Vita The Games of PS VITA

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Interessant, folgende Personen tauchen in einem Teaser zum japanischen Sony Vita Event im Teaser auf:

Satoshi Sakai (known for the Phantasy Star series)
Katsura Hashino (known for the Persona series)
Toshihiro Kondo, Ken Nakanko (from Falcom)
Takanobu Terada (known for the Super Robot Wars series)

Also werden wir wohl sicher das neue Phantasy Star Victory (?) kommende Woche für die Vita sehen. Das könnte richtig geil werden mit nem Online Mode auf der Vita - hoffentlich versauen sie es optisch nicht. Persona 4 Golden wird wohl auch seinen ersten vernünftigen Trailer spendiert bekommen. Aber ein Pflichtkauf ist es eh.

Hoffe auch auf neues zu Dragon Crown, auch wenn es Multi ist - edle 2D Optik und Online Multi wären perfekt.
Interessant, folgende Personen tauchen in einem Teaser zum japanischen Sony Vita Event im Teaser auf:

Also werden wir wohl sicher das neue Phantasy Star Victory (?) kommende Woche für die Vita sehen. Das könnte richtig geil werden mit nem Online Mode auf der Vita - hoffentlich versauen sie es optisch nicht. Persona 4 Golden wird wohl auch seinen ersten vernünftigen Trailer spendiert bekommen. Aber ein Pflichtkauf ist es eh.

Hoffe auch auf neues zu Dragon Crown, auch wenn es Multi ist - edle 2D Optik und Online Multi wären perfekt.

Online-Multi gibt es, da es auch Cross-Play mit der PS3-Version gibt. :)
ich hoffe ein neues phantasy star kammt dann auch zeitnah zu uns, nachdem infinity und der letzte VC teil es ja nicht geschafft haben...
Hat man eigentlich wieder mal was zu New Little King’s Story gehört, oder der Oddworld Stranger Vita Version?
Rayman Origins ist echt der Hammer! Ich bin jetzt in Welt 4 angekommen und ich kann jetzt schon sagen, dass es das beste 2D Jump n' Run ist, das ich je gespielt habe :aargh:
Ich hoffe die Entwickler machen noch weitere Jump n' Runs :-)
Ich denke ja das ist erstmal der Baustelle Japan gewidmet. Mal schauen ob Sony das was ins Boot holen konnte. Für westen wird die E3 dann wohl bereitstehen.
Dust 514 will be free to play, coming to Vita

PlayStation 3 exclusive EVE Online tie-in shooter DUST 514 will be free to play.

CCP has scrapped plans for a cover charge, although players will still be able to purchase in-game credits via micro-transaction.

“It’s very important as we take steps into this topic to unambiguously state that it is not a pay to win game. There is no micro-transaction that you can do that gives you an unfair advantage over someone who hasn’t paid anything,” executive producer Brandon Laurino told Eurogamer.

“It’s the classic micro-transaction dynamic of, ‘I can pay and get this item,’ or, ‘I can invest my time and get this item.’ But neither of those options will give me an unfair advantage over the other.”

Although players can earn ISK for use in EVE Online, they won’t be able to spend it in DUST 514. DUST 514′s currency, Aurum, must be earned in-game or will be available in packs of $10 to $100.

Players can purchase vanity items, boosters, weapon variants, and respecs among other items; CCP hasn’t detailed them all but has “hundreds and hundreds” planned, and isn’t sure yet how and when they will become available. No maps will released for purchase.

“We are covering literally a universe of planets, so there’s thousands of different maps and they’re all available to everyone who’s playing. There won’t be some section of the universe that’s blocked off. It’s really about what you build on those planets – some of those will be earned, some of those will be paid,” Laurino said.

The publisher also revealed a Vita version of the game is planned, but said it will begin as more of a “companion app” to the PS3 game before evolving with its own gameplay systems.

“At the most basic level, you can do transactions on the market; equip and customise your character, your vehicles; set up strategies with your friends and Corporation members – all of these sort of companion functions on the go,” Laurino explained.

“We’re also exploring all of the super fun exciting stuff – interesting gameplay opportunities and things like that. As we continue to explore what the possibilities are, between Vita and PS3, of which there are many, we’ll keep updating the app with stuff like that over time.”

DUST 514 is expected to launch in northern summer, but while the Vita app is expected this year, CCP hasn’t put a firm date on it.
Planet Sega Phantasy Star für PS Vita?

05.03.12 - Sega könnte vielleicht an einem Phantasy Star-Spiel für PlayStation Vita arbeiten. Das lässt sich aus Kommentaren von Satoshi Sakai ableiten, die er im offiziellen Phantasy Star Blog gemacht hat.

Sakai ist der Director von Phantasy Star Universe (Xbox 360, PS2, PC) und Phantasy Star Portable (PSP). Er schreibt, dass es bald "überraschende Neuigkeiten" bezüglich der Phantasy Star-Serie zu verkünden gibt.

Diesen Kommentar machte Sakai direkt nach Sonys Ankündigung der Web Show "Gametengoku", in der am 09.03.12 neue Vita-Spiele enthüllt werden sollen und in der auch Sakai auftreten wird.

Das deckt sich doch mit dem Gerücht was Sasuke vor kurzen gepostet hat, wird also wohl was dran sein.
Nicht nur MH gab es als "leak"

Online retailer has leaked four massive new titles for PlayStation Vita: Monster Hunter Portable 3, Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Nights, Tales Of Innocence R and Final Fantasy Type-0 HD.

The Monster Hunter Portable 3 page on is still live.

More to follow.

These games may relate to Sony's upcoming PlayStation Vita Game Heaven event on 9th March.

The official blurb for the event reads:" Sony will host a PlayStation Vita web broadcast on Friday, March 9 at 20:00 JST, where it will announce new titles for the handheld. It is titled 'Welcome! PlayStation Vita Game Heaven.'"


Und noch was. Gibt ein paar Vorträge zur Vita auf der GDC:

This week is the Game Developer’s Conference in San Francisco where all the major video game developers gather together and showcase their newest tech, and sometimes unveil some really cool stuff. Can we expect anything from Sony regarding the PlayStation Vita? Well, I’d say so. Here’s the presentations Sony will be handling:

Self-Publishing, PubFund and Getting Your Game on the PlayStation(R) Network

Speaker/s: Ted Regulski (Sony Computer Entertainment America)
Day / Time / Location: Wednesday 11:00-12:00 Room 3005, West Hall, 3rd Fl
Track / Duration / Format / Audience Level: Business and Marketing and Management / 60-Minute / Sponsored / All
GDC Vault Recording: No Vault Recording

As the PlayStation(R) Network (PSN) continues to grow on PlayStation(R) 3 and across PSVITA, Developer Relations representatives from SCEA, SCEE, and SCEI will discuss the process to get a title released on PSN in all regions and answer questions regarding this. SCEA’s PubFund program will also be discussed as another possible way for new teams to make their titles a reality on PS3 and PSVITA. You will also hear from PubFund developers about their experience working with the system and lessons learned after releasing a title.

PlayStation(R) Suite-A New Environment for Open Development

Speaker/s: Chris Norden (Sony Computer Entertainment America)
Day / Time / Location: Wednesday 2:00- 3:00 Room 3005, West Hall, 3rd Fl
Track / Duration / Format / Audience Level: Programming , Business and Marketing and Management / 60-Minute / Sponsored / All
GDC Vault Recording: No Vault Recording

PlayStation(R) Suite is an exciting new initiative intended to deliver the diverse world of PlayStation(R) content to Android(TM) based devices. This is a completely new approach for Sony Computer Entertainment, targeting a much broader range of developers than has ever been possible on previous PlayStation platforms. This presentation aims to provide an overview of the business plan as well as a glimpse into the core technology that developers will be using.

PlayStation(R) Vita, Developing for a New Handheld Console

Speaker/s: David Coombes (Sony Computer Entertainment America)
Day / Time / Location: Thursday 11:30-12:30 Room 2014, West Hall, 2nd Fl
Track / Duration / Format / Audience Level: Programming , Business and Marketing and Management / 60-Minute / Sponsored / All
GDC Vault Recording: No Vault Recording

PlayStation(R) Vita is the new handheld console from the makers of PlayStation(R). In this presentation we discuss the design of the hardware from both performance and design perspectives.We will also feature a section on advanced mobile technologies and a postmortem from a shipping game.

Bringing the Visuals of Gravity Rush to PlayStation Vita

Speaker/s: Yoshiaki Yamaguchi (Sony Computer Entertainment Japan)
Day / Time / Location: Friday 11:30-11:55 Room 132, North Hall
Track / Duration / Format / Audience Level: Visual Arts / 25-Minute / Lecture / All
GDC Vault Recording: Video Recorded

Gravity Rush is an action adventure game developed for PlayStation(R) Vita. The game is an open world game with visuals inspired from Japanese anime and French “bande dessinee. In this session, we will talk about how we formed Gravity Rush’s visuals.

This is just the official Sony presentations. I’m sure thee will be plenty more Vita related goodies on display at GDC.


Bin mal gespannt. Vielleicht sickert etwas im Zuge dieser durch :-)
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