Ich frag einfach mal hier: Ist schon irgendein PS4 Yakuza Spiel für den Westen in Aussicht? Würd als Shenmuefan gerne mal ein Yakuza spielen, habe aber keine PS3. Ich meine diese Ankündigung vor Kurzem bezog sich nur auf eine PS 3 Version (?).
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The latest set of Durarara!! Relay screenshots detail the game’s various systems, including “Relay,” the chapter “Chart,” “AP” and “RP,” and “Relation Events.”
Get the details below.
Relay System
Players can walk the streets of Ikebukuro in a 3D reproduction, gathering information and items while advancing the story. The “Relay System” puts players in the role of a different character for each chapter.
Chapter Chart
Players can see each chapter at a glance via the “Chart.” As you progress through the story, you’re free to go back to previous chapters and pick up any events or items you might have missed.
AP and RP
In the upper left area of the screen, you’ll find your “AP” and “RP” levels. AP is consumed when performing specific actions (for example, talking to Walker Yumasaki or Kyohei Kadota costs one AP). RP, or “Relation Points,” decrease as you deepen your bonds with other characters, unlocking new chapters.
Relation Events
While walking around the map, you can talk to characters standing around the city using your RP to deepen your “Relation.” When this Relation deepens, it is possible to see special conversation events between characters.
Characters from the Anime – An overwhelming number of characters—approximately 40—from the TV anime appear fully-voiced.
The drama CD “Thousands of Visitors” is included with the limited edition. Pre-orders include the “Everybody is Friends” five post card set.
Durarara!! Relay is due out for PS Vita in Japan on January 29.
Von Bandai Namco gibt es heute das Eröffnungsvideo zu Captain Earth: Mind Labyrinth. Die Videospieladaption der Animeserie erscheint in Japan für PlayStation Vita am 26. Februar. Neben einer originalen Geschichte gibt es noch weitere Kapitel zu den Strängen “Midsummer Nights” und “Installation of the Planetary Gear”, die sich mit der Frage: “Was wäre, wenn…” beschäftigen.
Im Verlauf erstellt der Spieler “Mind Cluster”. Entschlüsselte Fragmente einer Erinnerung werden “Mind Pieces” genannt, die später ein solches Cluster komplettieren. Durch diesen Schritt öffnen sich weitere Nebenepisoden der Handlung. Zudem zeigt das Video neue Illustrationen, den Wechsel von Kostümen und die Möglichkeit, verschiedene Enden im Spiel zu erreichen.
NIS America wird "The Arland Atelier Trilogy" für PlayStation 3 am 6. März 2015 in Europa veröffentlichen. Die Trilogie enthält die Japan-Rollenspiele Atelier Rorona: The Alchemist of Arland, Atelier Totori: The Adventurer of Arland und Atelier Meruru: The Apprentice of Arland. Alle drei Titel erhielten in den jeweiligen Tests eine "befriedigende" Wertung.
Die enthaltene Version von Atelier Rorona ist die Original-Variante von der PlayStation 3 (2010) und nicht die überarbeitete PS-Vita-Umsetzung.
Quelle: NIS America, Gematsu
Aksys Games hat ein neues Video zu Under Night In-Birth Exe:Late veröffentlicht. In Nordamerika erscheint das Fighting-Game am 24. Februar für PlayStation 3. Für Europa übernimmt NIS America den Vertrieb. Bei Amazon könnt ihr euch das Spiel bereits vorbestellen.
Die Legenden erzählen von einem dunklen Schatten, der die Seelen der Lebenden verzehrt. Welche Wahrheit steckt hinter dieser Sage? Die 16 Kämpfer, die alle ihren individuellen Kampfstil besitzen, müssen ihre Rolle in dieser geheimnisvollen Welt entdecken. Der Titel bietet verschiedene Modi, sodass Anfänger leicht in die Schlachten finden und Veteranen immer noch eine Herausforderung genießen können.
Publisher Agatsuma Entertainment hat ein weiteres interessantes Detail zu Sayonara Umihara Kawase: Chirari bekannt gegebei. Die PlayStation-Vita-Version des einstigen Nintendo-3DS-Titels wird als Bonus die Vollversion des ersten Spiels für SNES beinhalten!
“Chirari” bringt außerdem die 50 Stages der 3DS-Version mit, bietet aber neue Gegner und eine neue Platzierung der Gegner. Es gibt zudem einige neue Stages, verbesserte Grafik und eine bessere Framerate von 60 Bildern pro Sekunde. Sayonara Umihara Kawase: Chirari erscheint am 23. April 2015 in Japan!
DANKE! Kiera fuer die ganzen News.
Zwar OT, muss aber mal gesagt werden.
Freue mich schon auf Steins Gate.
Ja Yakuza 5 kommt für Ps3, die Ps4 Teile Inshin und Zero sind nicht angekündigt.
New details on Sword Art Online: Lost Song, due out for PlayStation 3 and PS Vita in Japan on March 26, have come out of a Dengeki Online interview with producer Kawai Yasukazu.
Get the summary below.
For Sword Art Online: Hollow Fragment, Bandai Namco listened to user feedback from Sword Art Online: Infinity Moment, which led to at least 100 changes.
Hollow Fragment sold a total of 450,000 units worldwide. In Japan, sales were about 280,000. In Asia, 90,000. And in North America, the game sold about 70,000 units.
While Aquria handled Sword Art Online: Infinity Moment and Hollow Fragment, Artdink is developing Lost Song. Artdink was decided as developer around the time production of the second season of the anime was decided.
Yasukazu once said that a Sword Art Online: Hollow Fragment sequel would be made if it sold 200,000 copies. Lost Song is not a sequel, but something completely new.
There was only one thing left unresolved in Sword Art Online: Hollow Fragment, and that was the “Save Strea Story.” Strea and ALfheim Online are bound to one another, and even if players would be happy to see her go, she can’t just up and disappear from the game. Lost Song will look into these points more closely and Yasuzaku hopes that players will ultimately be able to come around to her.
Bandai Namco is planning to release updates to Lost Song, just as they did with Hollow Fragment, post-release. The content and timing is not clear, but it will incorporate user feedback. There will also be downloadable content, such as new missions, but it will all be free.
Yasukazu wants to continue doing Sword Art Online stuff as much as possible, both apps and consumer games alike. He jokingly adds that he’d like to make a virtual reality MMO himself, and that it would be nice if Bandai Namco could come together to advance virtual reality in its own way.
Thanks, Games Talk.
New details on Sword Art Online: Lost Song, due out for PlayStation 3 and PS Vita in Japan on March 26, have come out of a Dengeki Online interview with producer Kawai Yasukazu.
Get the summary below.
For Sword Art Online: Hollow Fragment, Bandai Namco listened to user feedback from Sword Art Online: Infinity Moment, which led to at least 100 changes.
Hollow Fragment sold a total of 450,000 units worldwide. In Japan, sales were about 280,000. In Asia, 90,000. And in North America, the game sold about 70,000 units.
While Aquria handled Sword Art Online: Infinity Moment and Hollow Fragment, Artdink is developing Lost Song. Artdink was decided as developer around the time production of the second season of the anime was decided.
Yasukazu once said that a Sword Art Online: Hollow Fragment sequel would be made if it sold 200,000 copies. Lost Song is not a sequel, but something completely new.
There was only one thing left unresolved in Sword Art Online: Hollow Fragment, and that was the “Save Strea Story.” Strea and ALfheim Online are bound to one another, and even if players would be happy to see her go, she can’t just up and disappear from the game. Lost Song will look into these points more closely and Yasuzaku hopes that players will ultimately be able to come around to her.
Bandai Namco is planning to release updates to Lost Song, just as they did with Hollow Fragment, post-release. The content and timing is not clear, but it will incorporate user feedback. There will also be downloadable content, such as new missions, but it will all be free.
Yasukazu wants to continue doing Sword Art Online stuff as much as possible, both apps and consumer games alike. He jokingly adds that he’d like to make a virtual reality MMO himself, and that it would be nice if Bandai Namco could come together to advance virtual reality in its own way.
Thanks, Games Talk.
Oh wie cool! Ich bin ein Fan von dem Anime, kommt das Ps3 Spiel auch hierher weiß das jemand?
Bandai Namco and Shade have released the teaser trailer for its newly announced PS Vita game Cross Ange: Rondo of Angels and Dragons tr.
Due out for PS Vita this spring in Japan, the action shooting game will feature visual novel-like “Drama Parts,” Para-mail “Customization Parts,” and action-based “Battle Parts.”
Watch the video below. Visit the game’s teaser website here.
Neues Syphon Filter: Sony-Designer wünscht sich Reboot und neue Geschichte
15.01.15 - Jeff Ross, damaliger Lead Designer von Syphon Filter 3 (PS) bei Sony Bend, hat sich gegenüber ThePixelEmpire zu einem möglichen neuen Syphon Filter geäußert.
"Wenn ich als Spiele-Entwickler spreche, dann gibt's von mir ein großes 'Kein Kommentar' dazu, was oder was nicht mit Syphon Filter passiert", sagt Ross.
"Aber wenn ich als Fan der Serie spreche, dann denke ich, dass schon eine Menge Geschichten im Syphon Filter Universum erzählt wurden. Und ein neues Spiel müsste auf die ein oder andere Art erfrischend sein, z.B. eine neue Handlung oder eine erweiterte Spielmechanik besitzen oder vielleicht auch ein Reboot sein."
Sony hat bislang kein neues Syphon Filter angekündigt.