Of course, the big question on many fans' minds is if the game lives up to the hype. Is the title harder than Ocarina of Time, and recent titles like The Wind Waker and The Minish Cap? It most certainly is. Does Twilight Princess have more dungeons and take longer to beat than Ocarina of Time? It's a debate if it has more dungeons, I would say "as many", but it is definitely the longest Zelda game ever, in both game play and storyline aspects. Finally, does it surpass Ocarina of Time? This question is reserved for the community and industry in the coming months and years, but all indications are this is simply the best Zelda title ever, and it dwarfs Ocarina of Time in every respect. Nintendo delivers on the goods.
So how does this title not receive a perfect score? There are small enough flaws here and there that I, in my right mind, could not award a perfect score to Twilight Princess because it is not perfect. There are some small camera issues now and then, some of the game play mechanics get a tad frustrating at certain points, especially for novices or casual gamers. The visuals are great, but aren't the best. To be blunt, if the game was strictly for GCN or for Wii, and was only developed solely for one or the other, I could see this being a perfect title. It's damn close, but it is not perfect, but it is the best Zelda title ever.