch im Fokus. Die Zweite ging noch so, aber ab da ging es nur noch bergab, alle wurden brutaler und anstelle sich bei einer Zombieapokalypse zu helfen und zu unterstützen mutierten alle lieb gewonnen Charas zu hinterhältigen A- Löchern. :/
Finale war schon sehr gut und hatte auch Spannung. Glaube jedoch das wie schon in dieser Staffel der Start richtig abgehen wird.

Fand es auch lustig, dass Rick Blut überströmt auftauchte. Diesmal muss sein ruhigerer Tonfall überzeugt haben.:-D
Sag mir nicht das war die letzte Folge.Hab die grad gesehen und will auf kein fall 1 Jahr warten.
Die Staffel war wieder super.Besonders die letzten Folgen waren spannend
The Walking Dead - The Season 6 Trailer


Auf der Comic-Con wurde ausserdem auch ein neuer Trailer für die Spin-Off-Serie Fear the Walking Dead[/B“ veröffentlicht, die im Oktober in den USA bei AMC startet.

FTWD sieht sehr spannend aus. Eine vollkommen andere Atmosphäre und wie es scheint, entwickelt sich all das sehr langsam. Das klingt sehr gut und ich freu mich schon drauf. ^^
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