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First based on retailer blogs, first shipment of Last story is completely sold out at Nintendo, so no extra last minute orders were able to be done today(2nd shipment is tomorrow though!)
Next Kommentar von McBain incoming:Ausm GAF
Und den Magen verderben? .v:Gib' zu, du würdest es zerschnippeln und essen :v:
Beides: Sie handeln selbstständig, kannst ihnen aber Befehle geben.Sagt mal, wie spielt man das eigentlich? handeln die NPCs selbständig und man steuert nur Einen?
"Bestätigt" leider auch, dass 8-4 nicht an der Lokalisierung sitzt - sprsk arbeitet für 8-4. Oder es ist ein typischer Fall von Cocktease.OK I see a lot of people talking about streams, I wanna say a couple of things before I get to my impressions.
This game is not importer friendly, it is fuuuuuuuuuull of voice and it's not just meaningless chatter. I liken it to when I got burning rangers back in high school. I had no idea what to do and I was bored as shit. This was because I didn't know that they were giving me directions. The characters in Last Story are fairly constantly forming strategy on the fly and telling you to do things.
If you see videos of people running around like a chicken with their head cut off it means they are missing orders or they haven't gotten used to the combat yet. And it does take some getting used to!
So ok, some impressions.
I dunno if it's because the gooch has been in America too long or what, but you can really tell this is a JRPG made from someone on the outside looking in. Little things like, instead of the game starting out with cutscene after cutscene, it starts you off right in the middle of a dungeon. Imagine that! Letting the gamer play the damn game!
Other things like having the PC's talk to each other all the time during dungeons instead of burying them in optional skits (Hey Tales I'm lookin' at you) really help flesh out the characters and make playing the game more fun, not to mention it makes battles much more dynamic.
You can tell a lot of love was put in to this game. Every encounter was hand crafted and is unique. No random battles (so far) and no hearing the same 10 or so attack call-outs over and over. Every battle has a different strategy. Love it!
My favorite encounter so far had me and Quark sitting outside this room where a guy and his gang of thieves were hanging out. Quark says to me, "Elza you stay here, we'll go around and attack from the other side. Don't move till I give the sign" So I stay there and wait. Then, I hear Quark go "Ok get ready to attack in 3... 2... GO!" and I see him bust through the other side as I'm running in through my side, we sandwich the enemies and take em out. It was so cool. The whole dungeon (The raid on this thief's hangout) really felt more than just an RPG dungeon and more like we were really in there with a purpose. Something you just don't get in RPGs.
Anywho, it's late so forgive me if my impressions are all over the place. To me the game is really something special. Nintendo has to be localizing this. They HAVE to be.
Nicht importfreundlich ist natürlich doof. thefro/ NeoGAF hat aber schon mit einer Übersetzung angefangen:
stellt euch vor die IP könnte ein Konkurrent zu FF werden!!!! <3
Könnte... aber selbst wenn, das wüsste N zu verhindern![]()
das bestätigt meine Erwartungen, dass TLS endlich ein wirklich modernes und außergewöhnliches JRPG ist
Nintendo ist echt arm, wenn sie das nicht weltweit veröffentlichen.... stellt euch vor die IP könnte ein Konkurrent zu FF werden!!!! <3
wirtschaftlich gesehen sicher nicht. gameplaytechnisch bzw. JRPG-technisch ists sowieso besser und wenn man mal z.b. zu Atlus rüberschielt sieht man so einige JRPGs die Final Fantasy durch den wolf drehen (auch wenn nix an FF6 oder CT rankommt).
wirtschaftlich gesehen sicher nicht. gameplaytechnisch bzw. JRPG-technisch ists sowieso besser und wenn man mal z.b. zu Atlus rüberschielt sieht man so einige JRPGs die Final Fantasy durch den wolf drehen (auch wenn nix an FF6 oder CT rankommt).