From what I am allowed to talk about under this embargo lift, the game absolutely amazed me. I didnt think there was any way the game could live up to the hype, and the time it took for it to come out. Now keep in mind I didnt play the entire game, but if it keeps up at the pace it was at for my playtime, then the game has succeeded for me on every level possible. As I said, there are lots of things I havent told you guys about because of an embargo on more info until next week. Believe it or not, all I have told you about in this article is only from the start of the game, up to the first dungeon.. This is not fanboy hype
this is not a Nintendo diehard slobbering all over anything Nintendo. These are my honest impressions of the game. If there was something that didnt work
something I didnt like, I would tell you guys. I would never try to get you interested in a title for the sheer fact that it was made by Nintendo. While I cannot give you details on anything past the first dungeon yet
I can tell you that my entire playtime made me a firm believer that this Zelda is the definitive title in the series.