During the development for
The Last of Us, Naughty Dog looked at the possibility of positioning the game from a first-person perspective, which would have been the first Naughty Dog game to do so. Testing out the different perspective went as far as the prototyping stage, with the team opting for a third-person perspective with a close-camera in the end to better capture the "intimacy" of a first-person perspective. "We're open [to it]," Druckmann told Trachtenberg during the talk. "The next game from Naughty Dog could be first-person."
The topic of a potential first-person Naughty Dog game popped up once Trachtenberg inquired about Druckmann and his team potentially straying from the familiar third-person action-adventure genre. While Druckmann was slightly apprehensive, he did joke that if Naughty Dog had the wild chance to develop Half-Life 3, they wondered what it might look like under new eyes. On that subject, Trachtenberg asks directly, "What would a Naughty Dog Half-Life game look like?" Druckmann laughs. "It would look awesome."