just had a quick go - have to go eat and stuff :
+ looks great
+ handles very well indeed (not tried wheel yet)
+ great sense of speed
+ lot of menus in english
+ has the 'correct japanese F1 music' (according to Mrs C)
+ has not been affected by the GTHD shock - still looks great.
+ excellent view from in camera.
+ nut popping replays
+ excellent sound *(warning - i just upgraded my sound, som everything suddenly sounds good)
+ watching suspension in replay is pretty nice
+ awesome lighting and reflections
+ options to make it noob friendly (steering assistance, anti lock brakes, spin recovery etc...) or not (obviously)
+ Replay TV - simulates race, you watch - so you can watch the engine do its thing... and it's :O)
+ weather is impressive looking
- commentary in Japanese (what little there is)
- some text in english (tips trivial etc - not tried anything other than straight mode)
- psp wing mirror options gone?
- 1 player only - no split screen, no link up, no online... no thing
- looooooooooad timeeeees
? no 1080i support
? no force feed back support
? race track background somewhat bland (err
Remember this is off one quick race - i need to play some more but so far the signs are pretty good sofar