The Games of PS3 (Teil 2)

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OnPSX schrieb:
Stein - Schere - Papier + Striptease = PS3 Spiel

Wenn das Mal kein Spielkonzept ist, dass von der High Definition Grafik und Speicherkapazität der Blu-ray Disc profitiert? In All Star Janken Battle - Hardcore Rochambeau tritt der Spieler in einem Stein - Schere - Papier Duell gegen ein hübsches japanisches Mädel an. Gewinnt der Spieler, lässt sein gegenüber nach und nach die Hüllen fallen.

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:lol: Was nen Mist ey
OMG must buy :o :o

Heute werden ja nur die kracher titel angekündigt was?^^
Army Of Two does something new with SixAxis

Finally some new ideas for Sony's tilting controller

The much-talked about tilt-senstive PS3 pad has done little - if not nothing at all - to convince gamers that dropping the rumble feature was the right thing to do. And the current crop of PS3 launch games haven't helped the situation.

So when can we expect developers to actually incorporate SixAxis's functionality into a game where it genuinely adds to the gameplay? Say hello to EA's promising Army Of Two co-op shooter, in development for PS3 and 360.

In the latest issue of US mag PSM, it's revealed that EA Montreal had some tricks up its sleeve that just might work and turn out to be fun. One example comes when a characters uses a mortar. "One character can shoot a probe into the air giving them a bird's eye view of the land," the mag reports. "Using the tilt function, you can aim a reticule of sorts over any target, guiding the mortar's shot to any target."

The second example comes in the form of using the tilt function to steady the zoomed in view with a sniper rifle. Previously games have simulated a shake but now that shake will come from you. Sounds like it could be a bit tricky if you suffer from the old DTs...
Army Of Two does something new with SixAxis

Finally some new ideas for Sony's tilting controller

The much-talked about tilt-senstive PS3 pad has done little - if not nothing at all - to convince gamers that dropping the rumble feature was the right thing to do. And the current crop of PS3 launch games haven't helped the situation.

So when can we expect developers to actually incorporate SixAxis's functionality into a game where it genuinely adds to the gameplay? Say hello to EA's promising Army Of Two co-op shooter, in development for PS3 and 360.

In the latest issue of US mag PSM, it's revealed that EA Montreal had some tricks up its sleeve that just might work and turn out to be fun. One example comes when a characters uses a mortar. "One character can shoot a probe into the air giving them a bird's eye view of the land," the mag reports. "Using the tilt function, you can aim a reticule of sorts over any target, guiding the mortar's shot to any target."

The second example comes in the form of using the tilt function to steady the zoomed in view with a sniper rifle. Previously games have simulated a shake but now that shake will come from you. Sounds like it could be a bit tricky if you suffer from the old DTs...
RWA schrieb:
OnPSX schrieb:
Stein - Schere - Papier + Striptease = PS3 Spiel

Wenn das Mal kein Spielkonzept ist, dass von der High Definition Grafik und Speicherkapazität der Blu-ray Disc profitiert? In All Star Janken Battle - Hardcore Rochambeau tritt der Spieler in einem Stein - Schere - Papier Duell gegen ein hübsches japanisches Mädel an. Gewinnt der Spieler, lässt sein gegenüber nach und nach die Hüllen fallen.

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:lol: Was nen Mist ey

lol,was fürn game :lol:

aber den japanern wirds gefallen ;)
auch hier nochmal :P

Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Double Agent angekündigt

21.12.06 - Ubisoft gibt bekannt, dass Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Double Agent im März 2007 für PS3 weltweit in den Handel kommt.

Ubisoft entwickelt spezielle Elemente für die PS3-Version: Neben Mehrspielerkarten und neuen Skins wird auch der Sixaxis-Controller im Einzel- und Mehrspieler unterstützt werden.

Quelle Gamefront.
ports scheinen wohl weiterhin im trend zu liegen^^

mal schauen,hätte mir vieleicht neue levels für die ps3-version gewünscht,etwas das dass warten rechtfertigen würde,mal schauen ob da noch was kommt :)
Darji schrieb:
auch hier nochmal :P

Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Double Agent angekündigt

21.12.06 - Ubisoft gibt bekannt, dass Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Double Agent im März 2007 für PS3 weltweit in den Handel kommt.

Ubisoft entwickelt spezielle Elemente für die PS3-Version: Neben Mehrspielerkarten und neuen Skins wird auch der Sixaxis-Controller im Einzel- und Mehrspieler unterstützt werden.

Quelle Gamefront.

Hoffe es wird die Xbox Version geportet und nicht die 0815 X360 Version.
Armored Core 4 Eindrücke^^

+Game looks really good. The levels use all sorts of filters like in those early shots to give them a cool artsy look. Some of the effects are great like the heat distortion in the desert. Animation is very good.
+Music is good.
+Game controls very nicely.
+Missions are nice and quick.
+Game is fun when you aren't dying horribly
+Lots of weapons/parts/other items to buy.
+Online is quick and easy to get working. I was in a 4 on 4 game in under 30 secs.
+You can take your 1p mech online
+When you beat certain missions you get "blueprints for cool mechs" but to make them you have to already have the parts or have enough money to make them.

-Difficulty ramps up really fast and gets to the point where each stage is "I'm going to snap my ****ing controller in half".
-Because of this you're forced to keep replaying older levels for money to buy parts.
-You never get parts from beating levels so you have to BUY everything at HIGH prices.
-Parts are really expensive and you don't get much money per mission.
-You can't earn money in online for your 1p game.
-When you die (which happens over and over again) there is no "retry" option. So you have to go back to the mission screen, choose the mission, and load it again just to die 30 secs later after 1 min+ of loading. VERY annoying.
-With so many enemies at once, it's hard to lock onto a single one (aka if it's mission objective or laser that kills you in 1 hit)
-You can't stay locked onto enemies all that well (I hear this is an AC general flaw, not AC4 specific)
-Online is cute, but it's no Chromehounds because all it is, is short 1-5 min burts of action in a small arena. Shoot, dodge, shoot, shoot, game ends. No longterm goals, no interesting playtypes. Maybe it's fun to take your custom mech against a friend or two, but AC4 is a single player game with multiplayer tacked on.
-Did I mention you die A LOT?

Nice game, but as someone who hasn't played AC since AC1 the difficulty level is not-fun difficult by the 3rd chapter. I hear this is possibly because when the game started and you got to pick from ~10 different types of frames I picked the small and mobile one that was well-rounded in stats so my armor sucks. I may need to restart the game with a heavy mech and see if maybe it's not so goddamn annoyingly difficult. I actually wouldn't mind the difficulty since the stages are so short if I could just quickly retry...but I can't and seeing NOW LOADING for a min every 1-2 mins makes you really angry. From what I hear this is basically how AC is, so AC fans should be excited as its AC + high-speed + great graphics. People who never got into AC and it's "you gotta customize like crazy or you'll die!" gameplay, are probably just going to get pissed off. From Software needs to get ACE3 out ASAP on this engine. ACE is the perfect mech game for non-hardcore mech lovers as you don't customize much (just level up existing parts) and you just get lots of money each mission and use them to buy totally unique mechs. Chromehounds is for the slow sim-lovers, AC is for the fast sim-lovers, ACE is for everyone else. Hopefully that's their next mech game for summer/fall 2007.




Bah ich will es haben^^
Darji schrieb:
naj du kannst es dir wie eine art Gundam mit ZOE action vorstellen^^

lol du willst doch nicht etwa ZoE mit Armored Core vergleichen?^^ Die Spielgeschwindigkeit ist viel träger und die Aktionen können net so schön ineinander übergehen....ach des isch halt total andersch!^^ :P
doch Amroed Core 4 ist wesentlich actionlastiger geworden. Zwar noch nciht ganz so wie Zoe aber trotzdem verdammt schnell. Deswegen passt mein Gundam mit Zoe Action ganz gut^^
Darji schrieb:
doch Amroed Core 4 ist wesentlich actionlastiger geworden. Zwar noch nciht ganz so wie Zoe aber trotzdem verdammt schnell. Deswegen passt mein Gundam mit Zoe Action ganz gut^^

Ähm das will ich aber erstmal sehen wie actionlastig das geworden is!^^ Ich will net einfach nur von nem Trailer ausgehen, den kann man auch so zurechtschneiden, dass des voll nach der Mega-Action aussieht, aber sich dann trotzdem so spielt wie die vorherigen Teile!^^ Ich wills selber zoggn. :)
für eindrücke empfehle ich dir diesen Thread hier^^

It plays as well as the trailers. It plays like AC but with ZoE speed and better graphics + 8 player online (which I haven't tried).

Control is very smooth and fast and nice. Nothing like the stiff/slow/horrible Gundam.

I could do a vid this weekend but it would be 480i since that's all I can capture at. Also I don't think I can capture 60fps which the game is sorta (it fluctuates a lot and drops a ton but at least I haven't seen screen tearing yet).

Und ja ich will es auch endlich spielen.....
Nur glaube ich kaum, das sie es lohnt die japanische Version für mich lohnt bei meinen japanissch kenntnissen.....
Geil Geil Geil, das Game wird bestimmt rocken! :happy3:

BTW. Das wird mein erstes Armored Core. :D Aber wegen ZOE 1 und vor allem ZOE 2, bin ich auf den Geschmack gekommen und die Trailer zu AC4 gehen ja auch richtig gut ab!
Darji schrieb:
für eindrücke empfehle ich dir diesen Thread hier^^

It plays as well as the trailers. It plays like AC but with ZoE speed and better graphics + 8 player online (which I haven't tried).

Control is very smooth and fast and nice. Nothing like the stiff/slow/horrible Gundam.

I could do a vid this weekend but it would be 480i since that's all I can capture at. Also I don't think I can capture 60fps which the game is sorta (it fluctuates a lot and drops a ton but at least I haven't seen screen tearing yet).

Und ja ich will es auch endlich spielen.....
Nur glaube ich kaum, das sie es lohnt die japanische Version für mich lohnt bei meinen japanissch kenntnissen.....

Hmmm jetzt hasch mich aber neugierig gemacht.....muss mal des Stück Software im Auge behalten^^ net dass es noch ne echte Konkurrenz zu ZoE wird^^... :P
einschnaehkeee schrieb:
Darji schrieb:
für eindrücke empfehle ich dir diesen Thread hier^^

It plays as well as the trailers. It plays like AC but with ZoE speed and better graphics + 8 player online (which I haven't tried).

Control is very smooth and fast and nice. Nothing like the stiff/slow/horrible Gundam.

I could do a vid this weekend but it would be 480i since that's all I can capture at. Also I don't think I can capture 60fps which the game is sorta (it fluctuates a lot and drops a ton but at least I haven't seen screen tearing yet).

Und ja ich will es auch endlich spielen.....
Nur glaube ich kaum, das sie es lohnt die japanische Version für mich lohnt bei meinen japanissch kenntnissen.....

Hmmm jetzt hasch mich aber neugierig gemacht.....muss mal des Stück Software im Auge behalten^^ net dass es noch ne echte Konkurrenz zu ZoE wird^^... :P
Nur finde ich die Mechs ein wenig zu bunt! Ich hoffe man kann auch da wieder die farbe ändern.
Enemy Territory: Quake Wars coming to next-gen consoles?

New rumours say that the "PC-exclusive" game Enemy Territory: Quake Wars will also be coming to the next-gen consoles, Xbox 360 and Playstation 3. The rumours comes from some North-American retailers, it is said that new information about the development of a console release has been sent to them recently.

True or not, as a Quake lover from the first hour I certainly hope so!
Nicht offen für weitere Antworten.
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