L14: Freak
Ja, Fanti meinte das Review, nicht das Preview :v:
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Bin gespannt.
Ich freu mich auch auf das neue Zelda aber so mega in Hype bin ich nicht.
Du änderst deine Meinung auch stündlich
Vergesst es. Hab mich verlesen .
Ich hatte deinen Ursprungsbeitrag schon gesehen, keine Sorge. :v:
Breath of the wild..... Wilder Atem..... Klingt in Deutsch nach porno
Breath of the wild..... Wilder Atem..... Klingt in Deutsch nach porno
Wie auch immer..... Das Game wird pornoAtem der Wildnis ;-)
Often, the only indication Breath of the Wild might give that you are under-equipped for the space you’re in is an enemy taking you from, say, six hearts to a quarter of one in a single axe swipe or spear lunge (assuming, you know, they don’t just kill you outright). Or, like I said, they’ll just kill you with no real fanfare or warning, and the game will reload you fairly close to where you were, hopefully having learned an important lesson about Hyrule’s ecosystem and its desire for you not to exist in it.
Breath of the wild..... Wilder Atem..... Klingt in Deutsch nach porno
Klingt gut, fordernd, aber man verliert nicht allzuviel, wenn man mal gekillt wird. Ich bin wirklich gespannt wie das aufgenommen wird, wie schwierig die Bosskämpfe werden etc.^^
limitless attention to detail
Breath of the Wild embodies the freedom and danger that made the first Zelda game so enthralling, and captures the feeling of awe that came when Ocarina of Time hit the scene
Gamespot Preview
Und ich dachte der Hype kann nicht noch schlimmer werden. :o Ich halt's nicht mehr aus
Zelda Breath of the Wild Is Dense, Challenging, And Full Of Wonder
You have to contend with a dense ruleset, in which nearly every decision you make must take your surroundings into consideration. And because of this demanding yet satisfying setup, you feel like you are constantly learning, often through failure and death. Survival, let alone progress, is a major concern.
The additional purpose of the Shrines is as a teleport point: you can teleport to any completed tower or Shrine and given the size of this Hyrule, it's rather important to fast travel. Having this additional reason to complete a Shrine did prevent me from simply peace-ing out of certain places. You're not forced per se, but being able to teleport is very useful.