Thanks to Xgrayninja from IGN MGS Boards...
The most notable parts from a Hideo Kojima Interview:
Gamepro:"In fact, Kojima nearly set Metal Gear Solid 4 against the backdrop of a full-blown World War 3, which he thought could serve as a suitable big "finale" for the series.
Gamepro: "But his signature back-to-the-wall stealth pose is gone, making room for a fluid, seamless system that will allow him to sneak quick peaks while behind cover."
Kojima: "(The signature Snake pose) rarely happens on the battlefield. Nobody is cool enough to hide like that. By eliminating this move, it's more like real life. Snake can hide behind something, then sneak a peak and shoot. There are more actions to it, and it's smoother that way."
On the PS3 controller losing the rumble feature:
Kojima: "I really miss the rumble feature, and I already said to Mr. Kutaragi that I want the rumble feature back."
On the use of run and gun tactics:
Kojima warns that if you use run and gun tactics,"you have to be prepared".
On gunplay:
Kojima says he wants to keep gunplay based at least partially in the near-future world, and will only deviate for the sake of "interesting game design" (he says an example would be the remote controlled missile in MGS1 and 2).
On complaints on long cutscenes:
Kojima: "I am always influenced by all this feedback, and I personally think the cutscenes are long as well. But we didn't make cinemas shorter before because we might lesson the emotional factor or fail to give enough explanation. This time, yes, I am thinking about making them shorter."
On weapons and mods:
Kojima lets slip that weapons and mods may have a collection element: MGS4 may allow players to trade gun mods with others online or through some other player-to-player sharing. He also says "you'll be REALLY surprised by how many variations are possible.
On hiding:
Gamero asked, "But if Snake can hide in broad daylight by using the high-tech OctoCam suit, will his enemies be smart enough to look for subtle clues in the environment?"
Kojima laughs at this, explaining that his team is currently "adjusting". Kojima also says that if an enemy is scared, he won't spend too much time looking around for Snake, but if he's calm and cautious, he'll take time to sweep the area. He gives 2 examples of triggering panic in enemies: shooting at the ground near their feet, or wiping out the members of a squad, leaving the survivors to fend for themselves.
On working with PS3's Cell GPU:
Kojima: "Overall, I think it is difficult, of course. But if it's easy and simple, then how can you differentiate from other games? We're trying to create something different. If I say too much, Mr Kutaragi might get really upset. I think that the PS3 was difficult to work with...but so was the PS2."
On MGS 4 - MPO:
Kojima also says there will be game connectivity between MPO and MGS4.
On Hand to Hand Combat:
Kojima also said that hand-to-hand weapons play a big role in MGS4, but declines to elaborate because "that gives away a little bit of how you complete the game,actually."